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2006 UK Tour
June 3rd:


If you’re staying at Dalhousie Castle and you want to go HORSEBACK RIDING,
Lasswade Stables are “about 10 minutes down the road” from Dalhousie.

I wanted to go Horseback riding, but Ruby’s back wouldn’t allow her to join me.
We figured that Ruby could enjoy the Castle SPA while I went riding.
(Instead, she ended up hanging out with Andrew the Piper and
Spying on a Scottish Wedding! But, she had FUN = the point of the trip!)

Sooo … I booked a 1 hour “HACK” at 2:15 pm.
NO. I didn’t know what HACK meant when I first saw the term!
Thankfully, Lasswade Stables’ website explained it. LOL

TREKKING is what they do “for beginners, for the very nervous person, or young children.” They hand-lead folks at a walk along the riding tracks. People competent at walk and trot do not have to be led if they don’t want to. The tracks go out across the river, up and around the woodland.

A HACK is for “more skilled” riders, who must “be able to do rising trot and canter.” [ME … kinda!] You ride by yourself and follow a guide who leads you across the river and up into the woodland. “Most of our riding is off road, using old railway lines, tracks and forest paths.”

I arrived just before 2 pm, and the place was almost deserted!

That was fyne by me … I got to wander around, snapping pix.

I luv all the different AGES of architecture here.

Finally, folkz came back from lunch (or wherever they’d been),

and horses were brought out and saddled.

When I checked in at the “office,” I found out that I was the ONLY person

who had booked a HACK! The other fokz (the kidz) were there for lessons.
So, I ended up getting a “Private” Hack for the Group Price.

I don’t know if Ruby INFECTED ME, or what!

But, I found myself taking pix of CUTE KIDZ.

These two little kidz were there for Riding Lessons!

I’m reasonably certain this was a kid who LIVED at Lasswade Stables.

The dogs all adored him. And there were TONZ o’ dogs there!

Lots of Jack Russells and Westies, especially.

This was my favorite cute little boy … with my favorite cute little Dog!

This little dog had only 3 legs … but scampered around just as fast as all the others!

At Last! Here is MY trusty steed!JIGSAW

By Clicking HERE!
[This is the ONLY link available to those pix! LOL]

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Pix of Our Room: The “SIR WALTER SCOTT”

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