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Some Fat Humor

You know you need to do something about your weight when you board an airplane and the flight attendant designates your pot belly as carry-on luggage. I knew I had a problem when I started having to wear control-top turtlenecks.

You know it's time to skip a round when you're holding your bowling ball, and you look down and you can't see it!

If God had wanted us to run, instead of a belly button, He'd have given us a fast-forward button.

I'm not fat. It's just that my body naturally retains chimichangas.

I have no idea how much I weigh because I can't weigh naked. Without my glasses I can't see the scale.

I'm already two years ahead on my daily fat allowance. I'm looking for skinny people to see if I can borrow theirs.

Peter Griffin isn't a member of the fat clan, but perhaps he should be. Check this out...

Your So Fat that...

  • youre so fat, they had to invent double doors!!
  • youre so fat, everytime you get up, so does the ricter scale!!
  • youre so fat, when you walk into a restaurant, they call 911!!
  • your mom so fat that when she stood on the scale, the doctor said heyy that's my phone number!
  • your moma so fat shes both sides of the family!
  • your moma so fat that when she broke her leg gravey pored out
  • yo momma is so fat that when she steps on the scale the scales says one at a time please



    layout by xxrouguexx



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