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A warm summer rain was gently coming down

She took his hand and beckoned him

To come dance in the rain with her

His eyes looked at her in amusement,

Not really believing she meant it

Come dance with me, she urged him on

As she held his hand even tighter

Head thrown back and with a deep warm laugh

He went out with her into the rain

The rain was warm and soothing as he drew her to him

Holding her body close in his arms as they danced

Whirling and swirling to the rythmn of the rain

The laughter shining from her eyes as she twirled with him

Making the troubles of the day, all seem to just slip away

Freedom called to him from her sweet red lips

And soft, tender love shone from eyes full of mischief

She had never looked more beautiful to him

Then with hair all wet from the warm summer rain

He could not resist this wonderful nymph

As she lead him out of himself, to dance with

The warm water cascading over their bodies

Seeming to fill him with a joy and excitment

Never experienced like this before

Laughter filled the air that day as the two danced

A memory made of a sweet face, framed by wet blonde hair

Eyes filled with love and laughter, shared by two

For on that very special day dancing in the rain,

She helped to make a memory and to set his spirit free..

Author: Katty Kane

