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How Do You Have Sex?
How do u talk to crushes?
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Girl's Blogs
Thursday, 24 August 2006
Mini Miss Advice colum 3
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: What?!!
Topic: New Picts are comming up

Hello girls! Welcome back, new photos are here so check em out girls! Oh, in the "main" time, check out this cool new sister site! It's by my new buds(Joan,Ming,Isabella,Tommie,and oh! Don't u DARE forget Lucas! So see ya, and have fun.

Posted by funky/ at 11:08 PM EDT
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Sex Tips
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: What?!!
Topic: How Do You Have Sex?

Hey Girls! Are ya having sex anytime soon? Soooo cool! Here's all about what you should do. Anyways, sex, in one hand, can hurt VERY badly. So double check wwith your partner or YOURSELF 2 see if ya wanna really do it first. Second. Some people HATE sex. So wait, and go someplace queit, and then slowly convince him/her into taking your clothes off. After they see your glamour naked&sexy body, they'll think that they really need you. Oh, and third is REAL important. ALWAYS WEAR PROTECTION UNLESS YOU ARE READY 2 HAVE A CHILD!!!! Some guys are 2 stupid to think of the trouble that they will get themselfs into because they don't kno that that baby will die when you give birth to it if you are 16 or under! So do NOT kill a perfectly born life untill you are sure that you are the right age. After all, u might wanna check with ur parents first. U kno, B4 they MAKE u dump ur boy/gal first! Oh, and make sure that ur partner (if he is a boy) 2 only stick his u-kno-what into urs 2 inches deep. That's IT! Oh, and don't let him/her bite ur nipples 2 hard, cause then it may occer breast cancer. Well, good luck on it! U'll need the luck since it hurts lik hell!My Song

Posted by funky/ at 10:54 PM EDT
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Sunday, 13 August 2006
The Advice Girl
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: What?!!!!
Topic: How do u talk to crushes?

Now that's what you'd prob say when you're secert crush is nearby,right?Well, at least it's the thing that u should say. Now that is the advice you get from your parentz or family members that are adults. BUT, 2 me, it's the most stupid thing that i think anyone should say in front of the boy that u like! Trust ME, cause ive gone through this before, and its not all that pretty when ur secert crush becomes not so secertive, and everyone in skool knos bout it and laughs at ya.So 2 stop that from happening 2 u, here's what u should do.

Everyone will begin 2 lik u in a short amount of time if ur what that person is looking 4. i totally have an boyfriend already, so u have to believe me. First, you have to find out what your crush likes. For ex:my boy likes sports and eating pizza. So then, invite your crush to go to the pizza place or be there 4 his big game or something. But don't jump to it. If it's the first time youd ever asked him out, tell an couple of friends to come along too. Inclued some boys, so that your crush does not get uncomfatable.Second.DO NOT TELL YOUR CRUSH THAT HE IS GOING ON A DATE WITH YOU! Keep it a secert. And dont tell ur friends either! They might keep ur dirty little secert 4 an while, but in an short times, he/she will throw you off when you have a fight or something. Do tell your mommy that i didnt warn ya!So when you invite your friends to go with ya to someplace with your crush, tell em that ur actully just inviting people 4 fun! Third, dont act all flirty or sputtery with him!Some boys hate flirting. Others are smart, and will kno that u like him when you flirt! Dont go cry'n 2 your daddy when he finds out! Oh, and third, if u do what i told u to do. then in an month of two's time,(maybe longer,depends on the crush...)he should soon become your BOY. He'll start asking you to partys and fun places and play with him a little, paaaat, play with him means that when ur sure that he likes you, bend over slowly for an first kiss. And if he's into it too, then stop, and say:"I dont think im ready 4 this yet."It'll TOTALLY throw him off!So follow these advise and hope 4 the best! But the most important rule is 2:Just Be GIRLS!!!

My Song

Sunday, 30 July 2006
News Flash!
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: Whatt?!!!
Topic: New Pics!
Hi guys! I'm back, and I've brought a surprise for you people! New pictures are being posted up new week sooo, come that day to check them out!!!!

Posted by funky/ at 4:39 AM EDT
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Hey U!
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Whatt?!!!
Topic: Introduction

Hey guys! It's me, the site owner....Miss.Angel!
Thanks 4 check'n out Girl's Blog! Ya know, this site is sooo new, that not much things are yet ready. But b'll b ready in a few day's time! If you're new 2 this site, ya might b crazy and start adding me to your e-mail or anythang like that. But one word: DON'T. I already have LOTS of sister sites and I think already a hundred people have add me already. But of corse, if ya wanna add me to ya phone book, whatever. But do NOT call me 24-7 cause I will be busy with school or make'n the site more worth your visits. So stay in touch at sat-sun cause those r the times when im free. So...remember my moto: "Just Be GIRLS!!!"

Posted by funky/ at 3:53 AM EDT
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