Angel Of Mine Chapter Eleven

"Di you wanna go do something today ?" I heard Lizz ask me over the phone about a week later. "Sure where are you ?" I asked. "Down town Orlando come to Bronsons and we can go get something to eat and maybe go to the mall or something" Lizz said. "Sure I'll be there in about an hour" I told her. "Sure okay bye" Lizz said. Then I heard the phone click. I walked to my closet and grabbed my dkny jeans and a tommy girl shirt. I took my hair and put it up in a navy blue clip leaving my bangs out and hanging. I put on my makeup on the way down the road. I look alright I guess you could say. I got to Bronsons and I got out of my car grabbing my purse and walking inside. When I got there I immediatly noticed that Lizz was talking to Brian I flipped. "Di look who's here" Lizz said loudly. I put on a plastic smile and smiled at him. "Hey Diana" Brian said cheerfully. "Hi what's up?" I asked. "Oh nothing just was about to go out and get something to eat had to get some gas first" He said. "Yeah this is my friend Lizz" I said motioning my hand towards her. "Yeah that's what I guessed she was telling me she was waiting for a friend.....Nice to run into you though" He said. He started walking towards the door. "Yeah you too..." I said. God was this odd. I mean usually he's all bubbly with me. He walked out the door and I stood there frowning at his attitude towards me. "Wow he's so nice isn't he....How do you know him ?" Lizz asked me questionally. God I had never told her about Nick and I had I ? "I didn't tell you did I ? " I said feebly. "Tell me what?" She asked. Her tone changed a tad. I told her that when we got to dinner that I would and I did. She really was surprised I hadn't told her. "I'm sorry Lizz it's so odd I know really but he's nice to me now and our relationship is just friends" I said. "That's cool but I hate you kept this from me" Lizz said. "I know I really just forgot with everything happening" I said. "Yeah it's fine really" She said. "Good" I replied. We finished our lunch and decided to go to the Orlando mall. We walked in the mall scooping everything out. "I like this!" Lizz exclaimed. I walked over and saw that she was looking at a diamond watch. My eyes widened. "It's beautiful" I said. "Yes and it's mine" She said looking at me. I laughed and handled her snobby attitude coming out. "Okay kewl I don't have the kinda money you have anyways" I stated walking over to the cheaper rings. Lizz bought the watch and we continued through the mall. I started looking around at all the guys there were really some hotties in the mall today. None that I really would want though. Lizz of course was all over them. I continued to walk through the mall looking at every male my eyes could see. Lizz and I had decided to spilt while she went to find something. I looked and walked walked and looked. No one I ever caught my eye. Then I looked a lil farther ahead and noticed Brian standing there in a record store I knew it was him only because I'd seen him so much over the past few weeks. He was wearing a black dark nike hat and a dark pair of sun glasses. I smiled and walked closer to him. I crept up behind him seeing he was looking at the new Boyz to Men CD. When I got close enough I leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Hey you" He turned around shocked and then smiled. "Hi" He said. "What are you doing here ?" I asked. "Duh looking at CD's" He said with a smart attitude. "Oh sorry!" I said. "So where's that cute lil friend of your's whats her name?" He asked. "Lizz that's her name....What's up with you?" I asked cutting him off. "Nothing what's wrong with you?" He asked. "Nothing there is something wrong with you and you know it and until you want to tell me I'll just leave you alone!" I turned around walking out of the store in a huff. I walked back over to Lizz she could tell I was a little upset. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Oh nothing just some problems with some ladie is all it's fine" I said. 'Oh okay" Lizz said. Our day at the mall sure as heck wasn't as eventful as I thought it would be.We drove home and I headed for the house. I hopped out of her car and went to my door. "Thanks I had a great day Lizz see you soon?" I asked. "Yeah sometime I'l call you" She said. With that I walked in my house and went up to my room clicking on my answering machine.

"Hey Di it's me Nick I'm bored need someone to talk to please call me as soon as you get in" Click. "Well he finally needs me" I thought almost laughing. I was just about to stop my messages when I heard Brians voice. "Di I really need to talk to you I know your gonna think I'm sooo weird but please meet me tonight at the entrance of Disney World okay ? See you then" I was so puzzled. Why disney world?? I knew I had to go though. Nick could wait this might have something to even do with Nick. I went to my closet and took out my white kinda silk dress it wasn't that nice just comfy. I slipped it on putting my hair up nicely and getting on all my make up. Finally I was ready. "Mom I'm going out for awhile okay?" I told her. "Okay dear be careful" She said. She still was struggling with the fact of the divorce in fact it still wasn't offical. I was so tempted to call him up and cuss his ass out. But I didn't. I road up the road singing to Brandy she was the bomb. I got there about an hour or so later. I looked around for him and finally spotted him at the entrance. I ran across the street and made it over to the side walk. "Hey what's so important? " I asked. All I could remember was seeing him and then feeling his lips on mine. I pulled away. "What the heck was that for!?" I asked looking at him in shock. He smiled. "What is this!?" I asked pulling back with an angry look on my face. "Don't flip I only did it because of them" He whispered. I looked past Brian and saw Nick and Summer standing there. "Oh ....why ?" I whispered back. "Cuz they think were together" Brian said giggling. I didn't think it was funny. "What the....." Brian stopped me from saying anything else by taking me by the hand and walking closer to Nick and Summer. "Here comes the two love birds now" Nick exclaimed with a big smile on his face. I smiled right along with it only because I hopped it would make Nick jealous. "Hey!" Brian said giving Nick a high five. "Hey man you got a fine looking ladie on your arm tonight" Nick said looking at me. Inside I was screaming for him. "Nick love me not her please just be Brian for one moment then I would do or be anything in the world" "Yes isn't she? " Brian said. Boy he sure could play the part couldn't he. "Awe you guys stop it" I said going right along with Brian. "So should we?" Nick asked trying to make himself sound serious. "Sure" Brian said squezzing my hand. I looked at him with a half smile half annoyed expression on my face. We walked in Disney Land and paid not really being noticed by anyone. Brian had to wear a black wig to hide his identity and Nick was wearing a red head kinda looking wig of course both guys were wearing glasses or sun glasses.

When we finally were in the park I found out that the whole park had been rented out to only us. I flipped. "What Nick you rented the whole thing just for us!!!???" I screamed. "Yes what's the big deal?" He asked looking at me and laughing. "Well I dunno I've never lived the high life of the likes your use to is all" I said. Brian looked at me and snickered. "What!?" I said definsively. "Your like a lil bumpkin I should really show you the world" Brian said. "Yeah now that you two are together you should do tons of things like that together" Nick said from up ahead. "Sounds nice" I managed to say. We walked a little farther and then came to the most beloved kingdom. By then Nick and Summer had disapeared as always. Brian lead me to a bench where we sat. "I'm sorry for putting you in this sittuation" He said staring at me. "Well why did you then?" I asked. "Cuz Nick asked me about it and I lied and told him we were" Brian said hanging his head low. "Well that was dumb!" I blurted out and then held my toungue. "I know go ahead tell me the truth I know I'm scum" He said sounding sad. "Naw you aren't well you are for putting me in this situation really I should tell Nick ....shouldn't we?" I asked. "Why..." He said looking at me again. His blue eyes peirced my heart it hurt so much looking at him that I had to turn my glance away. "What's wrong with me Diana....I can be more then Nick can ever be I'll be everything you need just let me in...." He said reaching out for my hand. I started to cry. "Brian I don't know I love Nick" I said. Brian stood up and looked at me. His eyes looked hurt. "You...Gosh Diana don't you realize what your doing to yourself?" He asked. I looked up at him with tears. "What?" I asked. "Your lieing to yourself Nick's in love with Summer they've been together for almost 3 months there might be no other chance for you what do you expect Nick just to forget her and be with you forever? That won't happen he's not ever going to realize or see what I see in you...I care about you I see the special you" Brian said. He turned to walk away. "Stop" I said. He turned around looking at me once more. "Yes?" He asked. "Just stay with me Brian I don't want to be alone" I said. Brian came and sat back down but in silence. Finally he stood up. "You know we realy shouldn't put to waste our time here lets go inside the castle" He said smiling once more. I stood up not really wanting to go but I did. He incressed his speed and we were running intil we ran right into Cinderella. "Opps!" I exclaimed laughing. "Sorry about that can I help you up?" Brian asked extending his hand to her. She took it standing up and noticing who Brian was. "Your Brian Littrell right?" She asked with a puzzled look. "Ya nice to meet you Cindy" He said giggling. "It's Laurie acually" She said smiling. Brian seemed taken with her in an instance. "Nice name" He said. "Thank you....So wow your in the backstreetboys huh?" She said. I finally let go of Brians hand and walked further into the castle.

I wandered further and further until I heard some laughing coming up ahead I knew it had to be Nick and Summer soI hide behind a cave in kinda wall. I watched as they were having a major make out session in this chair thing and I felt as the pain grew to heavy for me to carry. I walked away slowly hopping I wouldn't be noticed. I wasn't looking up just looking at my feet as I walked back to where ever it was I was before. I wasn't looking and I ran right into Brian. He grabbed my arm so I wouldn't fall. "What's wrong?" He askd seeing the tears. "NOTHING!" I yelled walking past him. He walked after me grabbing my arm and spinning me around. "Is it Nick?" He asked me. "Why does it always have to be him huh?" I asked. "Cuz everything with you has to do with him you won't let him go will you?" He asked. "NO!" I screamed clawing at his arms so he would let me go. "Your going to have to one day if you want to move on with your life" Brian said. "No I won't have to" I said. "Fine you do things like you want to then!" He said. "I will tell Nick goodnight for me baby" I said sarcasticly. He frowned and smiled but didn't say a thing. I walked out to my car slowly and was about to get in when I heard someone shouting at me. I stuck my head out to see who it was. It was Nick. "Di where you going?" He asked sweetly. "Somewhere to be alone!" I said. "Why?" He asked. "It's nothing alright" I said. "Yeah it is and I want to know tell me" Nick came close to the door and held it open. "No Nick not now" I said turning. "What is it tell me Diana cuz I'm not moving until you do" He said strongly. "Fine you want to know?" I asked. "Yeah I do" I started to tell him the truth but I just couldn't. "I can't stand Brian and we were never going out he lied to you!" I said. "what?" He asked. "Yes Brian lied and I ...I I'm leaving that's what I'm doing" I said turning towards the entrance and running. "Wait Di---" Was all I could hear Nick say. I didn't care I had to get away from all this insanity and so I did. I ran to my car and got in the drivers seat.

I didn't start the car right away just sat there catching my breath and my thoughts too. I finally started her up and drove out of the parking lot and to God knows where. I ended up on the far side of town up on what some teenagers in highschool call "Make out valley" I giggled to myself remembering coming up here alone on some summer nights and watching and snooping on my friends. It was all so exciting only to an extent. Well until I felt the tinge of loneliness hit me. I shook my head trying to forget those days but the memorys only hit me harder. "why should I love ? Not now I shouldn't feel like this he's just Nick......Nick Carter......Someone I'd never even thought about until well I saw him and that was it.....We belong together I know it" My mind said trying to convince me into thinking my thoughts were truely thought and felt. I laid my head on the steering wheel and sighed. I finally lifted my head up looking out over the city of orlando it was so beautiful tonight.....Now I realized why this was a favorite spot of so many high schoolers. I pulled out about 5 minutes later heading off to somewhere else somewhere besides home knowing what messages would be waiting on my machine the next morning. I drove for what seemed like forever finally stopping at the beach side. I parked my car and practically flew out of my car longing to be near the ocean it was the only thing that was keeping me close to Nick. I flung off my clothes leaving them on the sand. Tonight was the night to let it all loose and so I did. I swam in the ocean it being so late I'd never imagined that anyone would come by. But someone did. A man he looked very far off but I noticed that he had noticed me and I panicked. I started to just come out of the water but I didn't. Imagine lil ole short me coming out of the water bare and naked. He finally walked away and I walked out of the water too grabbing my clothes and retreating to my car getting dressed.

I finally went walking down to the shore line and letting my feet get soaked by the incoming waves. "Diana?" A voice called behind me. I looked behind me seeing Brian standing there. "Don't you ever stop!?" I asked aggervatedly. "No not till I get what I want" Brian said. "What is it you want then...Cuz i'll give it to you if you will leave me alone" I said. "What I want isn't what you want Diana and you know it" He said sitting next to me on the sandy shore. "What is it then?" I asked becoming aggervated with this little game of his. "I....Well I really have become to like you lately you should have known that by my actions tonight....I care about you and maybe well sometimes I think I've fallen in love with you" Brian said taking my hand. I turned looking at him with a shocked look. "What ...Brian...gosh ...I'm speechless" I said. "I don't expect you to love me really I don't I could go on forever dreaming that just maybe you could" Brian said. I felt aweful here I am in love with his best friend when yet he is well says he loves me. "Don't feel sorry for me Di I'll just wait and let you see for yourself how things are going to be " Brian said starting to get up. "No Brian please don't leave me I need someone something I don't know" I said being more confussed then before. "Okay if you want me to stay I will" He sat back down and wrapped his arms around me holding me close to him eventually he ended up laying back on the sand with me laying on top of his chest. We had fallen asleep listening to the waves crashing up onto the sandy beach. He stirred and then woke me up. "Huh..." He said. "Bribear we fell asleep" I said smiling. "God I thought I had died and went to heaven finding you here next to me" He said. He took his hand and slowly carressed my cheek I leaned my head up against his hand. "Your to kind to me Brian" I said. "No I'm not you deserve more then what I'm giving you" He said. "I don't know Brian I mean I'm so confussed right now I want Nick but now I want you and it's just all a big jumbled up---" Brian stopped me. "Shhh it doesn't matter" He said. He slowly leaned upwards kissing me gently and softly on the lips. I pulled away and looked to the side of me. "Did I do something wrong" He asked sitting up. "No it's me not you Brian" I said. I got up and grabbed my purse. "Di I'll give you whatever time you need whenever your ready for us then give me a call" Brian told me. I heard him but didn't respond walking back to my car and driving home.When I returned I checked all my answering machine messages. "Di please call me what's up with us?" Nick asked over my machine. I just fell back on my bed sighing. I picked up the phone and dialed his. There was no answer so I left a message on his machine. "Nick now your not home.....So I guess I should just tell you what my problem is but to tell you the truth this whole tape wouldn't fit all my words oh well call me " I hung up falling back on my bed grabbing my journal and writting out todays events.

The Main page of this story

Chapter Twelve
