Nick hung up the phone and went to look for AJ and Brian to tell them what was goin on.

AJ...Bri? I gotta talk to ya for a sec! Where are you guys??

HEY! screamed AJ as him and Brian jumped out of the kitchen and into Nicks face.

AHH! Nick jumped back, surprised at his friends actions.

You said you wanted to tell us somethin?? So go on Frack..dont be shy now buddy! said Brian as they made their way into the living room. I just got off the phone with Kate....... Nick was interrupted by a questioning AJ.

Kate? Is that the girl I was tellin you guys about? In like the 3rd row tonight with two other lovely lookin ladies?!

Yea..shes one of them, but how did you know shes the one you were........ Nick was again interrupted.

I knew she looked like a Kate! Ahhhhh........Kate! What a great name!! AJ had already started day dreaming about her. He knew he wanted to meet her from the moment he laid eyes on her.

So are we going out with them or what? Brian questioned. He also had a thang goin for one of the other girls.

Would you two just let me talk! And yes! We are going out with them! Kate, Missy.... Yet again Nick was interrupted.

Missy.......I just.... This time Nick interrupted Bri.

What? You knew she looked like a Missy?? Please! Im beginning you! Just let me finish and then you two can go on talking all you want! But please, for the love of god, just let me finish!!

Frack...itll be okay! Just calm down!! So, you mean to tell me you dont have a little thang goin yourself for one of these girls?? questioned Brain.

Well...uh....yea! Jessica is her name! Nick then started drifting out of reality. Trying to picture what she was doing at that very moment. But um....god now you have me doin it! Okay so yes.. we have dates with Kate, Missy and Jessica! Were gonna pick em up around seven at their dorm. Then were all gonna go to Disney World! The place where dreams come true guys! So....sound good? Wow! I actually got all that out without any interruptions! Thanks guys! Nick looked at AJ then to Brian. They just sat their staring at Nick, both had blank expressions on their faces. Nick finally spoke.

What? Is something wrong or are you two just tryin to catch flys??

Nick, were taking them to Disney World? Did you actually think this through or what Frack? said Brian. Nick still wasnt catching on.

What? I dont know what you......ohhhhhh!! God how could I be so stupid? Man I guess I was just so caught up in the whole date thing that I never really stopped to think. Sorry guys. So now what do we do?

In case you hadnt figured it out. They were talking about the fans. If they went to a public place like Disney World they would surely be bombarded by tons of fans. And who wants that when youre trying to have a date. Sure they lived in Florida when not on the road and had been to Disney World several times, but theyd take a bodyguard when they went. Not that they really minded. They were starting to become pretty good friends with the guards. But when youre on a date its different. You dont really want to have to bring Big Boppin Bruce and Gigantic Jerome along for the fun! (Those were the nicknames the boys had given to their guards.)

Look guys...I know theres gonna be tons of fans and stuff, but well just have to make the best of it. Im so sick of us always trying to do something, but then changing our plans cuz the fans will get in the way of things. I mean, dont get me wrong, I love the fans, but Im just tired of this. AJ said sternly. I say we just go and make the best of it! So ya with me?

Yea yea...I guess your right Bone.

Im always right Nick!! Get use to it buddy!!

So after the minor set back, they decided theyd better call the girls and just fill them in on what they had discussed. They didnt want them to be totally shocked when they walked into the gates of Disney World and a bunch of girls run up screaming and pulling out any kind of paper product they can find for the guys to sign.

Chapter Five