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Sunday, June 4th:
Enroute to Our
London Airport

Internet pic of Gifford House Breakfast Room
Scottish Breakfast
we enjoyed at our
Edinburgh B&B?

That was when Ruby commented on how much she
enjoyed the Mustard Sauce served with her dinner the
night before at the Ceilidh-Donia B&B’s restaurant.
[Ruby had gone there at our Hostess’ suggestion!]

Upon hearing Ruby’s comment,
Margaret (o’ the Gifford House) called
Annette (o’ the Ceilidh-Donia), and asked her
about the mustard they used for their sauce.
That conversation lead us to discovering the

for the SEVEN-hour-long
LAST DRIVE of our TRIP (on Sunday)!
Again! I ADORE B&Bs – primarily because of situations such as the one described above.
How many HOTEL owners would call another HOTEL owner to chat them up and find out
what kind of Mustard they used to create their sauces?Exactly.NADA.

Anyway! Annette told Margaret that she’d bought the Mustard for Ruby’s Sauce on one
of her annual trips to the “world-renowned gourmet emporium” (store!):
Lewis and Cooper, in Northallerton, North Yorkshire.

So, THAT’s where we stopped for lunch and a half-way break!

Northallerton is a lovely village, lined with Tons o’ Shops!

It looks as though one could spend an entire day visiting them all!

But, we scurried right to Lewis & Cooper.

I wish I’d taken pix inside! This shop is jam-packed FULL of wonderful specialty foods,
interesting gift items, & loads of “What Nots.” Just wandering through its isles is an EVENT!

Text from their Website:
One of the true legends of Yorkshire retailing, Lewis and Cooper first opened its doors in 1899 with the promise of tracking down the finest in food and wine from Yorkshire and abroad.

Explore the nooks and crannies of the store and you will discover literally thousands of rare treats such as Chatka Crab, Russian Caviar and Quails Eggs alongside the finest York Ham, Handmade Plum Puddings, bottled fruits and Yorkshire Moors Honey on the comb. We're especially proud of our coffee, which we roast and grind ourselves on the premises. Many of our customers travel from far and wide to stock up on the delicacies they cannot obtain in their local shops.
Our delicatessen counter is packed with fresh produce. We are renowned for our dry cured bacon, hams, best quality sausages, including Cumberland low-fat beef, as well as those made with a selection of herbs and spices. We sell many varieties of salami and delectable patès from all over Europe. We are known for our stock of expertly kept cheeses, with many local Yorkshire varieties as well as those supplied from a number of European cheesemongers.

Their WINE selection is extraordinary!
(Says She o’ the Fyne Cheape Box Wine fame, I know! But, its TRUE! LOL)

Also at Margaret’s suggestion, we elected to have our TEA at Betty’s Tea Room
(rather than at Lewis & Cooper’s Tea Room).

Info from
Betty’s Tea Room Website:

“When Bettys opened its doors for the first
time in 1919 it was just as our founder, Frederick
Belmont, had visualised – customers were greeted by
a tempting array of delicious Yorkshire and Continental
confections in the shop, and an elegant Café Tea Room
served teas and meals in the traditional English style.
It was an immediate success.”

“Over eighty years later and we welcome more than
one million customers a year to Bettys. We’re still a
family business and continue to stay true to Frederick’s
founding principles that everything should be
‘fresh and dainty' and that ‘if we want things just right
we have to do them ourselves’.”

I’m not sure why Ruby took this pic o’ the Orange Tree next to our table.

But she did! So, here it is!

Our TEA was delicious, and the break was absolutely perfect.
After that, we hit the road again.

That’s IT!!!
After our Northallerton stop, we motored to Ruby’s hotel (near Gatwick Airport).
After dropping Ruby off, I headed to my hotel (near Heathrow Airport).
And NO PIX were taken during our flights back to the US!

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(Meet TEDDY – myne titmouse!)

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– or PHOTO contributions for it! –
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