Webrings. Expect the usual webring content: gifs of snoopy, profiles of Peanuts, vote for your favorite character, etc. Snoopy & Peanuts Webring Snoopy Webring Snoopy's Flying Ace Webring (dead link) |
But there are a few bright spots, such as the articles and analysis by Derrick Bang on Peanuts Collector Club Home Page. Bang meticulously catalogs each of the annual football gags between Lucy & Charlie Brown, including the dates they appeared; as well as a list with dates of all the animal impersonations/"World Famous" characters that Snoopy has done; and even clarifies the finer points of the great ''Marcy or Clara?'' debate. I'm serious, there are people who get off on this kind of thing. Other people besides me. |
If you're willing to travel to Deutschland for a few seconds, Sternchen's Peanuts Page (dead link) not only lists the dates that most of the major characters debut (and most of the minor ones), but also provides nice gifs of most of the debut strips. The site is mostly in English, but a few of the gifs show German dialog. Sternchen's list is based on the thorough list of debuts from FAQ-master Derrick Bang. No strips are pictured in Bang's debuts, but he lists other websites or reprint collections where you can find them, if Sternchen doesn't have it. |
For the story THEY want you to believe, there's always snoopy.com. And for the longest list of details that only truly obsessed Peanuts fans could care about, there is the spell-bindingly detailed Peanuts FAQ from the alt.comics.peanuts newsgroup. Look for the "Warehouse 23"-style list of every oversized item and room that ever squeezed into Snoopy's TARDIS, I mean, doghouse. |