JONATHAN "HIV" DAVIS (Vocals | Bagpipes | Drums)
- Shure Mics
- Red colored, and named HIV
- Black colored, and named HIV
REGINALD "FIELDY" ARVIZU (Bass | Vocals) Biography
- Ibanez Soundgear SR1305 5-string ( Natural finish, Lollapaloza '97 bass )
- Ibanez Soundgear SR1305 5-string ( Maroon(?), w/ sand paper scratches on it )
- Ibanez Soundgear 505's ( Black w/ face scratched out & Natural )
- Ibanez ATK305 ( Amber/ash body ) Amps
- Hughes & Kettner BC 410's
- 2 Mesa/Boogie M-2000 heads ( no mids, and a heavily tweaked 18-band EQ )
- Hughes and Kettner 2x15 cabinet ( on tour )
- Mesa/Boogie 4x10 cabinet FX's
- Sans Amp Pedal
- EQ Boost Pedal ( ? )
DAVID SILVERIA (Drums) Biography
- 15" 2002 Rude Hi-Hat
- 18" 2002 Rude Crash/Ride ( 2 )
- 18" 2002 Rude China
- 10" 2002 Rude Splash
- 22" 2002 Rude Power Ride
- 14" 2002 Rude Sound edge Hi-Hat
- 20" 2002 Rude Ride/Crash
- 13" Sound Formula Mega cup chime Drums
- Pearl ( ? ) -- metallic green finish
- TAMA Starclassic ( green finish ) Set - Up
- Single 20" bass drum ( double bass pedal )
- 2 tom-toms
- 2 floor toms
- 3 1/2" piccolo snare
- Gibralter rack system
- DW pedals and hardware
- Roland Midi Module TR808
- Polekat ( ? ) drum trigger set
JAMES "MUNKY" SHAFFER (Guitar) Biography
- White 7-string Ibanez Universe UV7PW ( all duct taped up, VERY damaged! now w/green humbucker in the bridge, and black pickguard )
- Black Universe UV7
- Black Universe UV7BK ( all black, 1997 model, his current guitar used on the Lollapalooza '97 tour )
- Black Saber S5407 ( used in the "Blind" video -- he's using it on their current tour, because he has no UV's left )
- '56 Fender Telecaster ( for recording "KORN" )
- Black Universe PRE-97 UV7BK ( green pickups )
- Black Universe UV7BK ( w/white pickguard, Munky
switched the pickguards with this guitar with his white UV7PW )
- ( Old ) Fender Stratocaster (for recording the sitar part of "Adidas" )
- Old Silvertone guitar ( the one with the amp built right into the guitar case, they put the mic right up against the guitar -- used on "Blind" intro part ) Amps
- Marshall JCM 900 ( in the studio )
- Vintage ( 1964 ) 4x12 Marshall Cabs ( 100w )
- Gibson Amp ( for "Adidas" )
- Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifiers ( on tour and in the studio -- on tour, one is set clean, and one is set for distortion; he uses a channel switcher ) FXs
- ( Vintage ) Leslie Cabinet ( "Lies", "Kill You", "Shoots and Ladders" )
- Sears Silvertone ( "Blind" )
- Electro-Harmonix Small Stone Phaser ( "Blind" )
- Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress ( flange -- "No Place to Hide" )
- Mu-tron Bi phaser
- Ibanez Bi-Chorus ( "Good God" )
- Dunlop Uni-Vibe ( "Swallow" )
- Dunlop Crybaby wah pedal ( "Blind" )
- A Big Muff pedal ( modified by Richard Kaplan -- "Blind", "Shoots and Ladders" )
- Roland Jet Phaser
- ProCo Ratt Distortion
- Memphis Envelope Follower ( small blue box pedal, end of "Kill You", and "Kunt" verse part)
BRIAN "HEAD" WELCH (Guitar | Vocals) Biography
- Black RG 7-string ( I have a feeling this is Ibanez's work, they probably asked him to switch to help promote it; Head's Lollapalooza '97 guitar )
- White 7-string Ibanez Universe UV7PW
- Gibson Les Paul ( for recording "Korn" )
- Custom Natural Ibanez 7-string Universe ( Has only 1 pickup slot, a bridge humbucker, used mostly on the '96 Peachy tour, no TONE knob, just 1 VOLUME control knob, no 5-way selector switch ) Amps
- Marshall JCM 900 ( in the studio )
- Hughes & Kettner Tri-Amp head GC 412 ( on tour )
- Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifier Heads ( 150w )
- Vintage 4x12 Marshall Cabs ( 100w ) FXs
- Ibanez Tube Screamer ( vintage )
- Big Muff distortion pedals ( "Blind", "Shoots and Ladders" )
- Electro-Harmonix Uni-Fuzz
- Mu-Tron Bi phaser ( "Porno Creep" )
- Chorus pedal
- ProCo Ratt Distortion
- Boss Super Phaser
- DOD Metal Distortion
- Boss Stereo Chorus