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RedRogue's COVENANT album
RedRogue's COVENANT album
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Wayne Parry
Wayne Parry 
From the Covenant story: "The Descension". I casted him because I can look at him and immediately crumble and obey whatever he commands. That's exactly Wayne through and through.

Comments (4) | Add a Comment

AAAAH!!! Pogue's dad was a real looker, wasn't he? AAAAH!!! What, does Beatrice have stones in her head?!
Crickes | December 21, 2006

Ack!! Rogue - who is this guy? HE IS HOT!!! Def. Wayne Parry material!
Bajan Martini | | February 25, 2007

TRENT FORD! Hottie. :D He's perfect for Wayne. He reminds me of Pogue alot, alot, alot.
Violet | March 06, 2007

i already liked wayne just through the story. you pick trent ford and i'm sold. my roommate out in LA actually had him come into her video game store and they flirted a bit. she still likes to remind me about that.
greyhaven11 | | April 17, 2007