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Welcome to you my wonderful Daughter-in-law

Into my life you have come

A most pleasant and cherished addition

My son has chosen wisely of that I am sure

Your smile and warmth shine brightly

Shy and unsure when we first met

Worried of how we would feel and greet you

It has been oh so easy to grow to love you

Did you ever know that I too felt the same

I was so eager for you to like me too

We share a common bond you and me

For we both love the man my son became

My fears were soon put to rest

For the love we shared soon grew

And you became so precious to me

A helping hand you have always given

Your laughter always brings a smile

With each passing day our closeness grows

I always find so much pleasure in your company

Your calls brighten up each day

You have come to me a daughter-in-law

A woman my son has choosen for his wife

But my heart does not know the difference

You are so very much more to me you see

So special you have become

A daughter-in-law, no much more then that

You my dear, so special and sweet

You are like one of my own, special for sure

The key to my heart I have given to you


Author: Katty Kane

All the pictures on this page are

made by Sara Kay

Click on the picture below to read

all about her
