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Leaving Trouble Behind


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Chapter 7:

Disclaimer: The Ranmaverse and all of it's characters are property of the brilliant Takahashi-sama and Sailor Moon characters belong to Takeuchi-sama and I claim no ownership of them. Only the story belongs to me.

AN:Edited for a typo and Akane's aura color.

Edited on 02/11/08

The following takes place on Friday and Saturday...
"Hello son-in-law." Khu Lon growled as she appeared with Shan Pu and two other Amazons in toe.

"I ain't your son-in-law, how many times I gotta tell you that old ghoul?" Ranma spat back at her as he saw Shan Pu rushing towards him.

"Airen!" Shan Pu cried out in glee as she tried to glomp onto him, but he moved out of the way and instead she fell to the ground. "Why Airen move?" Shan Pu asked standing up confused.

"Cause I ain't your Airen Shampoo, have never been, never will." Ranma replied not bothering to look over at her.

"Silly Airen is law. No choice." Shan Pu said laughing as if he had just told her a joke.

"I don't give a damn 'bout your stupid law, it don't mean a damn thing here." Ranma spat at her as he glared at her to stop her from moving toward him like she had begun to do.

"Airen no should be stupid. Airen have no choice. Is law. Airen is Shampoo's, Airen going come to China." Shan Pu insisted as she moved back toward her great grandmother.

"Read my lips Shampoo, I..ain'!" Ranma screamed at her before turning back to Khu Lon. "Give it up old ghoul. I ain't never gonna be your son-in-law, least of all now. And if you try to force me back to China, let's just say your village won't last very long." Ranma vowed as he balled his hands into fists while trying to rein in his temper.

Khu Lon went to respond but a faint glimmer of sun light on his finger caught her attention. "Well Ranma if you don't have to listen to our laws why should we listen to yours?" Khu Lon wondered as she nodded toward the two Amazons that were with them.

Ranma watched in horror as they started leaping up the side of the school and were closing in on where Akane was watching. "Khu Lon!" Ranma yelled out quickly catching her attention by pronouncing it correctly. "One hair on that tomboy head gets hurt and I will wipe the Joketsuzoku off the face of the earth." Ranma swore as he looked Khu Lon dead in the eyes.

Khu Lon thought about this for a moment while Akane and the girls got in ready stances to defend if the Amazons attacked. Khu Lon calls out something in Chinese and the two Amazons back off and drop back to the ground.

"Good choice." Ranma said as he shot Akane a quick glance who returned it with a smile.

(Shan Pu.) Khu Lon called out in their native tongue.

(Yes great grand-mother?) Shan Pu inquired as she turned back to her.

(We shall return to the Kiss of Death.) Khu Lon informed her earning a gasp from Shan Pu.

(No great grand-mother. I will get him to come with us just give me...) Shan Pu started before she was interrupted by a whack to the head by Khu Lon's staff.

(Pay attention girl. I don't intend to have this fight end up in the village. I very much believe he could destroy a good deal of us and we do not need that for one little male. Besides take a good look at his finger Shan Pu.) Khu Lon instructed and Shan Pu turned back to look at Ranma.

At first she didn't see anything out of the ordinary but after a moment she caught the glint off of the sun. "Ranma too too stupid. Ranma just come back all would be okay, but now Shampoo kill!" Shan Pu cried out as she pulled out her bonboris and charged after him with them raised above her head.

"What is going on down there? I'm only understanding half of this." Lita said shaking her head as she turned back to Akane.

"Long story short when Shampoo first showed up she was after Ranma's female form to kill her after giving her the kiss of death cause she beat her in combat. Then she attacked me thinking I was hiding her and Ranma's male form defeated her on accident and she switched to the kiss of marriage.

"Outsider female kill, outsider male marry to put it mildly. And by the looks of things they are back to the kiss of death since Ranma is now married." Akane explained as she watched the battle below as the two other Amazons jumped in and started helping Shan Pu.

"What's Joketsuzoku?" Serena asked after thinking for a moment.

"It's their village in China." Akane replied as her eyes followed the punches and blocks that were being swung back and forth below.

"Wait you mean he threatened to wipe out their entire race if they hurt you?" Mina asked in shock.

"Pretty much." Akane said with a shrug.

"He doesn't look too good down there." Ami said shaking her head as the fight started to turn in the Amazons favor.

"It's the whole don't hit girls bull, it's holding him back. He could easily stop this in one shot but he still doesn't want to hurt them." Akane said with a chuckle.

"After everything they've done?" Lita asked in disbelief.

"Ranma isn't one to hold a grudge, truthfully he just wants everyone to stop trying to rule his life for him. As long as I am not in trouble he's not really going to want to hurt them." Akane explained as the battle started to be really one-sided.

As Shan Pu swung her bonbori down on Ranma's arm as he tried to block her attack and the attack from the other two, the cracking of bone echoed around them as Shan Pu grinned. "Ranma too too pathetic." Shan Pu said with a laugh as she started bringing her bonbori down on his head.

But before it connected, it was stopped short by a wooden mallet. "You okay Ran-kun?" Akane called over her shoulder as she pushed Shan Pu's weapon back with her own and caused Shan Pu to lose her balance.

"'Kane-chan what are you doing? They're gonna give you a kiss of death if you fight her." Ranma warned as he tried to stand back up.

"They already did remember? And besides we wouldn't have this problem if you'd stop with this don't hit girls crap and fight them back." Akane hissed to him as Shan Pu stood back up and started making her way back to Akane.

(Stay. I will handle this alone.) Shan Pu called back to her sisters as she raised her bonboris and charged after Akane. "This too too easy. Shampoo kill kitchen destroyer and Ranma will be mine." Shan Pu said matter-of-factly as she started trading blows with Akane.

"You really are dumber then you look aren't you Shampoo?" Akane asked with a laugh as she weaved in and out of Shan Pu's attacks while trading with her own.

"Shampoo not stupid, violent girl stupid." Shan Pu hissed back at her.

"No I think you're the one that's stupid Shampoo. Especially if you think my husband is going to go any where with you if you beat me. Which you wont even be able to do that, you're far too weak!" Akane cried out as she swung the mallet into Shan Pu's stomach, who was distracted by the husband comment, and sent her flying back a bit.

What in the world is 'Kane-chan thinking? Ranma wondered to himself as the girls made their way over and helped him to his feet.

"What's that look Ranma?" Lita whispered making sure only he could hear her.

"'Kane-chan is acting more like me then like her right now. I don't know what she's got up her sleeve but I hope it's enough." Ranma whispered back as they watched Shan Pu picked herself up off of the ground and charge after Akane again. If I didn't know any better...but it can't be. She doesn't know that move. Ranma thought to himself confused.

"What's wrong Shampoo? Is the little violent girl kicking your ass?" Akane mocked as she dodged another swing by Shan Pu and caught her in the leg with her own. Almost there...just a bit more. Akane thought to herself as she felt Shan Pu's aura flaring up around her.

"And I thought you were supposed to be Cologne's heir. I hope she can still train Mousse." Akane said laughing as Shan Pu charged screaming in rage and she began leading her in a spiral.

The girl can't know that move can she? Khu Lon wondered to herself as she quickly caught onto Akane's movements.

Almost there...that's it Shampoo just follow right into my trap. Akane thought with a grin as she moved into the inner spiral. "Hiryu Shoten..." Akane started as she dropped all emotion off of her face and bit back a giggle when Shan Pu stopped dead and stared at her. "Get lost Shampoo or I will finish it." Akane warned coldly.

"You do not know this technic." Khu Lon insisted as she pogoed over to them.

"What old ghoul don't think Ranma taught me anything while we been gone?" Akane asked with a smirk as she looked over at her before turning back to Shan Pu. "Last warning Shampoo, beat it." Akane said nodding her head away from the school.

"Shit Youmas at a time like this?" Lita asked as students came screaming toward them as they ran away from the three Youmas that were following them. Everyone followed her gaze before Khu Lon called out to the Amazons.

(We shall leave now!)

(But great grand-mother!) Shan Pu cried out.

(Now!) Khu Lon yelled as she pogoed away with the other two following.

"Go with them Shampoo or I will finish it." Akane warned her again and after a moment, Shan Pu ran off after the Amazons.

"You guys go get ready, we'll hold them off 'til you get back." Ranma called over his shoulder as he ran off toward Akane.

"Roger!" Lita called back as she took off for a place to transform with the girls following.

"Ran-kun you sure you're up for fighting? That arm looks broken." Akane pointed out worried as he took a stance next to her.

"Yeah I'll be okay." Ranma assured her with a smile. "You got some explaining to do after though." Ranma said with a smirk as the Youmas began charging toward them. "Moko Takabisha!" Ranma called out sending the ki blast with one hand toward the Youmas. Akane began swinging her mallet at one of them, while Ranma took on the other two.

It wasn't too long before the shouts of "MERCURY WATER!" "VENUS ROMANCE!" "JUPITER LIGHTINING!" could be heard coming from behind them. After holding onto them for a moment and pouring as much chi into them as they could they let the attacks go with a yell of "FALL!" "BLOOMS!" "BOLT!"

Now about this time would have been when Sailor Moon joined the battle with an attack of her own but before she was able to utter a word, two figures showed up in the mist of the battle and all hell broke lose. Ranma noticed their presence first and before he could cry out, the over whelming fear began to take him over.

And too wrapped up in their own fights, the others didn't even notice any thing was wrong until a very distinct meow came from Ranma. "Kuso!" Akane cried out as she rushed toward Ranma's side, but as she approached the Youma she had been fighting decided to attack her again causing Ranma-neko to enter the battle.

"What in the world?" Sailor Moon wondered as she starting moving toward where Ranma-neko was clawing at the Youmas.

"Stay back!" Akane cried out as she ran over and pushed Sailor Moon back. By now Ranma-neko had destroyed the Youmas and turned around with a meow to Akane as he started heading toward her. The scouts saw this and jumped in front of Akane to block his path causing him to hiss at them.

"No it's okay." Akane said as she pushed past the scouts and started toward Ranma-neko who jumped into her arms knocking her back. The scouts stared in shock and then confusion as he started licking Akane's face before curling up on her legs and laying down.

"Umm what was that?" Jupiter asked after a moment when the soft sounds of his purring could be heard.

"That was the cat-fu. You don't have to worry about me when he's in this form, I am the only one he won't attack. In fact he thought you guys were either attacking me or keeping me away from him. Neither are a good idea when he's like this." Akane explained as she laid her head back on the ground to look at them behind her.

"How do you change him back?" Mercury asked after a moment as Ranma-neko began moving around on Akane's lap.

"Water or let him sleep it off. But I don't think waiting around for him to snap out of it would be a good idea. We should get him out of here." Akane said as she softly nudged Ranma-neko off of her lap and stood up. "Come on Ranma." Akane said sweetly as she started walking out of the school yard.

Once they were out of sight, the scouts quickly detransformed and followed closely behind Akane and Ranma-neko as they headed back toward the temple. "Hey can one of you go in here for a glass of cold water? I don't want to try to leave him out here and I'd hate to see what would happen if he followed me in." Akane said with a laugh as she stopped in the alley next to a small café.

"Sure." Mina said as she headed inside and returned a minute later with a cup of water. Akane poured the water over his head turning him into a her and shook her head when she looked up confused.

"Neko?" Ranma-chan asked with a groan.

"Neko." Akane agreed as she laughed and helped Ranma-chan to stand up.

"Well how'd the battle go?" Ranma-chan asked after a moment as they started walking toward the temple again.

"You kicked their butts." Serena chimed in with a smile.

"Well of course. I am Ranma Saotome." Ranma-chan said with a smirk. Akane just rolled her eyes as the girls laughed.

"Alright you ready for me to set this?" Ami asked as they sat down around the table and Ranma-chan laid her arm across it.

"Go for it. I don't think the break is too bad. Should only take a day to heal." Ranma-chan said with a shrug.

"Ranma it takes longer for a broken arm to heal then a day and I still don't see why you wont go to the doctors." Lita said shaking her head.

"Trust me it wont take long for it to heal. Just set it and I'll be fine." Ranma-chan assured Ami with a smile. Ami just sighed and grabbed onto her arm quickly setting it back in place. Everyone but Akane, who was out of the room at the moment, did a double take when Ranma-chan started testing her arm like nothing was wrong.

"How do you do that?" Ami asked after a moment shaking everyone out of their shock.

"I heal fast." Ranma-chan said with a smirk as Akane walked back into the room with a tea kettle and poured the water over her head. "Thanks 'Kane-chan." Ranma said looking up at her with a smile.

"Hey Ran-kun?" Akane called out as she entered their room and found him sitting down at the desk.

"What's up 'Kane-chan?" Ranma asked looking up at her.

"Do you think it's safe for them?" Akane asked as she walked over and sat down next to him.

"What do you mean?" Ranma asked a bit confused.

"For the girls. Having us here I mean. It's only a matter of time before some one else shows up or returns for that matter. I just don't think it's right to put them in danger like this." Akane explained shaking her head sadly.

"I know what'cha mean 'Kane-chan but they will probably follow us where ever we go and at least here the girls know how to protect themselves. Still I think you might be right. Maybe it would be better for them if we left." Ranma said as he thought out loud to himself.

"Don't even think about it." Rei warned as she appeared in their doorway with the girls behind her.

"Rei's right. You guys don't need to leave for our sake." Lita agreed earning nods from the rest of the girls.

"But we are putting you all in danger by being here." Akane insisted as she turned to face them.

"We are in danger whether you are here or not. We've spent the last few years fighting Youmas and their leaders. Yeah you may add a little extra chaos by being here, but in the long run it's going to be better." Serena insisted with a smile.

"They're right you two. Already in the short time you have been here you have helped us learn what the Youma are stealing now, helped us make our attacks more powerful, and showed us how to save some of the people. All of this is well worth a little extra chaos." Ami informed them.

"Yeah besides, you guys are our friends and we never let our friends down." Mina promised giving them a victory sign.

"If you guys want to leave for the right reasons that's fine, but not because you are worried about us." Rei demanded as she turned and headed out of the room with the girls following.

"Think we're out voted?" Akane asked turning to Ranma with a smile.

"Looks like it." Ranma agreed with a smirk.

"Here you go my love." Starlite said as she added the last little bit of energy and chi to the glass coffin in front of her. "Wake up Jedite, it is time for our revenge." Starlite informed him with an evil smile as the black energy, that was circling around, started picking up speed.

Wind started to pick up in the wind blowing the dirt and rocks on the ground around in the air. The Youma that was standing by was slammed into the wall behind it but Starlite held her ground and just continued to smile as the wind pulled at her clothes. The wind picked up once again as the coffin shattered and sent the glass flying every where.

Starlite ignored the Youma that was howling in pain and just brushed the shards of glass off of her uniform. "Welcome back love." Starlite greeted as the figure sat up and brushed glass off of themselves as well.

"How long?" Jedite growled as he stood up and climbed off of what was left of the bottom of the coffin.

"About three years." Starlite informed him as she bowed.

"What of the others?" Jedite asked as he turned and started walking over to her.

"Gone, destroyed by the scouts." Starlite told him as she reached her hand up and brushed a shard of glass off of his shoulder.

"Queen Beryl?" Jedite asked with raised eye brows.

"They destroyed her only a few months after you were put in that." Starlite said as she nodded her head toward what was left of the coffin.

"Then the second thing we will do is destroy the scouts." Jedite growled as he looked over at what used to be his coffin before turning back to Starlite.

"And what is the first my lord?" Starlite asked with a slight bow of her head. Jedite just smirked and pulled her in close and captured her lips with his own. The kiss, although short, was filled with passion and hunger.

"It's been far too long dear wife." Jedite insisted when the kiss ended.

"A moment is far too long husband." Starlite agreed as she moved in for another kiss.

"You sure this is it my lord?" Starlite asked after they had appeared out side of an apartment building.

"Oh yes this is the home of Sailor Mercury. Now let's make sure my time in a coffin didn't leave me rusty." Jedite said with a smirk as he began to gather a ball of energy in his hand. Once it was the size of a basket ball, he threw it though the window of Ami's apartment.

A moment after the glass broke, the apartment exploded sending shard of glass and debris flying every where. "Hmm seems she's not home." Jedite realized a bit disappointed.

"Onto the next then?" Starlite wondered with a smirk.

"Yes onto the next." Jedite agreed as they disappeared.

"Oh my god! That's it!" Ami cried out as she jumped up startling everyone in the room.

"Ami?" Rei wondered as she raised her eye brows at her.

"Why didn't I see it before?" Ami asked herself ignoring Rei and the others. As she pulled out her computer she started typing away while nodding her head.

"What's up with Ami?" Ranma asked as he and Akane walked into the room.

"No idea." Mina said with a shrug.

"Kuso we've been so blind!" Ami yelled as she looked back up at the others.

"Mind filling us in Ami?" Lita asked as she folded her arms in front of her.

"Our schools." Ami said as she started typing away again.

"Our schools? What about them?" Serena asked confused.

"They've been attacked." Ami explained not bothering to look up at them.

"Yeah so what's the...?" Serena started before Rei interrupted her.

"Kuso you're right Ami! All three of our schools have been attacked. Why didn't we remember earlier?" Rei wondered as she slammed her hand down on the table.

"Umm mind filling the rest of us in?" Mina asked a bit confused.

"Jedite." Serena whispered as what the others were getting at started to make sense.

"Jedite knows who we are. Rei, Serena and I that is. He had found out our real names before he disappeared." Ami explained as her phone started going off. "What the?" Ami wondered as she flipped it open. "Moshi moshi." Ami said into the phone. "Really? Alright thank you. I will try to get a hold of my mother." Ami said into the phone before hanging up.

"What's up?" Ranma asked after a moment.

"That was my land lord. Our apartment was destroyed. And I would bet anything Jedite is behind it." Ami said as she stood up. "Rei get your grand father and Chad out of here. We need to get to Serena's now!" Ami called over her shoulder as she rushed out of the temple. The others wasted no time in trying to figure out what was going on and just rushed after her.

As Rei was running out after them she grabbed onto her grand father and Chad and pulled them out as well. "What's going on Rei?" Her grand father asked concerned.

"No time to explain. Chad get grandpa out of here and don't come back until I tell you to!" Rei called over her shoulder as she continued to follow after the others. Chad looks down at the older man for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, picking him up, and running away from the temple.

"What are you doing?!" The elderly man demanded.

"Sorry sensei but if Rei says to get away we get away." Chad explained as he continued to run and ignore the sensei's protests.

"It would seem no one is here as well." Starlite said a moment after they appeared in front of the temple.

"So it seems." Jedite agreed as he began to gather energy in his hand once again and threw it at the temple wall. But before it hit, it was blocked by a shield that appeared and it landed on the ground harmlessly. "Damn wards." Jedite grumble as he noticed the temple was covered in them.

"What now my lord?" Starlite asked catching his attention.

"One last stop. Guess we will start with getting rid of the moon brat." Jedite said with a laugh as they once again disappeared. "You will do just fine." Jedite said with an evil grin when he saw a young boy and his mother out front of the house. The woman began to scream as the boy jumped in front of her to keep them away.

"Such spirit for such a pathetic human." Starlite laughed.

"Jedite!" Sailor Moon cried out as she and the scouts arrived at the house and found her mother and Sammy being held hostage by them.

"Long time no see Sailor Brats." Jedite said looking at Sailor Moon before noticing there were a few more. "I see you have added to your ranks." Jedite said with a laugh as he looked over at Jupiter and Venus. "Won't do you any good how ever. This time the victory will be mine!" Jedite vowed as he lifted up Serena's mom, who had passed out moments ago, by her throat.

"If you harm them Jedite I will defeat you just like I did Queen Beryl!" Moon spat as him as she pulled out her wand readying for the attack.

"I don't think you understand Serena." Jedite mocked with a laugh. "This is my revenge. Because of you I have spent three years in a glass coffin and what do I find when I wake up?! Everything I have ever known is gone! All because of you!" Jedite screamed at her.

"No Jedite, I don't think you understand." Moon called back with a smirk. "We're the good guys, we always win! Always have and always will!" Moon yelled and then began to smile when she noticed the back up plan was going into effect.

"It's over Jedite. You lose!" Sailor Moon mocked as Ranma and Akane moved in for their attacks and with a little bit of pressure points and a well placed mallet to the head, they knocked out Jedite and Starlite who lost their grip on Sammy and his mother.

As they were falling Jupiter and Mars quickly jumped up and caught them. Jupiter takes off with her to bring her to a safe spot while Sammy jumps out of Mar's arms and runs behind Sailor Moon. Before Moon can say anything to him Jedite and Starlite began to wake up.

"You'll pay for that you little brats!" Jedite swore as he turned while collecting energy and set it after Ranma and Akane.

"'Kane-chan look out!" Ranma cried out as he pushed her out of the way and barely missed the attack himself. As Ranma turned to attack back Jedite fell to his knee.

"We must retreat for now my lord, you don't have enough energy." Starlite said as she grabbed onto him and disappeared.

"Serena is that really you?" Sammy asked after a moment of silence as he looked up at her.

"Yeah Sammy it's me, but you can't tell anyone okay?" Sailor Moon asked with a wink.

"Okay." Sammy said nodding his head.

"Let's get you guys out of here." Moon said as she took his hand and they started walking off to where Jupiter had taken their mom.

"And I thought only weird things happened around us." Ranma said with a laugh as he helped Akane to stand and followed after the others. When they caught up to Jupiter she had just finished telling Sammy's mom that she needed to get some place safe for a while.

"What about my daughter?" She asked after she had thrown her arms around Sammy.

"We will make sure she's safe. Just call your husband and get to a safe place and don't return home until we say it's safe okay?" Sailor Moon asked with a smile as she rested her hand on the woman's shoulder. The woman nodded and then started away with Sammy.

"Good luck Sailor Moon!" Sammy called over his shoulder with a wave.

"I called my mother as well, she's too busy with the hospital anyways so she wouldn't be going home but I told her to stay away any ways." Mercury informed them as she walked up to them.

"Good that means everyone is taken care of. The rest of us should stay at the temple. That way we are together and less places for Jedite to attack trying to get to one of us." Mars said as she turned and started back toward the temple.

"Shouldn't the temple be damaged like the others?" Ranma asked a bit confused.

"The temple has wards up, it shouldn't have taken much damage if any." Mars called over her shoulder with a smile.

"Hey 'Kane-chan?" Ranma wondered as they laid down for bed that night.

"What's up Ran-kun?" Akane asked as she rolled over and looked at him.

"What happened at school earlier? I know I didn't teach you that move." Ranma inquired earning a giggle from Akane.

"You're right but they didn't know that. And it's like you said before, just because you won't use it against me, doesn't mean someone else won't. I just used that theory with Shampoo in the place of me." Akane explained with a smile.

"And what would have happened if she realized you didn't know it?" Ranma asked after a moment.

"Guess I would have done what you always do." Akane answered as she curled up next to him and laid her head on his chest.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Ranma asked as he brushed the hair out of her eyes.

"Wing it." Akane mumbled as she yawned and began to drift asleep.

"You really are a Saotome now arent'cha?" Ranma whisper with a smirk.

"Good morning." Akane said with a smile as everyone sat down around the table for breakfast.

"Morning 'Kane-chan." Ranma replied looking up at her with a grin before digging into his food.

"So what's the plan?" Akane asked after a few minutes.

"We're going to go about our normal day. If we all don't show up at school people are going to think something is up and it will cause problems. Plus we already know they have no problems with attacking our schools so it will be safer for the students if we are there." Ami informed them as she looked around the table.

"I will be joining you guys at school. The last thing we need right now is to split up." Rei said gaining nods from around the table.

"But how you plan on getting the school to just let you in?" Akane wondered as she started clearing the table.

"I'm going under the ruse of selling charms. I've done it before." Rei explained with a smile.