CHAPTER ONE Kate, Jessica, and Missy were driving home from the best night of their lives. This could only mean one thing, they had just been at a Backstreet Boys concert! It was two oclock in the morning and they were all very tired and just wanted to get home and go bed. But on the another hand they were also extremely happy because they were just in the same room, breathing the very same air as the ever so talented BSB! They finally arrived home to their very cozy, yet somewhat small, BSB decorated college dorm that they all shared. They were all around the same age. Kate was 19, Missy and Jessica both 22. Theyve known each other for quite some time. Mainly because Kate and Jessica were step sisters and Missy has been best friends with Jessica pretty much forever. They had discovered that they all got along great and have remained close friends for a long time. Then when it was time to go off to college, they decided to live together. It really was tons of laughs and the college work wasnt all that great, but they still managed to have lots of fun together. So like I was saying.....when they finally did arrive home to their dorm they were greeted with the ringing of their phone.

Ahh someone hurry and answer the phone before the machine goes on! cried Missy who was still trying to get the key outa the door.

Ill get it, Ill get it....Hola....Kate, Missy and Jessica residence! said Kate in her very cheerful tone of voice. Even though it was late, she was in a very good mood because the Backstreet Boys always seem to be able to do that to ya no matter what time a day!

Uh...Hola?? Is anyone there? HELLO!! Okay fine.. bye!

With that Kate clicked the off button with disgust and then flipped through the caller ID to check if there was any listening of who might have called.

Well who was that? Jessica questioned as she went over to take a look at the caller ID herself.

Good God!! screamed Kate, It was Nick Carter!! The caller ID says Nick Carter on it guys!!! Do you know what this means???!!

Hmmm....well.....YEA!! The most beautiful man in the world just prank called us! said Jessica sounding a little confused and disappointed at the same time.

Why would he do that? Howd he get our number? Who did he want to talk to?! questioned Missy

Well I have no idea, but I do know one thing..... said Kate

And whats that? asked Jessica

What do you mean whats that? We gotta call him back! Now!! screamed Kate, This could be our one and only chance to actually MEET the Backstreet Boys!! This is what weve been waiting for um lets see here... our whole lives!!!! Geesh!

Kate clicked on the phone and started to dial the number that was listed on the caller ID and after about two rings someone picked up, but what she heard on the other line left her speechless.
