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RedRogue's COVENANT album
RedRogue's COVENANT album
<--- For more pictures, click on the little number '2' right there above the pix. Please comment.
Joseph Garwin
Joseph Garwin 
From the Covenant story: "The Descension". I cast him for how much he resembled Reid, minus the asshole look, and keeping the the dark, smug, self-assured look that make's Reid lovable. I can see stories and tragedies behind this guy's eyes.

Comments (2) | Add a Comment

Okay... what just happened to that last comment? As I was saying, he looks so much like Toby, it's incredible! Nice one here!
Crickes | December 21, 2006

|gasp| Who IS this hunk who reminds us all of the blonde we all love? God, he looks so much like Toby, it's incredible!
Crickes | December 21, 2006