Angel Of Mine Chapter 15

I woke up the next morning the night before was nothing but a blur to me. I sat up looking around Brians bedroom trying to remember what I had done last night but it just wasn't happening. "Brian?" I asked hearing footsteps approaching. "No it's me Nick" I heard Nick say as he came in the room. I looked at him with a shocked look on my face only because last nights events were slowly flooding my brain. I had confessed my true feelings for Nick last night. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "What are you talking about" I heard Brians voice beem through my ear as my eyes opened slowly. "Oh God what have I done?" I asked. "You've made a big mess for yourself" Brian said coming closer and sitting on the bed with me. I held my head in my hands and sighed. Brian patted me on the back while kissing my neck. I stopped him taking my hand and slowly pushing him away. "Brian I can't I'm so confused right now" I said laying back down on the bed. He backed away just sighing. "I know I know but Diana when is there gonna be a us if there ever is gonna be one cuz last night was suppose to be special but it ended in a mess" He said standing up to leave. "Brian I just dunno I mean I finally told Nick now I just have to wait and see what happens with us" I said. Right as Brian was about to reply to me the phone rang. Brian picked it up only because he was closer. "Hello?" Brian asked. His face took a twisted turn after he said hello and I wasn't sure who it was. "Yeah I'll tell her later" Brian said hanging up. "Who was that?" I asked sitting up looking at Brian who looked a little on the angry side. "It was Nick he wants to meet you at the bridge near the Orlando state park in an hour" He said turning around and starting to leave. "Brian...." I said he turned around and looked at me with a blank expression. I let him go I let Brian walk right out of the room and I sat there feeling like hell. I got up a few minutes later and put on a faded pair of boot cut jeans and a blue tank top. I put on my black sunglasses just to hide the swelling eyes I had from all the tears I had insanely cried last night.

I left the house at about 1:20 and got to the bridge at about 1:45 I saw Nick standing there looking over the bridge and it made my heart beat even faster. I stepped out of my car walking towards him when I was right in front of him he finally relized I was there. I didn't say anything at first only because I had no idea what to say to him. "What can I say to you Di it's like all this time I thought we were best friends and it turns out you thought of me as a lover I'm speechless" Nick said not even looking at me. I choked up not able to even speak. "Nick I, ever since the night we met I knew in my heart you were the one I thought maybe you felt the same way to exspecially after that kiss" I told him looking down at the water too. "Diana you remember me telling you that I was a guy only after sex back then right?" Nick asked. "Yeah" I said. "Well I wanted to get you to go to bed with me so bad that's why I kissed you and I feel so bad now I wish I could just like go back and make myself not feel that way but after that day you talked to me you helped me get over that and I would not be where I'm at with the girl I am with if it wasn't for you" Nick said. I felt sudden pain right to my heart how could he just use me like that! "So I was used!" I screamed. "No well at the first but after that we were best friends you were my life saver and you still are" Nick said finally looking up at me. "I just dunno what to say Nick" I said painfully. "I know you love me I know after last night you do but I love you but not the way you love me and your going to waste your whole life trying to get me when there's no way I'm ever gonna feel that way your like my baby sister Di" Nick said coming closer to hug me I pushed him away starting to cry. "I don't want to let you go though your the one I've waited my whole life for your the one I love" I cried looking at him with tears rolling down my tanned cheek. "You love me Di but I don't love you and I don't think I can ever love you that way it's just not possible I know someone who does love you though and if you let go of him then your really lossing your dream guy I'm not your dream guy Brian is" Nick said. I took my hand and wiped my runaway tears as I cried a little more. "But Ni" I almost finished my sentance but Nick stoped me. "No buts or what if's about it Di I know you, you can't live your life chasing a dream that's never gonna happen cuz if you do your gonna devote your life to winning me over and your never gonna be happy cuz I'm never gonna be won over by you" Nick said taking his hand and wrapping it around me in a hug. I let go of it all crying on Nicks shoulder in a painful release. "I love you Nick" I said through my tears. "I love you to girl but never anything but friends" Nick said letting me go and looking me straight in the eyes. "Thanks so much maybe I just shouldn't see you maybe until the wedding in six months it's gonna take longer then that to forget what I feel but maybe by then I can find that other special one in my life" I told him. "You do that I'll get my sister BJ to call you when we need you to try your dress on till then I'll leave you alone Diana" He said reaching out to shake my hand. "It's a deal" I said giggling through my tears. We shoke hands and hugged leaving each other and making sure next time we would be on a less tense of terms.

Chapter Sixteen
