Sex Tips
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Topic: How Do You Have Sex?

Hey Girls! Are ya having sex anytime soon? Soooo cool! Here's all about what you should do. Anyways, sex, in one hand, can hurt VERY badly. So double check wwith your partner or YOURSELF 2 see if ya wanna really do it first. Second. Some people HATE sex. So wait, and go someplace queit, and then slowly convince him/her into taking your clothes off. After they see your glamour naked&sexy body, they'll think that they really need you. Oh, and third is REAL important. ALWAYS WEAR PROTECTION UNLESS YOU ARE READY 2 HAVE A CHILD!!!! Some guys are 2 stupid to think of the trouble that they will get themselfs into because they don't kno that that baby will die when you give birth to it if you are 16 or under! So do NOT kill a perfectly born life untill you are sure that you are the right age. After all, u might wanna check with ur parents first. U kno, B4 they MAKE u dump ur boy/gal first! Oh, and make sure that ur partner (if he is a boy) 2 only stick his u-kno-what into urs 2 inches deep. That's IT! Oh, and don't let him/her bite ur nipples 2 hard, cause then it may occer breast cancer. Well, good luck on it! U'll need the luck since it hurts lik hell!
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