Angel Of Mine Chapter 4

Finally I just couldn't wait any longer for his sorry ass. So I took my coat and walked out the restaurant hopped in the limo and asked the driver to take me to the place where we had rented the dress. He quickly turned around and we headed out. We got there and I returned my dress and got back in my regular clothes. After that I decided it was time to head home I wasn't about to waste anymore time on Nick not after this.

The limo driver took me to the airport and I thanked him. I told him to head back to the restaurant because I knew Nick would be waiting. I wrote a note for Nick and handed it to the driver asking him to give it to Nick he agreed and left me. Boy Diana this night has been a major FLOP! I thought. Nick had a private plane that would fly them home but he gave me a regular airline. I wondered why he did this? Did he plan to dump me off like this? I couldn't help but cry but I was to angry too at the moment. Argh the nerve of him..... I will never ever do this again believe me. I walked to the front desk and handed the flight attendant my ticket. Then a proceeded through the gate into the plane.

"Thank you for flying with Delta" The captain said over the intercom. Yeah thanks Nick for a hell of a day. I thought silently. The plane ride was over 12 hours so I slept what rest of the night we had. There wasn't to many people in the plane on the ride home. We arrived home the next day about 12:00:PM I slowly walked out of the plane and made my way to my luggage pick up I had brought a book bag with me. I picked it up hearing the plastic case inside jiggling around inside. I slowly opened it up just to peep in to see if everything was okay. I saw the diamond tiara and my heart sank. Does he just buy gifts like this to make me satisfied? or what? I thought we had some unmistakable sparks flying here. I hated myself for even trying to think about that scum bucket.

He was so rude to even think of doing this to me. I heard some laughing over in the corner of the airport and saw a blonde guy a girl and another guy with black blonde tipped hair. I was furious. It was Nick AJ and Nichelle. They didn't even give a damn about where I was or if I had gotten home. I quickly walked the other way to the exit. When I made it outside I went to the pay phone and was going to make a phone call to my mom but I quickly decided against it. Who would come and help me out here? I thought for awhile then decided to call Lizz she would help me. I stuck in a quarter and a dime and dialed her up. It rang for awhile then she answered. "Hello?" Lizz asked. " Hey Lizz I need a favor." I said shyly. "what?" She asked.

"Well I'm at the airport and it's a long story believe me. Any ways I need a ride home.... If I call my mom she will freak out at me. So please?" I asked. She sighed. "Okay but your going to have to tell me what this story is okay?" She said. As much as I hated to I had to tell her. "Okay thanks" We hung up and I waited outside the airport for Lizz.

She got there about 30 mins later. I saw her car and ran out there to her. "Hey" I grabbed her and hugged her. She was totally shocked but gave me one in return. 'Hey girl what happened to you? You act like you haven't seen me in forever!" I laughed. "Well you wouldn't believe what's happened to me Lizz" She looked at me weird. "Well tell me and I might" She laughed. Lizz looked over to the other corner of the airport parking lot and noticed a black limo pulling up. "Hmmm wonder who that is?" Lizz said. I of course knew who it was and I really didn't want to stop and take a look. "Umm Lizz I really want to get home I'm tired please?" I asked her. She smiled but her attention was still focused on the limo and the men who were hoping in it. "Yeah okay" Lizz slowly came around to the other side of the car and we hopped in.

Nick leaned back slowly in the seat reading the message from Diana.

Dear Nick, Sorry you never made it back from the bathroom in time to even talk to me. I really wish things could have been different. Maybe it's my fault and I'm reading all the signals wrong here if I am I'm sorry. I'll go on with my life and forget about this. Obviously you don't want there to be a you and me.


Nick sighed. God why can't you just settle for one girl. Diana's great. It wasn't enough for Nick. He was so use to having whatever girl he wanted...When he wanted her. Now one spectacular girl comes along and he's to much of an uncommitted person to settle down. He sighed. "Yo Nick what's wrong?" AJ asked him. "Oh nothing just reading the bill" AJ laughed. "Is it that bad Nick?" Nick shook his head. 'Naw it's okay I got it" Nick leaned closer to the window trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do.

"So tell me what's this all about now?" Lizz asked pulling her four runner out of the parking lot. "well lets see it started about 2 weeks ago when we went to that party you know?" Lizz nodded. "And?" She said. "Well you won't believe this but .....but ...I met Nick Carter Lizz I dance with him. That's the whole reason I've been gone and been sneaky lately." Lizz's face lit up like a fire cracker. "Oh my God" She screamed. She sure was acting immature for 18. "Gosh why didn't you tell me this?" Lizz asked. "Cuz I knew that you would do exactly what your doing" I remarked. "Well I mean God this is big!" She smiled so big. "Any ways the reason I'm here is that Nick last night came to my house you know..." Lizz interrupted me once again. "Oh so that's why you pushed me out of your yard!" Lizz yelled. "Wait hold up I had my reasons can I continue if your wanting to know" I snapped at Lizz. Lizz eyes lowered. "Sorry Di continue"?" she said in a lower tone. "The whole reason I didn't tell you Lizz is because every time I try to tell you anything it's like you ignore it.

Like your somehow better and for once Lizz for once you will listen to me without jumping in about some new guy or whatever. If were such good friends you should respect me like I respect you. I am a person." Lizz wouldn't even look up at me. I could tell she knew what she had done and felt really bad about it. "I met Nick Lizz and he treated me like shit far from what your image of him is." I leaned my head against the window and cried. "Diana I'm sorry what happened?" Lizz asked silently. "Well he took me on a trip today little did I know it was going to be the worst day of my whole life. We went to Hawaii... I know it sounds like a dream and at first it was for me. We went to a really nice restaurant Lizz we had to rent really really nice dresses for it. and he also bought me this. " I reached in my bag and pulled out the plastic case. Lizz's eyes were so big. "My God its real" She whispered. I took it out and let her hold it. "God he ......he has to like you Diana there's no way any guy could buy this and not have it mean anything." I sighed. "Well see he got up saying he was going to the bathroom right?" I said. "Yeah and?" lizz asked. "Well I sat and waited Lizz for 3 hours on him no joke so I go outside the restaurant and I take a long walk on the beach. I keep on walking till I hear these giggles and like strange noises coming from the bushes way up on the shore. I looked up there and I swear Lizz there was a guy who looked like Nick with some bimbo and he was having sex with her." Lizz was so astonished by now.

I think I had shown her the more different side of Nick Carter tonight. "God isn't he rude" Lizz blurted out turning around a corner on the road. "Yes that's not even the word I really ...I don't care to see him ever again" I blurted out. I savengered around in Lizz's glove department for some sunglasses just in case Nick's limo were to drive by. "Man if I see him I sure will give him a piece of my mind" Lizz mumbled. "Lizz thanks but I just it's not worth wasting my time on" I said leaning my head on the window watching a single solitude tear run down my face.

"So your telling me that you left that fine girl Diana who's really sweet for some bimbo?" AJ asked angered. "Yeah man I mean what's wrong Diana and I are just friends man it's nothing" AJ sighed. "Well to her it is Nick haven't you even noticed how she's so taken with you?" AJ asked him. "No man I haven't okay" Nick told him. "Well your a fool I'll tell you that! I mean going and screwing any girl that spreads there legs man that's sick" AJ told him right in his face. Nick became so furious that he rared back and hit AJ right in the eye. He fell back on the ground but got up slugging Nick right in the stomach. "Ugh" Nick exclaimed as he hit the ground. "Man you just are so pathetic " Aj said walking off and getting in his car and driving away. Nick sat there for awhile thinking about Diana. "I am a creep aren't I?" He thought to himself. He got up and went in the house. "Maybe I should apologize" He thought.

I finally arrived home from my weekend of hell. I plopped down on my bed and popped on some usher in my CD player. "God what a day" I thought frowning. I laid there for awhile and finally drifted off to sleep. I woke up later at the sound of my brother coming in my room loudly. "Hey Di wake up" He said softly in my ear. "What?" I said looking at him sleepily. "Hey you have been sleeping forever" He said giggling.

"I have?" I asked him. "Yeah" I looked over his shoulder seeing some really handsome guy behind him. I smiled weakly at him too. "Hey" I said sweetly. He smiled genuinely at me. "Hey there did you sleep well?" He asked. "Yes I did allot better then I have been lately." He nodded "That's good" My brother paused our conversation suddenly. "Diana this is my friend Jacob" I smiled. "Hey Jacob" I said. "Hey Diana nice to meet you" He told me. "Same here so where you from ?" I asked him. "Well we just moved here I met your brother the other night at that killer party.... I'm guessing you didn't go because if you had I would have seen you I believe."

I blushed. "Yeah I went on a date that ended with a bang" I said frowning. "Oh Gosh I'm sorry doesn't sound that good" He said smiling to comfort me. "So I missed a great party?" I asked. I sat up straight in my bed fixing my hair. "Yeah it was awesome Di you should have been there" Adam told me. I sighed. "Yeah so do I" I thought silently. "So any ways the reason I came in here was that I have a date with suzanne tonight and ole Jacob here has no one to go with so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind going?" Adam asked me with pleading eyes. I of course was taken by this Jacob guy so there was no way I could say no. "Yeah sure it sounds like fun that's what I really need right now" I said smiling a half way smile. "Great" Jacob said coming a lil more into my room. "So any ways sis we will be back here at seven to pick you up so be ready okay?" I smiled. "Okay I'll be ready I promise." They left my room and I fell back on my bed sighing.

Chapter 5
