CHAPTER TWO Hello? spoke a male with a rather deep raspy voice.

Um....I....Uh..... Kate was just so shocked. She recognized the voice immediately. She had never really thought about what she would say if she got an answer. It was all just so unreal. She never really thought shed actually get an answer.

Well if youre not gonna talk Ill just hang up. I mean I love talkin on the phone and all, but if the person doesnt talk back to ya then whats the point!! Hello?? said AJ, starting to get a little annoyed., Im very sorry. But are you by any chance AJ Mclean?!? She prayed she had guessed right.

Uh yea..who are you? How did you get this number?

Well actually we just got a....well...a prank call, I guess, from someone who is where you are right now....Nicks house, right? Kate was now beginning to learn to talk again. She was shocked before, but she had calmed down a bit.

Could you hold on just one sec? Kay thanks!

Before Kate could reply she heard AJ screaming to Nick.

Did you call some girl just now Nick??

Maybe, why?

Cuz someone is on the phone right now sayin that you just prank called her.

Gimmie that! Nick said as he grabbed the phone away from AJ.


Nick? Hi... did you wanna talk to us or something? Kate said, kinda confused. see.... Nick said hesitantly.


Well....first off...whats your name?

Im Kate!

Kay...well Im Nick, but I guess you already know that. But what I wanted to say is this. You and two of your friends were at our concert tonight, right?

Um yea actually we were just walking in the door when you called!.

Okay well I saw you and your friends in the crowd.....and well I know it sounds weird, but I...well I kind wanted to get to know you guys. So I asked one of the bodyguards to get your numbers. I told him to tell you it was for a contest.....sounds pathetic, I know, but I didnt know what else to do!

Kate was just speechless. She didnt know what to say! I mean its not everyday that a Backstreet Boy gets a bodyguard to get your number and then actually calls you! Then it started to make more sense. When the concert was over a bodyguard had asked them for their phone numbers, and some other information. It seemed real enough, so they gave it to him. He did say it was for a contest to meet the Backstreet Boys. However she didnt know it would be quite like this!

No..not pathetic...kinda sweet actually! But why didnt you say anything when I answered the phone?

I got nervous. I didnt know what to I just hung up. Nick said ashamed.

Well...were talkin now, so what did you wanna say?

Actually...I wanted to hang out with you guys..get to know you. Actually I really wanted to get to know your friend with the long dark hair and tan skin. Shes the one I was really interested in!

Haha! Yea, thats step sister!

Really? Thats do you think we could set somethin up? All of us could go out sometime?

Yea sure..sounds great! But I just have one question.

Whats that?

Who are me and my friend Missy gonna go out with? I mean it will be you and Jess and....

Ohhh I gotcha! Well, to tell you the truth, Brian and AJ were the ones who actually got me to call you guys. I wasnt gonna do it until Brian and AJ asked who it was I was going to call. I told them what you looked like and they said they were checkin you guys out through the whole they wanted me to call. Not just for me, but for them too! AJ must not have realized that I called you already and thats why he sounded confused when you called me back. Sorry bout that.

Thats AJ and Brian are interested too?

By this time Jess and Missy were getting really annoyed with Kate. They had heard their names come up several times and kept motioning to Kate to tell them what was goin on, but she just ignored them and continued on talkin with Nick!

Oh yea! And you know AJ.....he LOVES girls! Nick replied, half joking and half serious.

Okay, so........when did you wanna go out? You guys are pretty busy all the time, right?

Well yea...but we can always make time, when we really want to that is. said Nick slyly. What about tomorrow night? Say around seven?

Sure..sounds good. I mean Ill have to check with Jess and Missy, but believe me Nick, if they have other plans...theyll cancel them!

Good so well be by your place around seven then!

Kate then went on to give Nick directions to the dorm. They talked a little bit about what they would do tomarrow night then Kate dismissed herself so she could tell Jess and Missy the absolutely amazing good news!!

Chapter Three
