Hilarious Stuff to do while Camping and Shopping at Walmart
Stuff to do while Camping
- When its night time and everyone is asleep, run through every camp site screaming to the top of your lungs.
- If someone is using a water pump, say-
- If you know how to play bagpipes, go out to the central part of the camping ground at 5:50 a.m. and play them annoyingly loud.
- Walk up to a stranger's open flame and put it out. Explain to the camper that the environment might have been in danger.
- Find a camper who is taking a large dog (st. bernard, husky, etc.) on a walk and throw a stuffed animal into the forest next to it. See what happens.
- Find a family sitting over their personal fire. Without asking, sit in front of it and start roasting a marshmallow.
- Find a hot girl and ask her if she'll help you chop wood in a bikini.
- Tell a camping ranger that there is a wildfire deep into the forest next to him. If he jumps out of his cart to go check it out, take it and drive away.
- Have a paintball gun fight inside someone's camping lot while the camper(s) is/are in it.
- Walk up to a family eating dinner with plastic forks. Pick on up and say-
- Walk around telling random campers that murders were committed in the woods next to their camping lots.
- Run through the woods screaming- "Gopher! GOPHER! A gopher is after me!"
- Ask the camp rangers if Jason Vorheez walks the campground.
- Ash a camp ranger if there have been any sightings of Smokey the bear.
- If a family has prepared dinner and left for atleast 10 minutes before eating, run onto their campsite and throw all of their food into the forest. Then, throw the dishes/containers onto the ground and put mud all over them to make it look like a bear had eaten their food. Run away immediately.
- Throw bags of oregano seasoning and small meat seasoning injectors into someone's fire pit and call the camp ranger over to check it out.
- At night time, sneak under someone's trailer and paint your hand black and green. When one of the campers steps up to get into the trailer, grab their leg and run away.
- When a camper is away from his camp site, put a few peices of dog poop under the ashes of the fire pit and rin away. When the camper starts his fire, he'll be in for a smelly surprise!
- Before choping wood, put some strawberry pancake syrup and a fake arm onto the log you are chopping. After a few chops, tuck your arm inside your sleeve and scream in false pain. When someone comes and sees the fake arm and the syrup (which will look like blood), they will be disgusted and most likely run away.
- Cover someone's campsite with fake body parts and strawberry syrup while the camper(s) is/are gone.
- Run through camp sites while singing the spongebob squarepants theme outloud.
- Tell random campers that you cannot control your violence level while holding an axe.
- Sing out loud, " I wear my sunglasses at night" while riding your bike around the campgrounds.
Stuff to do while at Walmart
- Ask an employee how much it would cost to replace one of their windows if you were to break it.
- Make a trail of Mountain Dew leading to the bathroom.
- Walk through the store with a pair of women's panties on your head.
- Get a candy bar, find an employee, and begin to eat it in front of him/her.
- Talk to anyone close to an employee about how much you hate Walmart.
- Put a bra on over your shirt and ask someone if it suits you.
- Open a can of refried beans and dump in onto the floor. Then, as someone passes, crouch over it.
- Walk out of the store with an empty bag.
- Put M&Ms on layaway and pay off the fee a penny at a time.
- Turn the stereos to an acid metal rock station and turn their volumes up to full blast.
- Buy a ring and tell people that you are the lord of the ring.
- Put on sunglasses and repeatedly run into stuff. If an employee questions this behavior, claim that you are blind and cannot see where you are going.
- Ask an employee at the check out booth if you can use the ntercom. If he/she says yes, scream to the top of your lungs into it. Run away afterward.
- Use action figures to set up a war between the X-men and G.I. Joes in a toy isle.
- Hide in a clothing rack. If someone walks by, say "pick me!".
- Go to the middle of thestore and scream, "Is anyone by the name of Andy here?". If someone named Andy actually shows up, tell him how much you hate Walmart out loud. .
- Dart around the store while humming the Mission: Impossible theme.
- While handling guns, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressant pills are in a sad tone.
- Use various makeup items to doodle all over everything.
- Run through the store wearing a robe and a long stick and say you are Gandalf.
- Do the Chicken Dance while singing the Chicken Dance song in the middle of the store.
- Pretend to steal a plastic bag.
- Open bags of cat litter and dump them in large piles in every isle.
- In an official tone, say "I think we have a case 3 in the auto section" and see what the employee does.