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Our 2006 UK TOUR:

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ruby & Carol Visit
Kensington Palace

We began Thursday by meeting at a lovely café called “THE PATISSERIE”
that was half-way between our 2 hotels.

The Patisserie was just North of Kentucky Fried Chicken …
Starbucks … and Burger King!

The next 4 pix illustrate how CLOSE our hotels were to each other –
entirely by ACCIDENT!!!:

While sitting at The Patisserie and looking to the LEFT,
we could see Ray & Carol’s hotel; “The Millennium Gloucester”

Looking to the RIGHT, we could see Ruby & Chas’ hotel;
“The Kensington Holiday Inn”

Ruby booked our hotel MONTHS before Carol & Ray
were assigned to stay at the Millennium Gloucester!!!
Isn’t life AMAZING?!
Our hotels were only ONE and ONE-HALF BLOCKS APART!
Had we been staying at any of the other THOUSANDS of London hotels,
it would have been incredibly INCONVENIENT to join up for activities.

Clearly, the UNIVERSE was smiling upon us when Ruby booked our hotel.

On this day, we SEPARATED!

Ruby and Carol walked to KENSINGTON PALACE
To visit another website’s 380 degree pic of the palace CLICK HERE!

Here are some pix they took on their trek:


Although Kensington Palace
was the home of Princess Diana
(after her divorce), there wasn’t much
in the way of PRINCESS DIANA
exhibits at the palace.

Still … Carol & Ruby enjoyed the
Royal Dress Exhibit, and the
phenomenal GARDENS
behind the palace!

After their return from Kensington Place and Gardens, Carol napped
and Ruby enjoyed some coffee in the Garden of the Holiday Inn …
knitting and RELAXING.

MEANWHILE … Ray & Charly were trekking ELSEWHERE:
GO TO Ray & Chas’ Trek

Return to the 2006 CHAS & REX UK TRIP INDEX

Visit Charly’s Renaissance Faire Website!
(Meet TEDDY – myne titmouse!)

Visit (or Return to)
The Miller Fandamily PIX DIRECTORY

If you have information or suggestions for Ruby & Chas’ 2006 UK TOUR Website
– or PHOTO contributions for it! –
those are hyphens/dashes (-) between the “c” and “d” and “miller”