Angel Of Mine Chapter 14

"Where is she?" Brian thought as he paced the room it was already 2:00:AM and she hadn't come home yet. He sat on the couch wondering and worrying and hoping for the best he picked up the phone and dialed Nick's only because he knew that's where her heart was. "Nick, I'm sorry to bug you but Di left my house at around 9 and she hasn't been back she isn't there by any chance" Brian asked nervously. "Well wait someone just knocked on the door you guys sure are nice to wake me up this late" Nick said rudely. Brian just sat and waited. "Yeah, Brian she just came in wanna talk to her" Nick asked. Brian had hung up before he could even reply and had made his way out to his car and was driving over to Nicks. It was time to get this all settled out once and for all.

"What are you doing here Di it's 2:00:AM!" Nick shrieked at me. "I I have to tell you something Nick it can't wait till tomorow I've told myself it could so long but it won't it has to be said now" I said staring at him with a serious look. Nick looked at me oddly. "Well what is it?" He asked. "I don't want--" "Diana stop alright!" I heard Brian yell behind me. Nick and I both looked back at Brian who's hair was all messed up and was dressed for bed. "What is this all about!?" Nick asked confussed. I ran out of the room and made it out the nearest door. "Brian explain to me now!" Nick ordered Brian. "Man it's not up to me to tell you" Brian said running past Nick and out to find Diana. Nick just stood there in a daze. Brian rushed out the back door and found Diana crying out on the patio. "Di?" Brian said coming closer. "Leave me alone!" I screamed. "Diana listen to me, you don't want to do it right now it's just not the right time" Brian said puting his arms on my shoulders. "Why because you want me and I can't have Nick and I know it?" I said angrly. "No because if you tell him now then your going to ruin your relationship for the rest of your life just let it go" Brian told me. "I can't" I said crying even more. "Your gonna die if you don't because Nick's going to be getting married in three months you just can't spring this on him it's to late for you and him" Brian said. The words hit me so hard I felt my heart breaking into a million tiny peices. Brian came around holding me in his arms once again. I just sobbed for awhile and then noticed that Nick had come out onto the patio. "What's wrong Di?" Nick asked coming closer. "Nothing just a problem but I'll be fine once I get over it" I said standing up and wiping the tears away. "Are you sure?" Nick asked. "Positve Brian's taking me back to his place I'm sorry I woke you I love you Nick" I said one last time. "I love you to Di you go home and get some sleep girl" He said hugging me. I let go looking at Brian who gave me a reassuring smile. "Bye Nick sorry once again" Brian said helping me out to his car.We drove home in silence and by the time we made it back to his place I was fast asleep in the passengers seat. I guessed Brian had carried me inside his arms inside because I woke up in his bed the next morning. "Brian are you here?" I yelled walking outside to the guys big living room. AJ came waltzing through the door. "Oh hey didn't see you what's happening?" AJ asked walking past me and going to the kitchen. "Not much just woke up in Brians bed and he's not here" I said wiping the sleep from my eyes."Damn you two are that serious huh?" AJ asked giving me a coooky look. "NO! no were not like that it's a long story one I'd like to not mention" I said going to the fridge. "Oh sorry" AJ said. I looked on the table and there was a note laying there. I picked it up reading it.


I ran out to do an eran when I get back please be ready I want to take you out somewhere special. Love Brian

My heart was totally fluttering. I ran upstairs and grabbed my clothes and put on the nicest thing I had brought which was my short tight black velour dress. I had my hair down and brushed out really nicely and my makeup was perfect atleast I hoped it was. I brought my diamond tiara everywhere and I decided just tonight that it would look awesome with my dress and hair. I placed it carefully in my hair right as Brian was walking up the steps I turned around just as he made it in the doorway. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me smiling. "Your a vision Diana really" Brian said watching me intensely. I smiled shyly looking down at my feet which were wiggling in my black high heels. He came closer walking behind me and puting his hand over my eyes. "What are you doing Brian?" I asked giggling. "Giving you a surprise" Brian whispered handing me something that felt like a stick. He took his hands off my eyes and there in my hands was a long stemmed white rose. My mouther opened wide as I turned around looking him in the eyes. "Brian it's so beautiful" I said smiling still. "The reason I didn't get you a red one is because red ones are so general you know? Plus you are just like this white rose, gentle soft and pure" He said. I came closer giving him a big hug. He slanted a little kissing my neck softly I felt a wild sensation fill my body and I closed my eyes letting it overwelm me. We just stood there holding each other for awhile and then were interupted by AJ. "Hey whats this the hugging convention?" He asked smiling. I opened my eyes and let go of Brian walking away towards the door. "No I was just hugging Brian for this rose" I said showing AJ the rose. "Wow that's a beauty" AJ said dropping his glasses for a better look. "Thank you I was just heading down stairs to put it in a vase" I said walking past AJ and down the steps. I walked slowly trying to think, What had happened down there? Was I falling in love with Brian?? I sighed taking out a vase from underneath a cabinet and placing the vase under the water. I didn't hear the footsteps behind me but I felt the hands slowly wrap themselves around my waist.I laid my head back on him breathing in slowly and waiting awhile to let it out. I closed my eyes feeling his lips travel down my neck and then back up to my mouth.I turned around kissing him back passionately. He walked backwards towards the couch but I stopped him. "Brian I can't" I whispered backing away slowly. "Why not?" He asked frowning. "Cuz I'm a virgin" I said feeling a tad bit ashamed. "Oh, I won't hurt you Di you know that" Brian said reaching out and taking my hand and pulling me back close to him. He started to lay the kisses on me again and I felt myself slipping back under his warmth. "Brian no you don't understand I want to stay like that till I'm married" I said pulling away again. "Ohh," Brian said looking at me. "That doesn't change anything does it?" I asked looking down. "No not at all, lets go to dinner" Brian said turning around and taking me outside to his car. We drove over to the restaurant and of course they had valia parking. "Right this way" The hostess said taking us to our table. Brian pulled out the chair for me and I sat down and he walked around the table sitting down in his chair. "Back at the house I'm so sorry about that my hormones just sometimes run wild like that I'm so sorry Diana you mean the world to me" Brian said taking my hand and kissing it. I smiled. "It's alright I've said no to alot of guys" I said laughing. "I'm so glad your not mad" He said smiling back. "Naw I couldn't be at you, your an angel" I said. Right as Brian was about to speak he was interupted. "Brian hey man!" I heard Nick shout from across the room. He stood there holding Summers arm as the walked in. My heart stopped and my mind once again focused on him. "Stop it Di you have to stop" I told myself over and over. "Hey Nick what you doing here?" He asked looking at Nick as an enemy not a friend. "Oh Summer and I are just out on a date" Nick said winking. I didn't know what that wink ment but maybe it wasnt so good in my case. "Will let you go back to diner though" Nick said starting to walk away. "Alright bye" Brian said turning his attention back to me but my attention was on Nick my eyes followed him as he walked with summer to the back of the restaurant. "Di, you still with me?" Brian asked waving his hands in front of my face. "Wha?" I asked looking back at Brian. "Damn it your still stuck on him aren't you?" Brian asked with a not so nice pleasant look on his face. I sighed staring down at the table. "You just don't forget about love" I said. "You can't do this to me Diana making me think you want me then turning around and hurting me again!" Brian said in an angry tone. "Don't be mad at me Brian I'm so sorry" I said standing up and grabbing my purse. "No, don't go Di please, I need to ask you something" He said standing up also and grabbing my arm. I turned around just in time to hear a sqeal of joy come from a woman in the restaurant. Brians head turned also. "Yes Nick I'll marry you" I heard Summer say standing up and kissing Nick. I threw my purse down running down the isles of the restaurant to where Nick and Summer were dinning. "NO!!" I screamed stopping right at there table. "Nick you can't marry her I love you and I know you love me you belong to me we belong together you know we do" I said. The tears were rolling down my face in a desprate despair for Nick's love. Nicks face went blank. "What?" nick asked looking at me strangly. "I love you you heard me right" I said standing there breathless. "Diana you know were just friends, thats all its ever been" He said. "No you kissed me Nick you love me Nick you have to" I said. All eyes in the room were now on us. "Diana I hate to tell you this but I'm engaged now I'm marrying Summer she's the one I love" Nick said. "NO you can't don't Nick please don't" I said lowering to the floor and crying. Brian came over standing there blank to but decided to get me out of there. "Diana come on lets go baby" He said trying to get me off the floor. "Just leave me here I just wanna die" I said crying even more.Brian scooped me up and started to walk away. "No baby you don't wanna stay here everyones looking" He said walking towards the doors. "The hell with them" I said in a frantic voice. He took me outside and placed me in the back seat of his mustang. I laid there crying all the way home while he just drove not saying a word at all.

Angel Of Mine Chapter Fifteen
