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The Fat-Girls

"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." --Mark Twain

Click on their names for picture, profile & contact info...

Profiles, photos & other info for the fat girls -the better -more beautiful half (especially FG-13) of the clan -

Fatgirl 7:Debbie - What can you say about Grimace? Hmmm...Oh I know. She's a fat pig. She used to be quite an athlete, if you can believe it. But then she started eating and apparently just hasn't stopped. The graduate of Hamburger University, now eats a Wendy's. Excuse me.....manages a Wendy's. Many a bed frame as well as lawn chairs(click) have met their untimely demise thanks to this fatgirl. Unconfirmed, she may have eaten a few small children. Get in her belly!!!

Date of Birth: November 21st, 1974
Location: Ridge, NY
Contact aim: BrooklynH2

Fatgirl 8:Jenny-Tae Kwon Do? Are you kidding me? This pig used to practice Tae Kwon Do? It's true. Back when Jennifah could fit in the cah she used to be able to smack her fatboy brothers around. According to her she still can, and no Jenny, I said smack around, not snack around. It's gotta take a lot of woman to satisfy a guy like Joe Brown. That will plop you in this spot.

Date of Birth: August 23rd 1977
Location: Milford, ME

Fatgirl 9:Dyan - "If I were invisible...." Don't worry Mayor McCheese, Clay Aiken couldn't miss your fat butt. Let's run the week to week snacking trend that ballooned this pig to a Thanksgiving Day parade float. Oreos, Hershey kisses, Hershey bars, rocky road ice cream, cookie dough, crunch bars, (ice cream and chocolate bars). Sensing a trend? Welcome to the biiiiig leagues, Mayor.

Date of Birth: September 9th, 1976
Location: Ridgewood, NY

Fatgirl 10: Terry - As far back as I can remember, Ms. Sadler worked at Cracker Barrel. A foreshadowing thought. Being the first born of the FG-02, she hasn't stood much of a chance against a ranking here. A Jimmy Buffet fanatic, I'm sure "Cheeseburger In Paradise" speaks volumes. On behalf of the fatgirls...WELCOME.

Date of Birth: December 4th, 1969
Location: Keyport, NJ

Fatgirl 11:Jessica - Good thing this fat family has a nurse in town. Too bad she's not a dietician. With a little fatty on the way, this big ox is about to get bigger. Which is why we'll go easy on you for now. Good luck fat girl.

Date of Birth: April 24th, 1980
Location: Seaford, NY
Contact info:???

Fatgirl 12:Cynthia - What to say about the skinniest fatgirl? Plenty. When this blonde bimbo isn't pregnant, she's busy feeding the FB-08. You may not see this self proclaimed princess eat often, but drop a steak in front of her, and she'll tear through that faster then a fly on poop. Mothering two junior fatboys solidifies her spot as a fatgirl.

Date of Birth: March 31, 1978
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Contact or XxxXrougueXxxX (for aim)

Fatgirl 13:Jane - She'll go down in fat clan history as the one who finally convinced Jabba to settle down. I just hope this fatgirl by marriage knows what she's in for being a part of this family!

Date of Birth:
Contact info:

Fatgirl 14:Kate - profile & photo coming very soon.

Date of Birth: October 12, 1981
Location: Bradley, ME
Contact info:

Fatgirl 15:Melissa - Not much of a fat girl, this super lean fat free lady danced her way into the arms of fat free fatclan member P.J.

Date of Birth: February 10th, 1978
Location: New York, NY
Contact info:

Fatgirl 15:Jackie - profile & photo coming soon.

Date of Birth:
Location: Manhasset, NY
Contact info:

On to the:
The Minor League Fatboys & girls
The Fat Masters
The Fatboys



layout by xxrouguexx



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