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- The Fat -

[ + ] The Fat Clan Home
[ + ] The Fat Blog
[ + ] Fat Family Photos
[ + ] Fat Family Photos Page 2
[ + ] Fat Guy Shirts
[ + ] Fat People Games
[ + ] Fat Humor
[ + ] Fatclan Family Films
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Getting Harassed because your FAT?
File charges for Fatism....
  • Fatism: Prejudice against overweight persons. Also weightism. Very common in Europe, less so in America where most of the population is out of shape.(Fatism permeates the fasion industry.)


    The Fat Games
    Because fat people don't like to move around a whole lot, we've made playing games alittle easier for those of you porkers out there - with some appetizing games that you can remain seated on your big ole fat behind to enjoy.

    The Chickenery

    Add this game to your website, click here.

    Fowl Words

    Add this game to your website, click here.

    Spank The Frank

    Add this game to your website, click here.
    This game requires the Macromedia Shockwave Player.
    If nothing appears please install the player.


    Like this game? Download the full version.
    PC Version | Mac Version


    Free Counter


    layout by xxrouguexx



    - Fatty Favorites -
    - Links -

    [ + ] McDonalds
    [ + ] Burger King
    [ + ] Wendy's
    [ + ] White Castle
    [ + ] Dunkin Donuts



    - Misc. Fat Links -
    - Links -

    [ + ] The 900 Club
    [ + ] Fat Chicks in a Party Hat
    [ + ] National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
    [ + ] Fat?So?



    Want to know what the true meaning of fatman is?
    According to Urban Dictionary:
  • *The codename for the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. *The man of a character in MGS2; he's basically a fat-ass albino in a thick, highly-advanced EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) BDU (Battle Dress Uniform), and is armed with an infinite quantity of C4's and a Glock 18. He looks and sounds like he could be a mafioso criminal or something......given his weight, he'd be more like a crimelord.