Angel Of Mine Chapter Seven

That night I had a lovely dinner with my family. It was so great to have my dad back home. "So Lizz what you been up to while I've been gone?" My dad asked me. "Well not much just hanging all that lovely teenage crap we have to do" I said laughing.he smiled at me then my mom. "Mary our baby girl is growing up" He said. I could see the tears in his eyes. I hated it when my parents got all emotional. I was 18 my dad had missed over two years of my life I had been dating for 2 years now. After dinner we all sat in the living room and watched a movie. After the movie we all went to bed. I felt so weird around my dad. It was like he didn't even know me and I didn't know him. I had changed so much while he hadn't been here and he wasn't here for any of it. My mom came up to my room a few mins later to talk to me. "Diana I know how your feeling know your no good when it comes to hidding things from me Please talk to me" She asked me softly. "Mom that man in there doesn't hardly even know me...I just feel like I'm a stranger too him" I said breaking down in tears.

My mom came quickly over to me and hugged me. "I know what your saying hunny.....He's been gone for a long time...It's been hard but we all really have to make sacrifices in life and this is one of them" She told me sternly. Now I felt like my own mom was agreeing with my dad and how he treated me so young. I would be out of the house next year and you know what he probabley won't even be home for my graduation either. I busted down into tears letting my mother comfort me. I stopped when I heard the sound of my dads footsteps. "Mary are you coming to bed?" He asked calmly. He acted as if everything were alright and I wasn't even there. The look on his face was so unforgetable that night. Of course my mom agreed and kissed me goodnight leaving me alone in my sorrow. The next morning I woke up to the sound of my mother crying. I found her laying on her bed with a note in her hand. I quickly snatched from her hands seeing how disraute she was.

Mary, Darling...I'm only doing what I know is best for you and the kids and that's if I leave.I see how much pain I've cause you and I can't stand it anymore. I've met someone new Mary....Maybe it's time you and the kids move on too. Your loving husband Eric

at first I felt joy then the pain set in. I sat and held my mom for hours crying. Not saying a word just sharing our mutal feelings. The weeks to come I didn't go anywhere or see anyone I just sat at home either crying or thinking.My father had walked out on us for no damn good reason. My mom was fine after a few weeks...Well atleast she tried to portray it in front of me. I knew her way to good. Inside she was slowly dieing. "Di tellephone" My mom called from the kitchen. I ran in the kitchen picking up the phone. "Yeah?" I asked. "Diana it's me Nick....Where have you been?" He asked me. "Here as always Nick" I said quietly. "Yeah I've been leaving messages all week you never even picked up." He said. His tone sounded a little somewhat agervated.

"Nick...I've just been dealing with some stuff okay...I needed and need to be alone" I told him. My voice was really serious. My heart was aching inside too. "You want me to let you go then Di?" Nick asked me. He sounded really hurt now. My heart couldn't handle much more of this. "Yes I think you should." I said. Nick hung up without even a goodbye. I could tell he was hurt by my rudeness. I decided to go outside and maybe take a short walk down the beach. So I did. I walked for a long distance. Finally I found myself right at Nicks house. I sat down on the beach and cried. Tears of frustration and hurt. I didn't hear Nick come up behind me but he did. He didn't say a single word. Only came behind me and hugged me. I held onto him so tightly crying so loud I thought the whole beach had heard my crys. After an hour or so of crying I stopped. All you could here was my uncontrolable sniffing and crying....kinda like when your a kid and you get a spanking and afterwards you still have thesse small crys. "What's wrong?" He whispered to me. "N N Nick dad left us" I told him. I cried again. My stomach was in knots it hurt so bad I was holding it with both my hands. "He what!" Nick shouted. "Yeah...he hasn't been home in forever come to find out he was having an own flesh and blood" I shouted. Nick held me closer. "Di you should have told me ...I would have listened ...Were here for each other remember?" Nick told me. His voice was so soothing it made me so happy with him here. "I'm sorry Nick...I just have been devastated here...My dad left then my mom is like trying to hide the fact that she too is blown away ....She's trying to be strong..Adam he doesn't even know dad and him use to be so close I hate to see what's going to happen" I said. Nick let me go a little and looked at me. "Diana everything will be fine I'm here for you all the way girl" Nick hugged me once again. "Thank you Nick.." I was so glad he was here for me. He was more of a best friend then a boyfriend at the time. I knew there would be a place and time for Nick and I one day.

A few days later I got a call from Nick. I was doing much better with dealing with my mom and dad. Adam had come home that weekend and learned the tragic truth. He handled it alot better then I thought he would have. "Diana hey I was wondering if you would do something for me girl!" I was worried now. No more double dates for this girl. "You think you could baby sit Aaron for me? My mom and dad are taking the girls to some camp so I'm stuck with him...but let me get to the point here. I have a date tonight and I really don't want to have to take him along so what ya think will ya? PURTY PLEASE!" He begged. I laughed. "Sure Nick anything for you know that" I said sweetly. I knew the words were coming from my heart too. "AWE! Thank you sooo much...come by about 6 tonight" He said. "Okay I'll be there" I told him. With that we said our goodbyes and once again I was sitting alone in my living room. Lizz had gone to the beach for two weeks without me. She had called to see if I wanted to come but I really wasn't in the mood right now. She had understood. I finally decided to go for a jog to clear my mind. I jogged fast down the peir breathing in and out heavily. I stopped when I saw Jacob standing at the surf shop. I guessed he had gotten a job there or something. I walked up to him. "Hey you!" I said smiling. "Gosh...Where you been ...haven't seen you in forever it seems like" Jacob told me. "Ya I've been dealing with some stuff lately....So ya Sorry I never called you" I said. He smiled reassuringly. "Naw it's okay girl...I understand" He said ever so casually. "Good so what you been up to?" I asked him. I was searching for words only becuase sense the last time I saw him we had kissed had meant something but what I still wasn't sure. "Oh just working here alot...don't have alot of free time which really sucks" He said. "Ya I bet it does!" I said . I really didn't know what to say to him. "Diana can we just cut the crap and say what we really want to say?" He said laughing. "Yeah I agree" .." Well then about we go out again sometime?" He asked me. "Sure I'd like that how about next weekend?" I asked him. "Sounds great!" He told me. So it was planned and I returned home planning for my wonderful night of babysitting.

Angel Of Mines Main Page

Chapter Eight
