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2006 UK TOUR
Sunday, June 4th:


I saw the SIGN about it, but I hadn’t seen the Da Vinci Code yet.
Even if I’d seen the movie, I didn’t think we had TIME to walk to ROSSLYN CASTLE.
So, WE DIDN’T VISIT IT! (I could just SPIT!)

NOW I know that the Castle ruins are “an easy 5 minute walk” from the Chapel!
(Well. “Easy” if you don’t mind walking back UP the “steep narrow path”! LOL)

Since seeing these photos and learning more, however, I truly do believe it would have
been well worth the “delay” required for us to visit Rosslyn Castle.

Clearly, I MUST visit Rosslyn Chapel again – touring the Chapel interior,
and visiting Rosslyn Castle next time, as well!

From a Mary (“Marie”) Queen of Scots Website

The ruins of Roslin Castle lie hidden down a steep narrow path accessible only on foot, below Roslin Chapel in Roslin, Midlothian. Little is left of this 15th century building in which Mary stayed on 31st August 1563 during her tour of the south west of Scotland. [The earliest part of Rosslyn Castle was built in the 1300's.]
Encircled by the North Esk River, Roslin castle was built by the Sinclairs, Earls of Orkney. It was badly damaged during the English "Rough Wooing" attack of 1544, during which Henry VIII tried to secure the marriage of his son Edward to infant Mary, Queen of Scots.

The following “reconstruction” of Rosslyn Castle is a painting by Andrew Spratt,
and shows his vision of how the Castle likely appeared in the 16th century.

The following black & white “Engraving” of Rosslyn Castle is by J. Gellatly,
and depicts his vision of how the Castle likely appeared in the 17th century.

The similarity of each artist’s rendering testifies to the accuracy of their individual visions!

Da Vinci Code fans will recognize this bridge!

Here is what the
stone bridge access
(once a collapsible
“Draw Bridge”)
looks like
from below.

Apparently, the gorge
originally traversed by
the bridge was much
deeper than it is today.

(It was partly filled up
with rubble
at some time.)

Rosslyn Castle’s interior is not open to the public,
but it’s exterior can be viewed at any time.
HOWEVER! A section of Rosslyn Castle can be rented to STAY IN!

In fact, many of the pix on this page (all of which were snagged from the Internet) were
snagged from the website posted by a couple who STAYED in Rosslyn Castle!!!
“Stacy & Scott's Spring [1998] Vacation”
(I plan to eventually contact Stacy & Scott, to discuss my CASTLE BAGGING project!)

From the Marie Stuart website:

The only habitable building nowadays, which is owned by a holiday let company, is within a 1597 hall and kitchen block on the south east side of the castle. Walking down the gorge below and around the castle, one can see that this block is actually raised on the foundations of an earlier wall.

Here is a photo of the Castle Hall and Kitchen Block.

And, here is a
view of the
Southeast flank
of the Castle,
upon which
Castle Hall
Kitchen Block
was built!

AGAIN! I could just SPIT!I really wish we’d visited Rosslyn Castle.


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