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Saturday, June 3rd:

in the

The following is from a FOOD REVIEW posted on
Scotland dot org’s website on December 4, 2001.

Pre-dinner drinks are served in the Library, a cozy nook, with log fire blazing and of course, shelves of ancient leather bound books - books on maps and medicine, poetry and witchcraft - no doubt all going back several generations.
The bar itself is concealed behind a false wall of books, from where an extremely friendly and delightful waitress kept magically appearing to tend to guests.
Collapsing into old leather armchairs we were given menus along with our drinks. There are six choices per course, so a leisurely aperitif while you read and "digest" the menu is essential.

As directed, we went to the LIBRARY to enjoy a cocktail before being seated for dinner.
These pix are all blurry and nasty – but, they’re the “best” I took!

[A Ruby Pic]

I think this next bit is from Dalhousie’s website:

Dining at the Castle is a unique experience. The ancient barrel-vaulted dungeons provide an unusual setting to enjoy the fine, traditional Scottish and classical French castle cuisine, from fresh local produce.

[Scanned Pic]

Here’s a bit more from the REVIEW linked above:

Dinner is served deep down in the Castle dungeons, a fascinating warren of stone corridors, winding staircases and small "cells". No, it is not dark and damp but a truly warm, romantic candle-lit atmosphere, with enormous knights in shining armour towering over you.

According to that review, Dalhousie’s Dungeon is open to the public.
In December of 2001, the three course dinner was £28 (around $55) per person.
Since then, the cost has jumped to £38 (around $75) per person.
Our dinner was included in the price of our Themed Room!

Yet another BLURRY Pic. (Hey! It’s RUBY’S! See? It wasn’t just ME!)

This is our very happy and terrifically sweet server!
I can’t remember his name. But, his service was excellent.

Ooh! I nearly forgot this! Here is a link to The Dalhousie Castle Dungeon Menu!
Here are the six “Main Course” choices offered in that Menu:

Hough of Scottish Beef in Red Wine
with Champ Potato & grand mere garnish

Loin of Venison with a Raspberry garnish
Dauphinoise Potato & wilted Spinach

Breast of Corn-fed Chicken stuffed with Morelles & Oregano
Pomme anna & a Morelle & Broad Bean cream sauce

Roast Loin of Monkfish with a Mussel beurre blanc
Puy Lentils & Parsley Puree

Fillet of Rainbow Trout with roast Langoustine in Tarragon
With a crushed pea & mint Risotto

Gnocchi in a Blue Cheese Gratin
with fried Asparagus

I don’t understand several of those terms. (LOL) But, it all sounds scrumptious!

After our fantabulous dinner, I stepped outside to smoke.
Ruby went with me and snapped this pic of the ORANGERY …

Where we enjoyed breakfast the next morning.

Again – I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend Dalhousie Castle!
It is a splendid establishment, and quite reasonably priced.
Ruby and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of our stay there.

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