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RedRogue's COVENANT album
RedRogue's COVENANT album
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Evelyn Withermoore
Evelyn Withermoore 
From the Covenant story: "The Descension". Evelyn as she appears in her younger years, the beautiful popular who has captured the heart of the Covenant leader, James Danvers, for years. This year, James has vowed to make a move on the charming doll, if only he could get his mouth to work around her.

Comments (2) | Add a Comment

Oh, lovely. Very lovely indeed. I can really imagine her as Evelyn. Nicely done!
Crickes | January 13, 2007

oooh, very nice find! she looks very much like the younger version of evelyn. good on you ;)

ok, out of topic: are you gonna add layla and gabriel to your collection soon? and just who is this mysterious person pogue is talking to in your little teaser at the end of chappie 5?
nathania | January 17, 2007