Angel Of Mine Chapter Six

I let Nick take me out that next weekend again he surprised me. He had two men come downthe shore with two beautiful horses. My mouth dropped. "Oh Nick you remember" I exclaimed. He smiled at me. "Yeah what do you think I didn't remember you?" Nick asked bitting his lip. "Well I did remember this" He said "I know thank you so much for remembering" I told him walking over to the horses and peting them. They were so beautiful. "So are you gonna hop on or not?" Nick said staring down at me from his white stalion. I smiled. "Yes I was just so busy admiring it to get on" I said giggling. I carefully lifted myself on the horse. It felt so strange to have such a powerful creature under me ready to obey my commands. "Well how about we kick the saddles and go ridding down the shore?" Nick suggested. So I took my legs and kicked the horses side and we were off. "Hey!" nick shouted as he chased me down the shore. This was the most exhilerating experiance I had ever experianced. "Whoo hoo" I shouted lifting my hands in the air and laughing. "Fun?" Nick asked laughing also. "Way more the fun!" I shouted back to him. He smiled. We raced faster and faster it was way awesome. "Hey you about ready to stop?" Nick asked me after about an hour and a half of riding. "Yeah I'm getting hungry and tierd" I told him stopping and hopping of my horse.

Nick got down to and walked to his car and brought back this big picnic basket and a blanket. He spreaded it out over the sandy beach and extended his hand to me.I reached out and took it. He and I carefully sat down on the blanket. "Ma dam we have yummy ham and pbj sandwiches awaiting you" He said taking the silver cover off the sandwich plater. I laughed. "Looks nice Nick ...I'm guessing you made it?" He chuckled. "Yeah I'm not the best in the world but hey I try" He told me. I admired Nick trying to start a new for the both of us. Maybe he was trying honestly and maybe not. Time could only tell. "It looks yummy about now Nick" I said rubbing my tummy.He giggled. "You too?" He asked. "Yeah I'm starving" I told him. He smiled looking down at the food. "Yeah me too...All that ridding gives you a rush huh?" He asked me. "Yeah a major one...I love horses though...just never got around to ridding one ya know?" I told him. "Yeah same here never enough time in my schedule till now that is" He said. "Man it must be rough being you" I said honestly. "Yes sometimes it is....I really don't have anything real to hold onto" He told me looking into my eyes. I turned my head so my eyes wouldn't become locked with his.I saw the sadest frown come across his face too. "Diana I don't blame you" He said quietly almost to where I couldn't hear him. I was scared to say anything at the moment...afraid that what I could or would say would make things so much harder on the both of us. " moment I hate you and the next I like you again...what is it?" I said bluntly. He smiled a little. "It's my yankee charm" he started laughing. "No Nick seriously" I said still looking away. He stopped the jokes and got silent. "You don't know me Di don't know how many precious girls lives I have ruined. I will live with it too for the rest of my know how they say everytime you have sex with someone you give them a peice of you that you can never get back?" He told me sadly. "Yeah I know that saying but I've never felt it" I said. "Your a virgin?" He asked me. "Yes...I am it's just my belief" I said looking away still. "God how I wished I were like you Diana...precious and are special you know that don't you?" He told me. "Yes I hear that alot." I said. "But you don't really understand it do you? Not being like everyone in ...I feel so bad...for all the virgins who I have taken advantage of...I never loved any of them I just wanted an easy screw...look at me I'm a mess Diana...I took you forgranted...I saw how special you were and I ran" He told me. Nick took his face and held them in his hands then slowly flung his head up making his hair scatter across his face. "Nick I'm speechless really...It hurt it did...cuz I thought maybe you were feeling like I was...I came in that dance not expecting you or anything and I got you...Sometimes fate brings people together cuz it knows those two people need each other. I really like you Nick...The other night I tried to tell myself that it wasn't your fault but mine I tried to understand but I couldn't...I do now" I turned my head towards him looking him straight in the eyes. "I hope you have forgiven me....Life is hell on the road. I've wanted to take a big break like we have been doing now....I've been in the music field almost 6 years now Diana and it's a world of choas liars and cheaters.I've become so disgusting I mean I would screw any girl that would ask me....I use to not do that" I could tell the shame was hitting him hard as he told me.

"You know you can stop" I told him. "How I've been this way for 2 years it's so hard to go I will never be innocent like you again" He told me. His eyes looked so painful. "Sex has become like a drug to me" He said quietly. He got up and walked away. I thought I would leave him alone but I knew it would only hurt him more to be alone in this.I got up slowly and walked up behind him giving him a warm hug. He wrapped his arms around me too. "Thank you for listening to me...I know that I don't deserve a single second of your time but you have given it to me" He whispered in my ear. "Nick I'm here for you okay....I'm not gonna leave your site...I'll be here " I told him. He held me closer kissing my cheek. "Thank you Diana you don't know how much I appreciate it." I felt so much better then I had a few days ago. I felt sorry for Nick now...I was here to the end to help too. He let me go and we walked back over to our food. When we finished eating we packed up and got the horses and put them back in the stables near the beach. "Nick today has been quiet enjoyable" I told him smiling. "I'm glad you liked it...had to be better then the other night" He said chuckling. "Yeah it was this time you didn't leave" I said jokingly. He looked me in the eyes. "I promise it won't happen again" He said sweetly. "I know Nick you don't have to tell me over and over now ...I know you won't cuz me and you we got to stick together here" I smiled running up the beach towards his jeep. He ran too but I beat him to the car. "Your a slow poke"I joked him. "Naw I just didn't want to disapoint you so I let you win" He slammed back in my face. "Right Nick we all know you couldn't have beaten me anyways" I told him. I stuck my toungue out at him making him laugh. "Okay if it makes you happy I will admit defeat. But don't tell anyone" He said looking around to see if anyone was listening. "I cross my heart and hope to die" I told Nick with my hand over my heart. "Okay Miss Diana you beat me" He said seriously but then letting a sweet smile poke through. "Thank you now can we go?" I asked him trying to open the door that was locked. "What are we in a hurry?" He asked me getting his keys out. "No I'm about to piss all over myself." I said grabbing myself. He busted up laughing. "Well then go pea in the sea...Hey that rymed" He said laughing. "Nick ahhh I'm gonna pee my pants hehe take me home!" I said laughing. He hopped in and unlocked the doors I proceeded to carefully make my way into his car. He laughed at me of course.

Finally we were off accept he didn't take me to my house I was getting a little worried until we pulled up to this huge I mean huge gate and there was an intercom right beside the drivers side and he spoke into it. "It's me " He said. The gate slowly opened of course I was wishing it would fly open before my blatter did. He drove into the garage and I flew out of the car frantic for any bathroom. Nick carefully helped me inside I felt so embarassed when I walked in holding myself. Nick's mom well I was guessing it was his mom looked at me and giggled. "Bathrooms the third door on the left" she said pointing down the hall. I ran towards the hall making my way to the bathroom. I finally went pee the sound made me want to ahh and ooo but I didn't want to embarass myself further. I finished and went to the mirror. The bathroom was beautiful it had this big mirror and everything matched it was like a millionares house here. I looked over on the sink and there was some powder to freshen up with so I took it and puffed my face with it. I fixed my hair from being wind blown to very shapely nice looking. I breathed in deeply letting it out and walked out of the bathroom. I could hear Nick and his mom talking I walked into the den I guess you could say and saw Mrs Carter and Nick standing there talking. She looked over when she saw me. "Feel better?" Nick asked me about to laugh again. "Yes much better" I said. My eyes wondered around the room looking at all the nice decorative things they had. I looked in the living room noticing it was all decorated with letters cards bears and lots of assorted things from fans. I looked back at Nick with a astonished look on my face. "Thats from all the fans?" I asked amazed. "Yeah there's more where that came from but as you can see there's not enough wall space for much anything" Mrs Carter said smiling. "Wow!" Was all I could manage to say. "You want to see it?" Nick asked me. "Sure" i said. He took me by the hand and lead me into the room.

I tried to read every little thing but from the looks of it I was going to have to come by again. "Gosh there's so many" I said as we walked out of the room. "Yeah I know hehe" Nick said smiling. I looked up at the clock and realised my mom told me to be home by 6 my dad was going to be home tonight from his busy work that he does around the world as a business man to eat dinner with us. "Nick I'm so sorry to like have to leave or anything but my dad's coming home tonight and that's something he hardly ever does and my mom asked me to be home" I said fidgeting. "Sure let me get my keys and I'll take you home"He said cheerfully. "Mrs Carter it was nice meeting you" I said smiling. "Well wait we never really did meet Nick never introduces me to his friends" She said sweetly. "Well I'm Diana Potter" I said. "Well nice to meet you Diana" She said. "Likewise" I turned and left with Nick out the door. He opened the passengers side for me and I hopped in. "I love your mom!" i exclaimed. He smiled. "I knew you would.....You remind me alot of her" He told me. I blushed. "Yeah you say that" I said teasingly. "Naw I mean it" He said seriously. "That's cool" I told him. "Yeah it is and I love my mom" He said falshing me yet another one of his great smiles.

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Chapter Seven
