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I would like to say THANK YOU to the following
people or groups that have had a hand
in teaching me about PSP or Pixel Painting:

    ~Angelblues~   ~Stylin' Siggies~    ~DesignFX~
~The Hunny Pot~    ~Corey's Cabin~     ~Pixelee's~
~cpb31MemberPictures~      ~IOTS~

I am a Proud Member of the following
Pixel groups & sites:


This is not Linkware.
Background, Background Code, Word Usage & Images and have been exclusively designed by
 ~¤Ðãwn'§ Ðêlightful Ðêsign§¤~
Please do not remove any images or content without proper permission.

© 2006 ~¤Ðãwn'§ Ðêlightful Ðêsign§¤~