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Fat Clan Family Photos Page 2

Click on the thumbnails to see the photos full size....if you have any relation to the Fat Clan aka the Joscher Family in any way and would like to have your photos displayed here, please email them to

Jonathan during high school w/a friend

Two very happy little brothers - Adam & Nicholas

Morgan - looking as adorable as can be in this pic

Another absolutely adorbable picture of Morgan

A fat family day in the pool @ FM-01's house

Morgan's Christening Party

Another from Morgan's Christening - pictured is Mike, Grandma, Jonathan, Brian & Alison

Oh God, I'm in a bikini in this one! Also pictured is Mike, Brian, Alison (holding Morgan), Betty(holding Nicholas), and a tiny part of Jonathan

Pictured: Joe, Vicky, baby Ava, David & Ronny

Barbara, Me(Cynthia), Nicholas, and Adam

Ann, Rene, and Aunt Pam

A Fat Clan Day At The Bronx Zoo - pictured - top row: Me, Jonathan, Betty, Harold(FM-01), Dyan holding Adam, Stan & Debbie. Bottom row: Nicholas, Joshua, Harry(FB-06), A Gorilla, a Koala & Ricky.

Stan and Adam at the bottom of the slide in the children's area of the BZ

If you look really closely you can see Ricky & Joshua

Debbie holding Nicholas, and Joshua

Nicholas trying to escape the Zoo

Yes, Jonathan is going to murder me for posting this one!

Joshua in the turtle's shell

Adam climbed atop the Turtle Shell

Adam happily feeding a llama

The annual camping trip - 2006 @ Pawtuckaway State Park in NH

Uncle Danny's Surprise 50th birthday party....I'd say he had fun wouldn't you?

As you can see, we always have loads of fun on these camping trips.

A picture of the Marsh on the camp grounds

The party site was Aunt Patty & Uncle Mike's campsite.

During the trip we all visited Hampton Beach, NH one night for a fire works show - this is a picture of the moon that night.

Picture of Ricky in the tube on the lake

Rich's boat

Of course we can't have a party w/out someone getting covered in cake(well alot of someones)

Aunt Patty Walking with Lauryn

On To Page 4 of Photos



layout by xxrouguexx



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