Angel Of Mine Chapter 3

***Chapter 3***

When I arrived back in the house the phone rang up in my bedroom. I ran quickly up the steps to get to the phone. I Pick it up. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey this is Nick um you wouldn't mind if maybe we could skip the party and like just go out?" He asked. My heart did flip flops. Of course the kinda going out I was thinking really wasn't what was gonna happen. "Yeah sounds great! I'm not much into partying any ways." He laughed. "Yeah I could tell" I giggled. "So I'll be bye in about an hour" Nick said. "Okay I'll be ready" We hung up and I ran to my closet and started picking out my outfit.

I choose some tight black pants and a white blouse over it. I look awesome! I got myself ready and headed down stairs and got something to drink just before 7:00 when Nick was coming Lizz came knocking at the door."God what's she doing here?" I thought. I opened the door and sighed. "Lizz I'm not going to the party tonight I have other plans." She looked at me cross. "What is this with you and your other plans lately?" She asked. "Look he's going to be here soon I need to finish getting ready" I said trying to make up every excuse. "Okay fine but I sure would like to see who this nice guy is" She said smiling . I frowned. "no Lizz" I said firmly pushing her out the door. She finally left just right before Nick got there. I was releaved.

"Hey you look nice" He commented about my outfit of course I was smiling. "Thank you Nick you look awful nice tonight too." I flirted back. I look at his Green Jeep durango and noticed that it was shaking. for what reasons who knew. "So what are we gonna do tonight?" I asked Nick as we approached the car. A girl popped out the door. I was so shocked. "Hey who are you?" I asked. She smiled genuinely at me. "I'm Nichelle I'm one of Nick's friends" She had black hair and brown eyes. Very attractive. "Oh Hi!" I said. God he never told me this was a three some here. I looked farther into the car and saw another guy he looked a lil familiar to me. "Oh yeah this is AJ" Nichelle grabbed Aj's hand. "Oh Hi AJ" I smiled. Nick opened the front door and I hoped in of course I was furious at not knowing that this was a double date thing

. "So where we going pretty boy?" AJ asked Nick. Nick turned down Hill crest street and started for Orlando it looked like. "Hmm it's a surprise really ....were going to Orlando that's all I can say" I noticed a big mischievous grin come across Nick's face. I was puzzled by what this surprise could be." Oh I love surprises Nick" Nichelle chimed in from the back seat. I sat there so quiet I really didn't know any of these people except Nick and he sure had surprised me with this. "So Di umm what's some things you like to do?" AJ asked from the back. "Oh nothing really I'm your regular all round girl. I like going to clubs here and there. I sing and dance. Umm usually just love taking long walks on the beach right before dusk." AJ smiled. "Wow sounds allot like Nick to me" AJ nudged Nichelle in the arm. They both smiled. I felt so awkward sitting here with people I barely knew.

"Hey you think we might meet that Clarissa girl in town?" AJ asked Nick oohing and awing. Nick blushed. "Man I'd had forgotten her she was good though" I was so disgusted at Nick he was talking like a big pervert. I folded my arms around my chest bracing myself for a horrible night.

"Okay you guys here's the surprise I thought I would take all you guys out to Hawaii for the night my treat" My eyes lit up at the thought. "Oh God Nick this is so great thanks" I hugged him. He picked me up and swung me around. "Ahh Nick" I screamed. He put me down and smiled at me. AJ and Nichelle weren't as excited as I expected them to be they acted as if it were nothing. "Your welcome Guys" He took out the tickets and placed them in our hands. My mind changed somewhat at this point I had a feeling tonight was going to be magical.

"Please sit in a upright position we are now landing in Hawaii" I smiled and I noticed that Nick saw how pleased I was. "I'm glad your happy Diana" Nick whispered. "It's all because of you" I said. "Naw I just thought spending a night in Hawaii wouldn't be to bad I love it there." He sat back in his seat talking to me. "Not to bad it's great" I said enthusiasticly. We landed a few mins latter. AJ and Nichelle went there ways Nick and I got our luggage and headed outside. There waiting was a white Limo. I really thought that now I was going to die. "This this is for us?" I asked speechless. AJ laughed. "Yeah who else would it be for?" He said. I carefully got in . Of course I wanted to remember this forever! "Gosh you guys this is amazing!" Nick smiled at me. He was sitting directly across from me.

"Yeah this just happens all the time to us it's like driving in a regular car to us." Nick looked over at AJ and Nichelle who were all cuddled and kissing. He somewhat frowned. "So when we get there" Nick said. "We will go to the nicest restaurant in Maui." I smiled at the thought of it. "Sounds nice" Nichelle commented. "Very nice" I said. We arrived a few hours later in Maui. We drove to a designer gowns place and bought some dresses for the night. I got a white cinderella approach kinda dress it seemed to me Nick thought it looked lovely on me. Nichelle bought a lavender gown that had a open back and diamonds on the front. She looked lovely also.

"Hey Di you should wear this" AJ picked up a Tiara with diamonds and placed it on my head. I was so delighted but I knew it had to be way to expensive to take. "Yes Diana it looks wonderful on you" Nichelle said. Nick noticed from across the room and came closer for a look. "Wow Gosh you look like an Angel Diana" I was now gleaming. Who would have ever thought I would fall for him?

"Thanks you guys but its way to expensive" i started to take it off but Nick stopped me. "No tonight anything you want you get. I'll buy it for you" My eyes grew bigger. 'Nick it's a......" He stopped me in mid sentence. "No really its only $2000 " I still wasn't wanting to make him do this. But who could refuse this? "Nick" I said one last time. "No please let me do this for you it's the least I can do for bringing me such pleasure." I smiled and agreed. "Okay if this is what you want" Nick's smile assured me. "Yes this is what I want" Nick bought the Tiara and rented the dresses and tuxes. We were off.

The restaurant was magical really expensive too. "Yes reservations for Carter" Nick told the steward. She took us to our seats which were at a window view of the ocean it was magical. "Gosh this is nice" I said. AJ and Nichelle of course were in there little world again and didn't hear anything Nick or I said. "Yes nothing but the best" Nick flashed me a smile. The music was fantastic and so were the candles too. There was live classical music playing over on the stage and candles lit everywhere it looked like something from a fairy tale book. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom I will be back in a flash" Nick said excusing himself from the table. I watched him slowly drift away.

What was suppose to be a flash turned into hours. I sat at the table watching Nicki and AJ who never even noticed that I was there they got up and left the table too. I sat there and finally decided to get up and walk outside. what's he thinking ?? leaving me for hours alone. He went to the bathroom and never came back I wonder if he's okay? I thought. I walked around the patio outside the restaurant then decided to head down towards the beach. I walked slowly. My mind was racing.Where is he? I thought.

I looked down the beach and there was no one in site. My heart sank. I walked a lil farther and heard some giggling from farther up in the bushes . I came up closer and noticed the guy and this girl were having sex. I looked a lil closer from my hiding spot and saw a guy who looked like Nick. I flipped and decided to head back to the restaurant and wait.

Angel Of Mines Main Page

Chapter Four
