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The Minor-League Fatboys & girls

Into to the page of the adorable little minor league fat clan members will be added soon....

Click on their names for picture, profile & contact info...

Fatboy 22:Joshua - Me am Joshua...You fatboy! We've officially hit the minor leagues. The curliest fatboy is the baby spawn of FB-10 and FG-07. He's got a fattening future ahead.

Date of Birth: November 23, 2000
Location: Ridge, NY

Fatboy 23:Michael- At such a young age he's quite an athletic fatboy. Hopefully girth of mom and dad won't sway his path to a starting spot on the NEW YORK YANKEES!!!

Date of Birth: April 26th, 2002
Location: Milford, ME

Fatboy 24:Adam- Boy he's got a big head. He's a big fan of the mac and cheese, just like his daddy. Oh yeah, he's on the right path.

Date of Birth: February 6, 2003
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Fatboy 25:Nicholas - The baby fatling of the clan, this carrot-topped cutie will round out the fatboys at number 21.

Date of Birth: May 6, 2005
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Fatgirl 16:Alexis - This future superstar has managed to stay quite thin. With spending as much time as she has with her grazing grandma I don't know how. The daughter of one of our fat free freedom fighting fat boys lands her on our list.

Date of Birth: March 26th 1999
Location: Milford, ME
Fatgirl 17:Camryn - The first born fatgirl of Jen & Joe Cow-n, uh I mean Brown, is another little cutie who is guilty by association. Unfortunately for her though, mom & dad are anything but fat free. Just try to hang out with you're cousin as much as possible.

Date of Birth: November 6th 2000
Location: Milford, ME
Fatgirl 18:Lauryn - See "Camryn Brown", just think smaller.

Date of Birth: June 2, 2004
Location: Milford, ME

Fatgirl 19:Morgan - profile & coming soon .

Date of Birth: March 19, 2006
Location: Seaford, NY

Fatgirl 20:Kaitlyn - profile coming soon .

Date of Birth: June 14,2006
Location: Milford, ME

Fatgirl 19:Kristyn - profile coming soon .

Date of Birth: June 14,2006
Location: Milford, ME

Fatgirl 20:Sarah - This seemingly shy little princess sure is pretty but you can bet she can give even the biggest of the fatboys a run for their money....err food. At barely 3 years old she was already capable of downing 2 large bowls of mac n cheese and more then 2 hot dogs in 1 sitting.

Date of Birth: October 16, 2007
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Fatgirl 19:Maya - profile coming soon .

Date of Birth: April 6th, 2008
Location: Bradley, ME

Fatboy 26:Cooper - This youngest of the Brown clan, this cutie already has the edge on his cousin Calvin, born just an hour and a half earlier.

Date of Birth: September 25th,2009
Location: Milford, ME

Fatboy 27:Calvin - profile & photo coming soon .

Date of Birth: September 25,2009
Location: Bradley, ME

Fatgirl 20:Sophie - rated one of the cutest among the fatclan members, this little angel has a long line of fatties to live up to.

Date of Birth: January 20, 2010
Location: Middle Village, NY

Fatboy #:Xavier - profile coming soon .

Date of Birth: February , 2010
Location: Middle Village, NY

On to the:
The Fat Masters
The Fatboys
The Fatgirls



layout by xxrouguexx



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