The six months passed and soon I got a call from BJ "Hello?" I asked. "Hey it's me BJ Nick's sister he wanted me to call you to tell you and Brian that we need you to come down to the house this Saturday cuz were flying up to NYC to go to the designers place to try the dresses and tuxz on so I just thought I would call and tell you that peice of info" BJ said. "Alright we will be there" I said smiling over the phone. "Cool bye" BJ said I hung up turning to Brian and smiling. "So the wedding set?" He asked. "Yup this Saturday" I said. "So you gonna be okay with this?" Brian asked coming closer to me. "Yes I'm fine I have a new love in my life the only love in my life" I said smiling even brighter. "Oh really?" Brian asked wrapping his right arm around my waist and squezing. "Yes, you know him too his a wonderful guy" I said giggling. "Really? Must be this really great guy to win your heart" Brian said. "Yes he's perfect and I love him with all my heart" I said turning around and staring Brian in the eyes. He smiled coming closer and kissing me deeply. "Well if you love this man so much would you consider doing this great guy a great favor?" Brian asked after our long kiss. "Well what would that favor be?" I asked. "Well would you wear this on your finger" Brian asked pulling out a velvet box and handing it to me. I opened it up in pure excitement and it revealed a small heart shaped ring with huge diamonds all around the heart it was beautiful. I looked up at Brian with glimmering tears in my eyes. "For me?" I asked choking up. He took both his hands and held my face in his hands kissing my forehead softly then going down slowly and kissing my nose and then my mouth. "Yes with all my love" He finally finished it off. "Well will you marry me I mean" he said. "Yes!" I screamed jumping up and down and into his arms. He laughed picking me up and swirling me around as I squealed with joy. He finally got so dizzy that we both flew down on the couch laughing. We sat there talking about the details for hours and finally headed out for a night on the town to celebrate our offical engagement.

"Come on people we have a plane to catch" I heard AJ exclaim as he rounded us all up in the airport to catch the plane to New york. I hadn't seen Nick yet and I was kinda glad I hadn't I wanted to tell him privately about Brian and I then announce it tonight at dinner. We made it on the plane and I spotted Nick sitting with his bride to be it wouldn't be to much to get up and take him for a few. "Baby I'll be right back" I said getting up and walking up the isle to Nicks seat. When I got to him I saw him and a ray of happiness came over me in seeing him I knew now that I no longer loved him the way I thought I always had the feeling had died. "Hey!" I said smiling brightly. "Hey!" Nick said standing up but then hitting his head on the luggage carrier over his head. I giggled and he grabbed his head rubbing it. "Can I talk to you up here?" I asked pointing to two seats up ahead. He nodded and we walked up the isles sitting in the two seats. He looked at me smiling once more I smiled back and took my hand out showing him the ring. He almost laughed seeing it. "So it's offical?" He asked looking down at the ring and then up at me. "Oh yes he asked me on Tuesday the day BJ called to tell me about this" I told him. "Wow! Congrats Diana" Nick said reaching over to hug me. I hugged him for so long not leting him go just letting him know that I was okay now. "So wow this is just great I'm happy for you" Nick said. "Ya I know you are I can tell by that silly smile on your face" I said laughing. "Ya just glad were okay now you know" Nick said taking my hand and holding it tightly. "Ya me to I'm not regreting a bit of it now Nick everythings A otay now" I said giggling. We hugged one last time and we both returned to our fiances happy.