2005 Spooky Halloween |
I don’t have pix of the POSTERS I put up on light poles and sign posts
all around the nearby Elementary School, AND at the ends of streets in the area.
But … Who really cares?! LOL
They’re just POSTERS advertising the GIG.
HUZZAH!!! I did take new pix o’ the
TREE SIGNS, the YARD SIGN, and the
that the Kidz have to “DARE” to get their TREATS
at “The Spooky Halloween Trick-or-Treat Porch” each year!
AND! Unless the GAUNTLET construction dramatically changes in future years,
I WON’T have to take or post pix of it EVER again!
CLICK HERE to see THOSE PIX from 2005!
Hey! They’re actually kinda FUN!
The pix sort of take you THROUGH the GAUNTLET,
and I provide an explanation of each pic
describing WHAT HAPPENS when the Kidz reach the DOOR!
This year there was a PARTY going on even while the Spooky Porch was OPEN!
(6 pm to 9 pm) Folkz had to party by candlelight … and keep the noise level down.
But, that didn’t seem to interfere with their FUN!
And, whomever was partying on the PORCH got to run the
FOG MACHINE for the KIDZ as they dared the Spooky Porch Gauntlet.
Since I was working the Spooky Porch, I don’t have pix o’ the party twixt 6 & 9.
But, CLICK HERE to see PEOPLE PIX from the 2005 Party AFTER 9pm!
I spent a TON o’ TYME searching, purchasing, downloading, and making
brand NEW Halloween Music CDs this year!
If you want a copy o’ the FIVE CDs that were playing via “Full Random” mode
on my porch speakers, let me know! I’ll copy and send them to ye!