Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all of it's characters are property of the brilliant Takahashi-sama and I claim no ownership of them. Only the story belongs to me.
Pairings: Inuyasha/OC, Sango/Miroku, Sesshoumaru/Kagome.
Follows: The Anime and movies.
"spoken" 'thought'
Special thanks to my betas PockyThief , TheMikoShivae and Kiyota .
Chapter 8: What they must be thinking...
As I climbed into the God Tree and settled myself on one of the higher branches, already, I could hear my thoughts turning toward tomorrow. I didn't like this, not one bit, but what could I do about it without hurting my best friend? I am selfish and I know it, but I just don't want to share her with my bastard of a half-brother.
For so long she has been my one true friend, unwavering in her loyalty to me, always watching my back. And while I do not believe that she and I were meant to be together like that, I cannot see any good coming from her joining with my half-brother, even if it is just for them to have a child and not to fully mate. He doesn't deserve to know her, let alone to do what they are planning.
I understand that she wants to have a child, but does it really have to be with my half-brother? Is this really her only chance? Isn't there someone out there just waiting to meet her? Kagome is just worth so much more than that bastard, she shouldn't have to do this with him just to be able to have a child of her own. It's not fair.
After everything we have all gone through to get to this point, it is not fair that Kagome is the only one not to have found happiness. She worked harder than all of us to get here, living her lives on both sides of the well, but the fates seem to have decided to be cruel to her. She will never see her birth family again and now she has to lay with the enemy just to have a child.
Kami, I wish so much just to tell her not to, forbid her even, not that that ever worked in the past, but still. My best friend is going to rut with my half-brother. The bastard that had spent my entire time on earth making my life hell. My only living relative and at the same time worst enemy. Someone who has tried to kill me on many, many occasions.
And, what's more is that I don't understand why he wants to have a pup with her. Yeah, I understand the whole 'it has to be at least part human part'. I'm not that stupid, but Sesshoumaru having a half-demon pup? After everything he's put me through in my life, now it's going to be okay to be half-demon simply because it's his?
Or will he end up turning on his pup as well? The moment he sees her 'puppy ears' or smells the humanity in her blood, is he going to turn his back on her? How is it not okay that our father had a half-demon pup with a woman he loved, but it's okay for him to have one with a woman he barely knows and has tried to kill before?
Always, for as long as I have known the bastard, he has always been cold and calculated,. Now he seems to be ruled by his emotions. Did that little girl touch him so much that he changes his whole way of thinking just for her? Did she some how manage to find a way to break into that cold, icicle he calls a heart and change it?
Was Rin Sesshoumaru's Kagome? Did she change him as Kagome has changed me? Did she open him up and teach him how to care again as she has done for me? Is that why Sesshoumaru has chosen Kagome to be the mother of his pup? Because she already reminded him of Rin? Maybe that is why neither of them seem to see anything wrong with this.
As we walked back through the door of our hut, I sent Shippo off to play as I sat by the fire and began preparing water for some tea. Behind me, I could hear Miroku heading off to his little corner of the hut and begin meditating. How he can find his calm at a time like this I may never know. I was going crazy and it wasn't even me this was happening to.
Poor Kagome-chan. I don't know how she could do this so calmly. I know if it was me I wouldn't be able to handle just the thought of it, let alone going through with it. I can sympathize with her wanting children, Miroku and I have already begun trying, but with someone who has been an enemy for the last five years? How can she see past that?
How does she move past the fact that he's tried to kill her and decide to not only lay with him, but to also have a child with him? With a human-hating demon. Now, I know not all demons are bad, and that she's still pretty much untrained, but she's a priestess. It would be like a demon slayer laying with a demon, only much worse.
We fight with our hands and weapons, but priestesses and monks fight with holy power. Shouldn't that power stop things like this from happening? Wouldn't their energies counteract with each other if they even tried? Has there ever been a child born of a demon and a priestess? If so, would the child constantly be fighting within itself as its priestess-half repels its demon-half?
I just can't comprehend how my 'sister' could say, 'Yes, this is what I want', and be able to go through with it. So much of her life is going to change come tomorrow. No longer will she be innocent. She will be on her way to becoming a mother of blood. Inuyasha may never be able to look at her the same. I just hope she is truly ready and this is what she wants.
As I sat down in the corner we had dubbed my meditating corner, I knew I would not be getting any actual meditating done. In fact, the moment I closed my eyes, thoughts began drifting in at speeds almost too fast to keep up with. So instead, I just allowed myself to relax as I laid my remaining hand in my lap and followed the direction my mind took.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow, Lady Kagome would lay with the enemy to try and produce a child. Her and Sesshoumaru, huh? Really, I just don't see it. Sesshoumaru with a human is hard enough to comprehend, but with a priestess? And Lady Kagome? For as long as I have known her, she has been in love with Inuyasha, and yet it is his half-brother she will be laying with.
Now I know they decided things just wouldn't work out between them, and it would be better to just remain as friends, but his half-brother? Does she want a child so much that she would lay with someone who has tried to kill her to get it? Is this really her only chance at having one? It is true that most monks and priestesses never marry.
Perhaps this is Lady Kagome's only chance. But what I really want to know is; what happens if it doesn't work on the first try? Will they try again? Will they merely keep trying until she becomes with child, or 'pupped' as they seem to call it? How come it never worked for me when I asked woman to bear my children, but he gets it on the first shot?
Little sisters. Hmph, who needs them? We've done just fine for this long without one, why should we need one now? What's so great about them anyways? How come nobody bothered to ask me what I wanted? Why don't I get a say in this? How come no one came and asked, 'Hey Shippo, would you like a little sister?'
Why does Momma Kag want another kid anyways? Isn't she happy with me? Did I do something wrong? Maybe it's because I'm not longer a baby and I'm growing up. She's all I have left and now I'm going to have to share her? How is that fair? Why can't it just be me and Momma Kag like it's been for the last two years?
She said I would be able to teach her stuff and watch out for her, but isn't that her parents' job? Is that really the job of an older brother? Would she even listen to me if I tried? And what kinds of things could I teach her that Momma Kag and Sesshoumaru wouldn't beat me to? I mean, I couldn't even teach her to fight since we would have different powers.
I guess there are some things I could teach her though. Things parents probably wouldn't think to teach their kids, or wouldn't want them to learn. Things Inuyasha taught me over the years we were traveling. They may not be such a good idea though if Inuyasha taught them to me. Though if I got into trouble I could just blame it on him.
It always worked with Momma Kag before. So maybe that's what my job as older brother would be. Teaching her stuff that grown ups wouldn't like but that all pups should know. Like which berries are the sweetest, rather than the best for you. Or how to get adults to do or give you what you want with just a look.
How to get yourself out of trouble. How to know which parent to ask knowing the other would say no when you want something. The best way to hide your veggies without them finding out you didn't eat them. I suppose I could teach her things like this, since nobody else would be doing it. They're all grown ups and wouldn't want her to know these things.
And I could even teach her the best hiding places for hide-and-go-seek. How to skip a stone across the water. I guess it wouldn't really be so bad to have a little sister. If nothing else, it would give me another kid to play with since the grown ups never seem to have any time for me, other than Momma Kag and even she is busy sometimes helping out Kaede.
I guess I can live with sharing Momma Kag with her and no longer being the baby. It's about time I grow up a little anyways. I still don't think it's fair that no one asked me what I wanted, but I guess it's okay since they probably had too much on their minds, seeing as Momma Kag is going to have the pup with Sesshoumaru.
I just hope she knows what she's doing. I'm still not completely sure that we can trust him. It's not like he's given us any reason to anyways. That's what I can do! I can make sure Sesshoumaru doesn't try to hurt Momma Kag. Yeah, that's perfect. She's always protecting me, it's about time I started protecting her as well.
Does my lord truly believe that I would let that information slip or tell anyone purposely? Surely by now, my lord knows me better than that. No matter what it is that my lord has done, his business is his own and none shall learn of it from me. But to think that I would do anything that might harm Rin, or even her soul.
Yes, I had figured out what my lord was planning. Of course, it would have been easier had he just told me, but that is neither here nor there. It wasn't too hard to figure out though with the information I did have. Really, there were only two outcomes to explain my lord's actions. Either he planned on putting Rin's soul in the priestess's body...
Or, which was more likely, was my lord was planning on having a child with the priestess and putting Rin's soul into that body. I knew this had to be the answer since he left her hut without replacing the souls and he said his plan would take a week. Surely he would not ask her, or even warn her of what he was planning if it was the first option.
No, my lord was planning on pupping the priestess. While I would not wish my lord's bloodline to be tainted such as his father's was, at least he picked a decent enough human. While it would be better had the body been that of a full demon, I know the crystal would not work unless it's part human, and the priestess does at least look like Rin.
We would soon have Rin back. I know that human would not deny my lord, not that it would make any difference being my lord is who he is, but the priestess tries to help others too much to turn him down. Rin would be returning to us. Yes, yes, only in soul but that is better than not at all. Soon we would have our Rin back.
I just hope my lord doesn't keep me from her while trying to make sure she is protected and that the past isn't repeated. My lord trusts me by now, doesn't he? He knows that I would die before betraying him, right? Surely he must or he wouldn't keep me around, or as close, as he has for so long. Yes, my lord knows that I am loyal to him.
I wonder what my lord will name her. Or even what she would look like. More like my lord? Or perhaps more like the priestess? A mix of both? Will we go back to traveling after she is of age to join us or will we remain at the castle once my lord disposes of the traitors? If we do go back to traveling, will my lord find another like Ah-Un to help her travel?
Poor Rin was so sad when Ah-Un died. Couldn't even get that girl out of bed for a week. Ah-Un had truly been the only one to always treat the girl as a friend. Even I didn't start until after his death. I should have been nicer to Rin while she was still alive, especially when she first joined us. But I had no way to know how much she would come to mean to us.
It's a pity really that the priestess isn't a demon, but then if she was my lord would have to find another since the crystal wouldn't work. Truly, the priestess is the best option for my lord. The other humans pale in comparison to her. Soon we will have Rin back. The priestess will say yes, there's no way she could turn my lord down, is there?
Please R&R, good and bad reviews are welcome, however, I will ignore flames.