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Fat Clan Family Photos

Click on the pics to see the photos full size....if you have any relation to the Fat Clan aka the Joscher Family in any way and would like to have your photos displayed here, please email them to

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Fb-25 and 26 on Halloween 2005

The pumpkin Fb-08 so proudly
carved Oct 2005

from left to right FB's 23, 25 & 13 @
a pumpkin farm in Long Island;
Oct. 2005

Can you locate FB-25 among
these Fat Elders?(Oct 2005)

FB-13 proudly displaying
2 big ones, Oct 2005

From left to right a friend hugging
FB-24, FG-14, FG-13, FG-15

FG-13 and FG-15 @ a pumpkin farm

FM-05 and FG-03 looking
their finest!

FB-24 on Halloween 2005

FB-14 is that a Halloween costume,
or is that what you really look like
in the early morning?

Isn't FG-15 a little cutie?

One of our many fat family affiliates
on our 2005 Camping Trip

FB-23 and a Fat Clan junior affiliate,
Christian playing with one of
FG-09's bridal shower gifts.

The Fatmaster Himself

FG-04, FB-25 & FG-09

FB-08 and FB-07 singing
the family song - Cheeseburger
In Paradise


Oh dear god, help the woman
who falls in love with this!

FG-02, FB-22 & FM-04

Ummmm yea....

Grimace...thats all you need to know

FB-17, FG-13 & FB-19

EEEK! FM-02 & FG-05 - Looks like
they had a very ummm edable

FB-26 - one of the cutest
of the fat juniors(ok so their
all absolutely adorable)

Got Fat?

hmmm what can I say about this?

Our darling Peeping Tom....wonder who he's going to peep on this year?

Wonder why he's the Fatmaster? Just look, he always seems to be in the center of all the food!

Our proud supplier of all Wendy's greatness.

Who's beating up on who here?

Could it be? FB-11 working?

Look like FB-12, FB-08, and FG-12 are having TONS of fun!

Isn't FB-23 a little cutie?

Did someone say White Castles?

FM-01 waited so long for food (a whole 2 minutes) that he just passed out from starvation.

We Are The Champions......of lard.

FM-02 finally found a place he could safely hide his food from FM-01

The Fatmaster surrounded - surprisingly enough by both food and other fatclan members.

FG-07 has the perfect pillows for when the fat juniors get sleepy.

On To Page 2 of Photos



layout by xxrouguexx



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