Jessica and Kate were sitting on the couch anticipating their dates. They were obviously nervous. But who could blame them? Missy could!! So as Jess and Kate sat their bitting their nails and tapping their feet Missy walked out of her room to see what they were doing.

Oh god! Would you too knock it off already!! Everything will be fine! Dont worry!! And did you know its only 6:30!! Theyre not going to be here for another half hour, so just calm down chicas!! Missy was a little bit nervous herself, but Kate and Jess were taking the word nervous and like maxamizing it just a little too much here.

Missy!! What if theyre early? We dont want to make them wait! That would be rude!! replied Jess.

Missy has a point though. We do have a half an hour till they get here and were already sitting on the couch waiting. Thatt just not right! realizing how foolish Jess and herself were being, Kate got up and went to the kitchen for a drink.

KATE! Wait!!! yelled Jess at the top of her lungs.

Ahhh what? Jess what?? Kate came running back to the living room.

Will you get me a coke??

Uhhh! Is that all you wanted?

uh..... uh huh, why? said Jess.

Um okay Jess....Mis did ya want anything? asked Kate.

Nope. Im fine.

So were going to Disney World. The place where dreams come true!! Jess was starting to relax, but she was still a little tense about what the evening would hold for her.

Yea! Should be tons a fun!! Missy replied with a sarcastic tone.

The girls sat their and talked for a while, trying to pass the time. A half an hour had gone by rather quickly and all of a sudden they heard a knocking on the door. Jessica fell out of her chair when she heard the noise.

Its them! There here! Guys they actually showed up!! YES!! Jess said in a very cheerful tone.

Answer the door you dork!! Jessica just shooke her head no, so Kate hurried to the door.

When she opened it she found it wasnt what she had expected. She froze. As Jess and Missy walked up to see what was wrong, they reacted the same as Kate did. They were shocked beyond belief at what they saw standing in front of them.

