Angel Of Mine Chapter Twelve

The next morning Nick called me again begging for my forgiveness. "Di please pick up I'm sorry really I should spend more time with you I mean geez you are one of my best girls in the whole world I need you here for me to help and understand me how about you just pick up" He said calmly. I reached over and picked up the phone. "Okay I'm listening" I said shortly. "Well just talk to me tell me what it is that your feeling cuz I need to know" He said caringly. "Well I feel left out Nick that's how I feel" I said sadly. Even though I knew that wasn't the real true meaning. "I'm sorry Summer and I have been seeing to much of each other lately I told her we need some time to cool down to find out if our relationship is really meaningful so ya .." Nick said. "Gosh I'm sorry" I said. "No your not and you know your not" Nick said teasingly. He had caught me red handed. "Ummm yeah" I said trying to sound not so obvious of his findings. "Well anyways do you wanna do something today?" He asked me right out. "What do you have in mind?" I asked. "Well how about we go take a picnic up in the mountains today huh?" Nick asked. "Sounds nice I'll be over at your house at about 12:00 alright" I said. I was somewhat excited but knew there had to be some disapointment somewhere in this deal.

I got to his house about 12:00 wearing a black short belly tank top with some cut of shorts and addidas sandals. I had let my brown hair lose today hoping maybe I could attract Nick's attention away from anything else but me. "Hey girl" Nick said hugging me and then looking at me. "Hey" I said. "You look nice today Di" Nick said smiling at me. "Well thank's for noticing" I said. "My pleasure...." He said once more. "Well if were gonna go to NC today then we better head for the airport" I said. Of course I really was interested in weather we made it there or not I just wanted Nick in my arms and right now.We made it to the airport just in time and we were off to the mountains for the day and maybe if I was in luck for the night.

We got to the mountains about 3 that afternoon the plane ride was quite boring because either Nick or I really didn't know what to say. "So here we are let's catch that limo which will take us to the car rentals and we can rent a car for the day huh that sound alright?" Nick asked me. My mind obviously was somewhere else though. "What?" I said coming back to my reality. "Oh I'm sorry I--" He stopped me mid sentance. "It's okay really you probabley have alot on your mind" Nick said looking away from me. "Yea I am" I muttered. "Well maybe I can help you" Nick said. I stopped only because half of the thoughts were about him and the other half were about his best friend who had somehow managed to make a place in my heart for him. "Naw I'm alright I can handle it myself" I said rather independantly. "Alright but I'm here for you, you know that right?" Nick said. He took my hand in his and smiled at me. I smiled back feeling a special warmth go up my spine. We walked hand and hand to the limo with our backpacks and hopped inside. When we settled inside Nick had let go of my hand and was just staring at me. "What are you looking at?" I asked playfully. "You of course" Nick said smiling. "Oh you make it sound like something good" I said. "It is a very very good thing Di and you know that" Nick said. "Yeah I know" I tried to say. He just sighed and we continued on to the car rentals. When we got there we rented a black Eclipse it was a convertable one of course and it totally was hot. I sqealed when I saw it and Nick just laughed at me. "Your still not use to the high life yet are you?" He asked smiling really big. "No I'm not remember I'm just a plain girl and you your---" Nick stopped me mid sentance. "I'm a star" He whispered so that no one would notice. We took off 30 minutes later off into the moutain air and sun. It was so beautiful almost to much to sink in at the moment. "It's beautiful huh?" Nick yelled over the sound of the air rushing by us. "Yes to beautiful" I announced. He giggled and continued to drive.

I reached over and turned on the radio and the song "Have you ever" Was on ..It totally went straight to my heart. Eventually all I was doing was singing and smiling. Nick watched me I knew he was cuz I noticed it out of the corner of my eye. After it was over he turned it down and turned to me. "God that was beautiful Di...Have you ever thought about becoming a singer?" He asked. "What you must be joking, No it's never crossed my mind, I only sing because it's something I do and love" I told him. He laughed pulling into a picnic area. "Then you must be nuts, a girl like you should really use the talent that God's given her" Nick told me. I smiled. "Really?" I asked. "Really, Now get out and let's go get our food ready" He said laughing. I opened up my door and hopped out going to the trunk and we got out the food and walked over to a picnic table and started to lay out our food. Everything looked so great. "Finally" Nick said sitting down and letting a sigh of release escape his mouth. I sighed too sitting there staring at the beauty that surrounded me. "So you ready to eat?" Nick asked with a devilish grin in sight. I smiled and nodded. He took out all the food and laid it before us. "Yummy!" I said. "Yeah that's why I'm just dieing to sink my lil teeth into it" He said giggling childishly. "Well let's" I said taking my fork and plunging it into some of the food. This day was going great already Nick and I seemed to get slower everytime I checked.

He finally broke the silence a few minutes later. "So you and Brian aren't a thing?" He asked. My heart lept into my throat with the possible thought that maybe he was jealous and knew that I was the one. "Naw we aren't he just made it up for what reasons I don't know" I said nervously. "Oh I think i know" Nick mumbled in between bites. "Why?" I asked. "Well he called me up last night gushing out about how---" Nick stopped himself and blushed. "Opps I wasn't suppose to say anything to you" He said laughing. "What tell me now" I said whinning. "No I can't betray my friend" He said. "Dang it" I muttered. By then we had finished our lovely lunch and it was getting to be around dusk. I smiled looking up in the sky at the sunset. "Well we should go set up camp" Nick said aweful proudly. "Camp?" I asked quizically. "Yeah didn't I tell you we were gonna be camping?" He said laughing. "NO!" I yelled behind him. "Well we are so you better get your booty over here and help me set up this big tent of mine" Nick exclaimed marching down the hill like a soldier towards the river where he supposidly I guessed was going to set up our camp. I went and got some poles and marched down to where Nick was perched over. I smiled he had such a sexy butt. He turned around and grabbed the poles and started to put up the tent. I laughed as he menuvered everything and eventually he had the tent up. "See I did it!" He exclaimed muffling a small laugh. "Yes you did Nick" I said sighing and sitting down on a log. It was now about 8 oclock and I myself was a lil tierd. "How about we go and take a drive up the hills here?" Nick asked coming over and picking me up off my log dwellings. I dragged along. "Okay sounds nice" I said. This totally wasn't what I had thought would happen but hey its better then nothing. I followed him to the car and got in. "You ready?" He asked with his beautiful lips curled. "Yeah" I said. He started her up and we drove off. "So Di you seeing anyone?" Nick asked looking at me. "He really wants you" My head kept on telling me over and over but I pushed that thought aside. 'Nope I was dating this guy but it just wasn't gonna work out I had some other things to work out first" I said. "Oh man that sucks really I think you and Brian would be so cute together" Nick gushed. "No we wouldn't" I said firmly. "Oh I'm sorry if I offended you Di it's just what I think personally" Nick said stearing his attention back to the wheel. "You didn't it's okay" I said. "Well can I ask you something ?" Nick asked with serious eyes. "Sure anything I'm open" I said smiling. Thinking my moment with Nick was just about to come true. "Well see Summer and I--" "Summer argh I should have known" I thought while Nick was telling me. I blocked everything out and went into my own world of self pitty well that is until I heard him say the big word. "Well I want to marry her Di and I wanna know what you think about it" Nick said smiling at me. My mouth I swear must have dropped right down to the floor board. "What?" I asked. "I want to marry her, why what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing I am just so happy for you I mean you really want to do this?" I asked him. God let him change his mind, oh please I thought. "Yes of course I love her she's my soul mate Di the one I belong too, I don't want to live without her" He said. I could see the sparkle in his eyes it was unmistakable. NO Nick you love me not her, please come back to your senses I was litterally crying on the inside but trying to hide it on the outside. "Well as long as your sure I'm happy for you really" I said taking his hand and squezzing it. Happy Diana?? Happy?? your such a liar tell him My mind wouldn't stop screaming at me everything was flying by so fast. "Well I just wanted to tell you first and ask you to be our made of honer since you have always been so good to me" Nick said smiling very brightly. This can't be happening he doesn't see it does he?? I felt like crawling in a deep dark hole and never coming out. We finally arrived back at the camp so maybe I could go lay in my sleeping bag and forget this all happened. "I'd love to be that for you, you know I'd do anything for you" I told him getting up out of the car. "Yes I know, that's why I asked you" Nick said getting out too. We walked to the camp and I went directly to the tent not looking back and got in my sleeping bag and fell to sleep well cried myself silently to sleep all alone.

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Chapter thirteen
