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Are you looking for the magic that is Christmas

The magic you lost oh so long ago

The wonder you felt as a small child

You know the one who believed in Santa Claus

And all his magic reindeer

Where did it go and when did you lose it

Was it when some one told you that it was all just a story

That Santa was not real and his reindeer did not fly

Or when you got all the bills after the season was through

Maybe the magic was lost because you stopped believing

Santa is a great magic for all the little children

And the reindeers always brings a smile

But maybe it’s the believing in the magic

That we once again need to feel

The wonder the magic of what Christmas really means

There is no magic, but wonder remains

If you look to the reason for we celebrate the season

The birth of a child so long ago on this earth

A child who was the greatest gift of all

He was born to save us all one day

So bring back the magic with the gift of yourself

Give freely to each other, give something that counts

Share with someone, give from your heart

A gift given from deep within you

One you do not claim credit for, will give you that magic

It will open your heart to all thats around you

Fill your soul with love and warmth

Bring back to you the wonder you long ago forgot

You need to find Santa Claus deep with in your heart

Give of yourself, give love and hope to another

Remember the reason we celebrate the season

Live as He would have lived, give as only he gave

Find the magic once again, because you hold the key

Open up to the world around you make someone smile

Give the one gift that really counts, give the gift of yourself
