To code and post one or more WEB PAGES of Miller Fandamily or Mistress Chas Renaissance Pix takes HOURS and HOURS of work! Recently (October, 2006), I learned of a MUCH FASTER way of uploading PIX to the Internet, using one of the MANY Internet PHOTO DEPOSITORY sites available:
There are a few “drawbacks” to using Internet Albums such as Photobucket:
BUT. Using Photobucket Albums is TOOOO convenient to pass up!
So, here are tips for how to USE and NAVIGATE Photobucket Albums!
TIP #1:
Once you arrive on the Photobucket Album page, DO NOT click on any form of “SLIDESHOW” button! If you do, you’ll not see the entirety of what LITTLE “narration” I’m able put with each pic and, you may have trouble controlling the amount of TIME allowed to view each “slide.”
TIP #2:
Once you arrive on the Photobucket Album page containing “Thumbnails” (small versions) of the pix, JUST CLICK on the FIRST THUMBNAIL PIC! A page containing the FULL-SIZED pic will open up. After you’re done with that pic, click on the NEXT button (or right-pointing arrow) to move to the next FULL-SIZED pic.You may have to Reposition your BROWSER SCREEN in order to view the ENTIRETY of each PIC as you go through them. But, the full “narration” will be visible at the top of each pic. And, you can take as much time as you wish before going to the next pic.
When you’re on any Photobucket Album Page, at the TOP of the page, just under the WIDE NAVY BLUE BAR, you’ll see the word, “Album” on the FAR LEFT, followed by one or more BLUE COLORED TITLES. These are LINKZ to the various FOLDERS within the Photobucket Album.The Album’s CORE (PRIMARY) Photobucket Folder is the FIRST Blue-Colored Link listed. It contains a LIST of ALL the Pix SubFolders found within the album.
The LAST Blue-Colored Title listed below that wide navy blue bar is THE FOLDER YOU ARE CURRENTLY VIEWING.
BETWEEN those two links there may or may not be a Blue-Colored Link for a SUBDIRECTORY FOLDER containing other pix folders related to the one you are VIEWING.
Click on the MIDDLE LINK to go to the Subdirectory’s main page. Once there, you can scroll down and click on another Folder of PIX within that Subdirectory Group.