Angel Of Mine Chapter Five

About two hours later I was dressed and ready. I was wearing a tank top with a cardigan over it and my black tight pants. I saw my brother driving up in the drive way so I rushed outside. Jacob and Adam greeted me. "Hey you look nice" Jacob told me sweetly. I smiled blushing. It felt great to finally be with someone who appreciated me. Nick was a nightmare. I of course was blinded thinking it was a dream come true.

We all walked back to my brothers eclipse and hopped in. We drove to some jazz club in Orlando. When we got there my brother and Susan just left Jacob and I alone. We both walked in silently of course. I didn't know what to say to him. He broke the silence though. "This is odd" He said laughing. "I'm sorry I've had a really bad weekend very" I said looking at him with a put out look. "Oh so what happened?" He asked. We were inside the building now and we had sat down at a table inside the club. "Well I went on a date with this guy well I was just thinking it was gonna be him and me for the night well instead he brings his buddy and his buddies girlfriend to come along. He takes me on some wild goose chase that ends up all the way in Hawaii where I thought he and I would spend a fabulous night together. But ends up that he gets up to go to the bathroom and doesn't ever come back I waited for 3 hours for him and finally just decided to leave." I told him sighing. His eyes by now were enormous. "Okay let me get this you went out with a guy who took you to Hawaii then dumped you?" Jacob asked me. "Yeah that's correct." I said picking up my drink and sipping some.

"Man that had to be hell. I do say that yours beats any of my dating disasters" He said laughing. "Well yeah ...It was bad I told myself after that night that I won't go out with him anymore. With me guys get one chance and if they can prove to me that there gonna treat me right I will give them a try" Jacob nodded and looked over at the entrance. I turned my head to look and was surprised by what my eyes caught. "God there's that guy Nick Carter" Jacob mumbled to me. "He thinks he is such a big shot... Can get any girl he wan'ts pssh" He said getting a bad attitude. I of course was trying my best not to be noticed by him. There was no way I was going to talk to him not after last night. "Yeah he's okay" I mumbled. Jacob smiled. "Well it doesn't matter as long as he doesn't come over here and steal you away" He said. I blushed. "Well don't worry I won't go with him" I said making great eye contact with him. I noticed Nick walking to the other side of the room which was a relief for me.

"Well you want to go take a stroll on the beach?" Jacob asked standing up and extending his arm to me. I took his arm and we walked outside on the pier. "So am I doing a pretty good job here ?" Jacob asked me. "Yes very well thank you too it's been a pretty good evening." He smiled with delight. "Good then you won't mind if I ask ...if you would go out with me again sometime?" Jacob asked me sweetly. I felt safe with him and like he was truthful to me. "Well I'll think about it Jacob I had a nice time but I think after this past weekend my dating life well ....I just need to be careful" I told him. He smiled. "Well I am fine with that how about I just give you my phone number and whenever you want to go out just call me okay?" He told me.

I nodded and he wrote his number out for me on a piece of paper. "But I have got to go catch a bad home cuz I have a early day tomorrow it's been really great Diana maybe you will think of maybe doing it again?" He asked me with pleading eyes. "Yeah I will" I said hugging him. He let me go and then slowly but softy kissed my lips. I didn't feel the same feeling I had when Nick had kissed me but I tried to push him aside out of my life and mind but it was so hard. After Jacob left I continued to walk down the beach alone thinking about things. When I turned around to the sound of foot steps behind me. "I don't blame you Diana I'm a jerk player whatever you want to call it I was wrong to bring you all that way for nothing." Nick said with shame written all over his face.

I turned and started to walk away from him but I couldn't. "Nick I saw you with that girl" I said in a low voice. Nicks face lowered even farther towards the ground. "You know being me isn't as easy as it seems. I have to put up a front on tv and in front of my fans only to hide the insecurity I have. I've never committed myself to one person one thing. Even the word is hard for me to hear or say because I know its something I can't do. I know I was wrong and that was me with that girl. I can have sex but yet afterwards I feel no deep commitment to that person. I wish I could. I really like you Diana ...I never meant to hurt you at all. I know your probably never ever going to talk to me. I've even seen the fact that your moving on now with your life. I saw the guy you were with I don't blame you." I felt the tears welling up but they didn't come.

I turned around and faced him. "No that was just a date Nick... I real date one where he didn't just say he was leaving to the bathroom and never came back." Nick's eyes were filled with tears. I was so surprised he was letting me see this emotional side of him. "I'm sorry can I make it up to you?" He asked me. I sat there for a few moments before answering him. "How ?" I asked. "Let me take you somewhere alone.... just me and you ....just friends can't we at least be that?" He asked me sadly. "I'll think about it after this weekend I thought I'd never want to see another mans face again" I exclaimed. "Yeah I know I can never tell you how sorry I am" Nick said. He came closer to me. "I know you felt something when I kissed you Diana I know I did and I've never felt anything like that when I've kissed someone." Nick told me. He came up behind me and kissed my cheek. "Please just give me one more try.

I care for you" Nick said. I started to cry .I turned around and he held me in his arms as I cried. I knew I shouldn't have but I still cared about him too. After our long embrace we both walked down the beach . "So do you like your Tiara Diana?" He asked me still looking straight ahead. "Yes I love it Nick it's the one thing I just can't figure out cuz you bought be a $2000 dollar gift but then left me all night. Was it your way of getting away from me?" I asked him. "No Diana I care about you... Really I do... It was my way of showing what in words I can't say. Look at me I mean I'm 19 years old and never been in love. I want to. I really do. That gift was giving you something besides me cuz I'm afraid of hurting you like I already have. I know I messed up" Nick said dropping his eyes once again. "Nick I understand now. But next time can you tell me before I get my heart stomped on" I told him. "I know I will ...I'm surprised your even talking to me I have done you so wrong" He told me. "I know I told myself I wouldn't talk to you but look at me. I can't help it Nick there's just this attraction I have for you ...Ever since I saw you there was something about you I won't ever forget. Something in your eyes in your heart and soul" I said looking at him.

He looked at me too and again our eyes locked. "I know Diana I really want to commit to you but it may take time... if your willing to wait that is?" He asked me stopping and staring deeply in my eyes. What was I to do I knew I was hopeless when it came to him.... I should just go for it. "Okay I'll wait then." I told him. The most pleased look came over his face. "You have no idea how happy you have made me Diana" Nick jumped up and down running down the beach yelling and screaming "WOO HOOO YA!!" He said bending down and throwing sand up in the air. He came running back over to me. He scooped me in his arms and gave me a passionate kiss. After he kissed me I just stood there staring at him in shock. He was such a good kisser.

Chapter Six

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