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2006 UK TOUR

Wednesday, May 31st:
An Unplanned SIDE-TRIP to

While enroute to Stirling, we passed a sign, “Lockerbie XX miles” (or the like).
Ruby immediately asked, “Why does that city sound familiar?”
I replied that it was where “that Pan Am plane went down and killed all those people.”


On December 21, 1988, … [Pan Am Flight 103] … was destroyed as it flew over Lockerbie … when 12 to 16 oz (340 to 450 g) of plastic explosive was detonated in its forward cargo hold, triggering a sequence of events that led to the rapid destruction of the aircraft. … The death toll was 270 people from 21 countries, including 11 people in the town of Lockerbie. …
On the ground, 11 Lockerbie residents were killed
when the wings, still attached by a piece of fuselage,
hit 13 Sherwood Crescent at more than 500 mph and
exploded, creating a crater 47 metres (155 ft) long and
with a volume of 560 m³ (730 yd³), vaporising several
houses and their foundations, and damaging 21 others
so badly they had to be demolished.
Four members of one family, Jack and Rosalind
Somerville and their children, Paul and Lynsey, died when
their house at 15 Sherwood Crescent exploded.
A fireball rose above the houses and moved toward the
nearby Glasgow–Carlisle motorway (A74(M)), scorching
cars in the southbound lanes, leading motorists and local
residents to believe that there had been a meltdown at the
nearby Chapelcross nuclear power plant.
The only house left standing intact in the area belonged to
Father Patrick Keegans, Lockerbie's Roman Catholic priest.

13 Sherwood Crescent,
December, 1988
[Pic from the Internet]

Ruby insisted that we had to take a side-trip to visit Lockerbie. So, we did!
We took the exit to go East of the motorway, and drove through the village searching for the Pan Am 103 “memorial” that I knew had been built somewhere. But, not seeing it anywhere (or any SIGNS directing us to where it was), we turned around and were heading back to the motorway when we saw this Church and its adjacent graveyard. It was so gorgeous that we stopped to get out and take these pix.

When researching Lockerbie to do this website, I discovered that
the church we stopped at was “Dryfesdale Parish Church.”

As you can see (above), Dryfesdale Parish Church had a “graveyard” around it.
But, “Dryfesdale Cemetery” is outside the village of Lockerbie,
West from the motorway!
and THAT is where the Pan Am 103 memorial is!
In the “Garden of Remembrance”:

[Pic from a Website]

[Pic from a Website]

[Pic from a Website]

Ah, well. NEXT TIME I visit Scotland, I’ll stop there!

We arrive at AIRTH CASTLE HOTEL & Spa Resort

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