Angel Of Mine Chapter Two

It had been two weeks since that night I met Nick and still no phone call I waited and waited anxiously by the phone every night but still nothing.I didn't tell Lizz what had happened I made up some dumb lie telling her that I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to bother her fun.I seriously couldn't face her "Oh my God you know Nick kissed him" AHH she would scream for months.Instead I sat at home in my bed waiting for that phone call that I didn't think I was going to get.

Diana you must be nuts sitting here waiting for Nick to call you I'm sure he has even more important things to do My mind would tell me that over and over again I just tried not to believe it but after awhile it was working. I got so desprate I tried to remember every and each detail of that night.

"You know what I first thought?" Nick said."I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on"

God me beautiful? He must have been joking.I had only had 3 or 4 boyfriends during school.I thought that was pathetic Lizz the beauty queen had atleast 15. But maybe not having so many would mean in my later years I wouldn't have so much heart ache to look back on.I had never really loved any of those guys it was always someone more special I was looking for.I know as crazy as I sound I was thinking Nick was special.I just didn't think I knew.

"Di come on there's a party tonight the backstreetboys are gonna be there!"

I rolled my eyes trying to show no interest when all I really wanted to see Nicks face again.

"Okay now tell me how do you get in thesse partys?" Lizz smiled.

"Of course my daddy has connections girl" I laughed. "Man you suck so bad" I smiled kicking the sand,Thinking of Nick again of course."Okay I'll come only for you though" I said.

Of course inside I was laughing my ass off. You know it's not for her it's all for you.You know your dieing to see Nick. "Hey Di are you still alive in there?" Lizz waved her hands in front of my face.

"Oh dang I'm sorry I was just thinking about something?" Lizz looked at me strange.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked.

I had to avoid the truth at all costs."Oh just some family problems is all." Lizz smiled.

"Oh I thought it was something like a guy problem cuz when those happen you know I'm the expert." Inside I was screaming.

Lizz could be so full of herself that it just made me sick. "Yeah I know Lizz I'll come to you I promise really"

Right now I really felt like going home.Lizz and I were so diffrent I was the Joey Potter off dawsons creek kinda girl.I'd always waited for someone to notice that I just wasn't poor ole Diana kingston but I was great like Lizz.Lizz had won bunches of beauty pagants and me what did I have to show for myself? The only really interesting thing that I did was paint. I thought I wasn't that good so I've never told anybody that I do this."Good believe me you'll be much happier after you tell me" I smirked.

She's so full of herself I can't even believe we ever became friends my mind kept telling me these things. Of course I knew she was stuck up but the only reason I had befriended her was so maybe I could be in the popular group instead of the outcasts that of course had not worked to well either."Lizz my mom wants me home in an hour she has some cleaning she want's me to do so I think I'm gonna head that way if you don't mind that is"

She smiled her fake smile towards me again making me want to shudder."Sure I'll see you tonight here's the address for the place it's being held at." She took a peice of paper out and handed it to me.

"Thanks I'll be there" We said our goodbyes and I decided to just take a nice long walk down the beach.

The sun was just starting to set .So the sky was exploding with bright colors.I walked along kicking the sand under my feet thinking,What am I going to do when I see Nick? I asked myself. I looked up and saw a guy siting where the tide was coming in.He seemed so fimilar. I got closer and noticed it was Nick,I freaked,I tried to walk away but he noticed me. "Hey Diana stop" He said.

He ran up to me meeting my eyes once again. "Hey" I said somewhat angry as to why he hadn't bother to call once in the past two weeks.

"Look I know your wondering why I haven't called,I hope you don't think that I had like bunches of other girls that I said the samethings too because the truth is that I have been to photo shoots and promotional things these past two weeks and I never had time to call,I feel bad honest." He smiled at me.

I tried not to be lured back into those angel eyes but it was to hard."Well if that was the reason I think I can forgive you" I said smiling shyly at him.

"Think?" He asked.

"Naw I forgive you it's not your fault really" He smiled and held his arm out for mine.

"You wanna take a walk down the beach then?" He asked.

i tucked my arm under his and we began to walk. "So how have you been ?" He asked.

"Well okay.Just hanging out with my friend Lizz which is pure torture sometimes" He busted out laughing.

"Oh is she that bad?" He asked.

"God she thinks she knows everything!" I tried not to stare at him but it was to hard not to keep my eyes off his.

He too was staring immensly. "Hmm I think my sister BJ knows her the name does ring a bell" I looked at him with my eyebrows arched.

"Poor BJ then" He laughed.

"Yeah she always trys to come over and see me BJ always tells her that I'm gone then she's not even interested in coming over, She seems like a real bitch to me"

I giggled. "Yeah she is and she's really the only friend I have" I suddenly felt so embarassed by that.

"God a girl like you should have lots of friends" He said looking at me.

"Well I'm just to shy and I feel like I'm not good enough for people to waste there time on me."

He frowned. "No anyone that passes you sure passed up something great"

I smiled. "Thank you I think"

We continued walking in silence for awhile. "Soo tell me more about you" He asked.

"There's not much to know.I've lived here all my life.My mom and I have lived by ourselves for 3 years now my sister died from Lupus and my dads very busy with his executive job in NYC"

My eyes dropped and I felt the tears comin,I wasn't about to cry in front of Nick though. "God I'm sorry Diana I didn't know,Howies sister died of that a little then a year ago,It killed him,There were nights when I didn't think he was gonna make it,I know I would do the same if that happened to my sister"

I tried to smile but the pain was all coming back. "Anyways" I said trying to continue.

"I'm 18 I graduated from Bayside last year I'm waiting to go to college I have to work and get the money saved up to pay for the expenses of living my mom's decided to pay for my tuistion"

He smiled watching my lips move telling him my life story. "I'm a very Sensative outgoing nice kinda girl"

He smiled once more making my heart flip. "You sound like just a regular ole gal"

I laughed. "Yes that's me I also dance and sing"

He gave me a rather impressing look. "Wow see you aren't dull your very exciting"

I smiled. "Thank you Nick you maybe the first person to ever think that"

He let go of my hand and walked closer to the tide. "Well then I guess that would make me kinda feel special wouldn't it?"

I giggled. "Yes if you take it as something to be impressed by" He kicked the water under his feet while I watched from afar.

"Yes I am very impressed with you" He said rather flirty.

I blushed. I came closer to him and played in the water too. "You know what?" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"I've always wanted to ride horses on a beach tide I think that would be awesome."

He smiled. "Gosh me too I've always wanted to,Hey maybe we should sometime." He said.

"Gosh I would love that"

"Well then it's a date,Let's do it tomorow around sunset it will be awesome" I laughed with a surprised look on my face.

"Okay I'll be here" I said walking a lil ways away from him.

"I'll see you tomorow?" He asked.

"Yes tomorow it is." I walked away slowly backwards not wanting to walk away from his handsome image.

YES! My mind screamed. I ran faster down the beach laughing I stopped right at my house and ran down to the tide splashing water everywhere.I didn't know that Lizz was behind me though watching and waiting to laugh.

What are you doing?" A voice behind me asked.

I turned around very slowly to see Lizz standing behind me. I was so embarassed of course."What are you so chipper about?" Lizz asked looking at me with a snooty smile.

"Nothing, doesn't a person have a right to be happy here?"I said ignoring her and walking up the steps to my house,Of course she was mad with me. "Why did you lie and tell me that you were going home when you have been walking along the beach for over and hour and a half"

I didn't even give her the time of day. I simply opened my door and walked in. Lizz stood outside for awhile but eventually left.I decided that I would go and get something to eat in the kitchen."Ma are you home?" I yelled.

"Yes dear I'm back in the laundry room doing laundry" I grabbed a cookie off the counter and some milk from the fridge and walked in the laundry room where my mom was washing clothes.

"Hey mom when's Romeo do home?" I asked laughing.

That was my nick name for my older brother Adam.He thinks he is such the babe magnet when all he really is a pimp."Oh umm hmm he called about 1 :00 and told me he would be here about 6 to pick you up for something he's going to also."

I smiled. "Thanks mom I'm gonna go down to the beach for awhile and then start getting ready for later."

She smiled and I walked through the hall and up the stairs to my room. I slipped out of my clothes and into my bathing suit. Heading down to the beach for awhile.

Main Page Of This Story

Chapter Three
