Angel Of Mine Chapter 13

"Wake up Di it's a beautiful morning" Nick exclaimed pulling back the flaps of the tent. I grumbled and flipped back over on my side. More like the worst day of my life,waking to the realization that you don't love me but you love her! I was crying on the inside but trying to hide it on the outside. I sat straight up and looked Nick in the eyes and smiled a fake smile. He laughed and then proceeded back out into the open forest. "Nick how come you can get up so early this is like night time to me" I said rubbing my eyes from within the tent. "Well all the early practices, recordings, pictures and video recordings too" Nick said plainly as if it were a part of an everyday persons life. I got my clothes on and emerged from the tent. Nick turned and smiled at me. "You know I thought you know maybe you and I could have a thing but after that day on the beach that you talked to me about my problems I knew seriously that you were my best friend in the whole world even over Brian or any of the other guys, you listened to me Lizz and you cared that's more then they could have done they would have taken me to some freaking shrink but you gave me the best advise. I haven't had sex with Summer yet I just want to wait you know make it something special something I know will be the best moment in my life cuz it wasn't a rushed thing but a planed thing" Nick said looking straight ahead with the silliest look on his face. I was speechless I couldn't find the right words to say in my mind I almost blurted out how I really felt but I kept it all locked up inside. "Wow Nick I'm so proud"was all I could manage to say, my whole world was slowly falling apart right before my eyes and the man of my dreams was in love but it was with the wrong person in my eyes.

We made our way out of the park about 11:00 that morning Nick had to get back to Orlando for a interview. "Di your quiet is everything okay?" Nick asked looking over at me as we landed at Orlando's airport. I turned to him meeting his ice blue eyes I stopped and held my breath I could have cried if I hadn't told myself not too. "I'm fine Nick just not feeling all that well you can just take me to Brians place cuz my parents are gone for the weekend he said I could crash there" I told Nick. He smiled brightly. "Oh so you do like him don't you?" Nick said elbowing me. I really wasn't in the mood for his taunting. "No I've told you that before were just friends Nick he's my friend" I said over to him again. "Yeah that's what they all say you know you can love your best friend, people do it all the time" Nick said flashing me a big smile. The wors hit me like a ton of bricks I couldn't barely breathe I turned my head so Nick couldn't see the tears developing in my eyes. He didn't say nothing else all there was ,was silence between us maybe he hinted the pain but most likely he didn't even know it existed there.

"Brian you home?" I called coming in the door way with my book bag. I didn't hear anything so I decided to go put my stuff in the extra room in his apartment that he shared with Kevin and Howie. I walked to the room upstairs and laid my bag next to the four poster bed and then flopped myself down on the bed. I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep. Brian silently crept around the room to the corner of the bed where my head laid. Brian slowly lowered his head and then his lips met mine. I thought it was just a dream and I went right along with it. He became a little more passionate so I decided to open my eyes to see if this dream were for real. My eyes poped open to see Brians face kissing my lips. I squealed and riped myself away. "What are you thinking!" I said scrambling to the other side of the bed as if he were a danger to me. "I was just playing a joke on you but you seemed to go along with it there for a little while" Brian said laughing. I thought it was repulsive thinking that he and I had laid together on the beach a few days earlier and we had kissed I couldn't deny that. "Brian,why are you so unpredictable?" I asked staring at him. He just smiled and walked out of the room not answering me. I chased him down the hall." Brian answer me!" I screeched. he just continued to walk right along. "Fine I'm going in here!" I yelled walking into the living room and sitting down. I grabbed the remote and flicked on the tv. I turned to MTV and watched the videos play for awhile I was becoming restless at the heart though. I finally laid back and fell back asleep on the couch dreaming of being with Brian and Nick. I woke up and looked around the room and found Brian sitting in the chair across the room staring at me. "What are you looking at fool" I said sitting up and folding my arms across my chest sleeply. "Such big words for such a baby" Brian said getting up and going into the kitchen for something. I frowned evilly and sat there in a fuss. He came walking back in the room and looked at me with an eyeing look. I stared straight ahead trying to ignore his begging looks but it was really getting hard to not want to look at his beautiful eyes, I needed someone to love me,Nick didn't so someone had to. Brian sighed really heavily and then grabbed the other remote and turned up the mtv music videos they were playing Boys II Mens "End of the road" his favorite song. I also loved the video and song I watched and finally began to sing along with it I didn't even notice but Brian too had started to sing and even harmonize with my voice. When it had finsihed I stopped singing and looked over at Brian who still had his eyes closed singing. "Wow!" I said almost breathlessly, we sounded so great together. "Shh, can I ask you something Diana?" Brian said still with his eyes closed looking straight at the tv. "Yes, of course" I said calmly. He began slowly "Di you know about Nick and Summer's engagement right?" Brian asked his eyes had opened and were on me. "Yes he told me this weekend I guess that was the whole purpose of the weekend, I have to tell him maybe he will change his mind" I said sounding desprate for any kind of love from Nick. "Di, listen he's happy you want him happy don't you?" Brian said with an anoyed tone of voice. "Yes but I want to be happy too" I said looking down at my hands and feeling the tears fill my eyes. Brian walked over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me. I scooted closer flopping in his arms for comfort. He took his hands running them through my hair. I cried so much I soaked Brians shirt once I was through. "I'm sorry about the shirt" I mumbled taking hold of the shirt and wiping my nose off. "That's okay as long as I don't find any bugers" Brian said laughing. "Opps to late for that I just rubbed one on there" I said mischeviously. He looked down at me saying nothing with words but all in the eyes. Neither of us spoke for atleast five minutes we just sat there and had one of those looking deep into the eyes moments. I was the one who finally broke the silence by sitting up. "Brian what's up with us I can't even think or anything when I'm around you I just feel so confused" I said holding my head in my hands. "I think I love you Di, I really do I've tried so long to tell you this but you don't know how bad it hurts to see you not feel the same, I see you , I see the way you look at Nick, I only wish you would love me that way" I heard him say. I lifted my head and looked at him. "Brian...." I didn't know what else there was to say. When I tried to say one thing my mouth just went dry. "No don't pitty me if you love me then I want you to be with me but if you don't love me then don't do it only because your hurting over Nick and Summers engagment" Brian said standing up to leave the room. "Brian it's not like that, just give me some time" I said looking at him. He shook his head and walked back into the kitchen. I had to get out of here somewhere where I could be alone to think. "I went and got a note and a pen and wrote out a short note to Brian.


I had to get out, get out of here to think. I'll be back when I think I'm ready to face this issue I have. Don't wait up. Diana

I took my book bag and my jacket and silently snuck out the front door.