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These books hαve come from the heαrt of






will find contained in them a wealth of wisdom,


knowledge, understanding


belief, faith, hope, peace and love.


insight, intuition, courage and messages


from the spirit world.


God bless you & may the Lord be with you


Of the trees of eden:

In the garden of Eden the tree of knowledge of good and evil is

the tobacco tree  and the tree of life is the cannabis tree . the tree of knowledge 

brings dreams to your peripheral vision to gain mythical 


It is unwise though for continual use of the tree as it will lead to 

destruction. The tree of life enhances your intuition and leads to 

life everlasting. Continual use of the tree of life is not 







Of The World and the Earth:


The earth is round and the world is flat. The world is called


middle earth. The world is real. The earth is fake. "heaven is true"


Of marriage & celestial union:


 The Ring of Power of the Lord of the Rings is The Ring of Marriage.

 Celestial union takes place in heaven.







Of the depths of time:


 We live outside of time. DOOM is innside of time.


 Time has many divisions.


 Of happenings:

when you use your imagination anything can happen.


Only you can open up the doors to your oppurtunities.





Of giving:


Treat everyone with respect


Give from the heart and don't expect anything in return


Offer a profits to God with fire.


Give the Lord your heart


Of God's kindness:


God even has some kind of mercy for the wicked.


Those who worship God in spirit and truth have a heavenly reward.


Of the Lord's goodness:


The Lord God loves everyone


those who dedicate themselves to the Lord live in peace & harmony,


even in the mist of the troubles of this life






We all have imaginary friends


fairies are everywhere






God's Universe will be destroyed in one weαk.


The Åfter life is like reαlity & a dreαm