Kate I swear to god if you are lying to us.... Missys reaction was more skeptical then optimistic, but hey, what are ya gonna do!

No no no! Im telling the truth Mis!! I swear on AJs life!!!!!

Wooooo! This is sooooo kewl chicas!! I cant believe it! Did he really say he noticed me in the crowd? He even remembered what I looked like?!! Ohhh how cute is he!!! Jess couldnt stop with the questions. She had to know everything. When I think back on seems that maybe taping the conversation with Nick wouldve been easier then explaining every little thing he said on the phone that night. But oh well! She gotta kick out of it!

So who do we have dates with? I mean its obvious Jess and Nick...... Missy trailed off.

Mis...dont you fret!! Youre with Brian and Im with Da Bone babie!! said Kate in a very cheerful voice. Turns out Nick wasnt the only one scoopin the crowd tonight!!

After a quick few minutes of chattin about their dates, they all started jumpin around the room screamin!! This was their dream come true and nothing was going to ruin it. At least thats what they thought.

Chapter Three
