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The Fat-Boys

If your fat and you know it,
clap your hands...
If your fat and you know it,
clap your hands...
If your fat and you know it,
and your body surely shows it,
if your fat and you know it, clap your hands.

Click on their names for picture, profile & contact info...

Fatboy 6:Harry - FB-06 you say? True, he may be the fatboy who has transformed the most, but the older of the "hut twins", Jabba was a pig. Was the brunt of one of the strangest fat insults -- "fat-free-fat pig". You can't make this stuff up. Unconfirmed, maybe the one called fatboy the most.

Date of Birth: January 31, 1978
Location: Middle Village, NY

Fatboy 7:Danny, Jr. - PIZZA THE HUT!!! He may have the same name as his father, FM-02, but FB-07 is a little fatter - oh who am I kidding, he's not a little anything. The fatboy who's got a stomach shaped like a donkey, may be eating his deli out of business. Can throw down more hot dogs than ANYBODY! Good enough for #7.

Date of Birth: January 16th, 1979
Location: Seaford, NY

Fatboy 8:Jonathan - Getting fatter by the month has hurdled this pig past Big Joe Brown. "Jonathan - look at how fat you got" - his grandmother, after seeing him for the first time in 6 months. "Jonny B-Cups" is the youngest son of the FAT MASTER - 01, but is rapidly inflating his way up the ranks.

Date of Birth: August 30, 1982
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Fatboy 9:Joe - He's a big fella. He's a biiiiiig fella. He has spawned 3 children who fall into the minor league fat-rankings. But more importantly, he can deal with FG-08. That's good enough for a nine spot in the ranks.

Date of Birth: January 29th, 1977
Location: Milford, Me

Fatboy 10:Rick - A New York Rican, though Puerto Rican at heart, his weight has fluctuated. he's been up there, and down. And he has recently rounded out. Good for him. Hey...he finds Debbie attractive....has also fathered 2 minor league fatboys.

Date of Birth: April 18, 1968
Location: Ridge, NY

Fatboy 11:Stan - Not so much a fatboy as much as he is a fathead. Approaching his 1 year wedding anniversary with fatgirl Dyan will hold him in the top 11. When he's not "working", he spends his time perfecting Lord of the Rings phrases and having his fat heart broken by the loser New York Mets.

Date of Birth: April ?, 1977
Location: Ridgewood, NY

Fatboy 12:Michael- Super Cow Lipper Fish - so dubbed for his fat cow lips. What he lacks in looks (as portrayed in his photo) he may make up in smarts; though common sense is lost in it all. The only spawn of FM-01 to graduate college, doesn't spare him from being part of this stupid family.

Date of Birth: July 13, 1980
Location: Glendale, NY

Fatboy 13:Ricky - - He's number 13....that's all you need to know!!!

Date of Birth: October 27, 1994
Location: Ridge, NY

Fatboy 14:T.J. - Yeah that's right! He's on the list, big whoop wanna fight about it? The God-son of the FM-01, he's still a spawn of FG-03. Fat or not, that will put you on the list.

Date of Birth: January 9th 1973
Location: Milford,ME

Fatboy 15:Ray, Jr.- Keeping a supermarket fully stocked must not be an easy job for this fatboy. the first born son of FB-04 and FG-02, this poor Dallas Cowboys(sorry to hear that)fan was doomed from the start.

Date of Birth: November 10, 1973
Location: Neptune, NJ
Contact info: If you have his email addy please forward it to Cynthia to add to the site.

Fatboy 16:P.J.- Clothing retail, huh? This family could sure use a connection at the Big & Tall Warehouse. When his mother fell in the pool, getting the camera before fishing her out helped him land this spot.

Date of Birth: August ?,1977
Location: New York, NY
Contact info:?????

Fatboy 17:Bruce - The few, the proud, the fat. Like his #14 ranked brother, he was pulled out of FG-03. Bravely fighting for our fat hides won't spare him from a rank. Number 15 for you fatboy.

Date of Birth: May 5th 1979
Location: Milford,ME

Fatboy 18:Brian - CHEEEEEKS!! Another non-fatboy fatboy reserving our right to eat, he wasn't always the "spectacular military specimen" he is now. Like his chunks father, some nasty odors can escape from his posterior. Gross.

Date of Birth: September 24th, 1981
Location: ?, SC
Contact info:???

Fatboy 19:Chris - Christofaaaa!!!! Though he maybe a pathetic Red Sox fan (I don't care who's in first, they still suck, suck, suck!!!), he's still part of the fat clan. And yet another fit human being sucked onto the list by Fatty Patty. Sorry buddy, LET'S GO YANKEES!!!!

Date of Birth: April 24th 1981
Location: Bradley, ME

Fatboy 20:Matthew- Catalogs huh? Could you put together a chocolate catalog? Mmmmmm....chcolate. Chocolate. Chocolate chip cookies, chocolate covered cherries, chocolate Easter bunnies, chocolate covered pretzels, pure fudge. Ohhh goodnes. white cocolate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate pudding, chocolate cake, chocolate cream pie --- hey snap out of it fat people. Anyway welcome to the Fat Clan Matty.

Date of Birth: August 26,1981
Location: Neptune, NJ
Contact info:?????

Fatboy 21:William - Sorry Billy Boy. Fall in line. A little word of advice though. Stick with the sax. If you develop the habit the rest of this super sized family has, we'll have to move you up in the ranks. Those are the breaks buddy boy. No one in the blood line is spared.

Date of Birth: July 21, 1988
Location: Shark River, NJ
Contact info: ????

On to the:
The Fat Masters
The Fatgirls
The Minor League Fatboys & girls



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