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@}--)--~~More of MOM'S Poetry~~--(--{@

A Little Girl

She runs through the fields

And her laughter floats in the air

The breeze plays with her golden hair

As I watch,she pauses for a moment

To gaze in wonder at a butterfly

As it flutters its wings up to the sky

As I sit her in the shade of this tree

I thank the Lord that he

Let me be, the Mother of,

This little angel of three.

I hope, to you, fate will be kind

And a joy like mine

You will find

Author: Lorna Bach

She Was Home

To long the house was silent, no laughter, no singing

No footsteps in the hall

No one to talk to, but a picture on a wall

But no more am I lonely

Because today she has come home

They tell me it is only for a few days of laughter and singing

A few days of childish pratter

And I am happy

Because for a few days

She has come home

Soon it will be again be silent, but i will still hear

The laughter and the singing

In my memories, I will still see Her happy little face

And I will sing

Because for a few days

She was home

Author: Lorna Bach


