Angel Of Mine Chapter Nine

That next weekend I got ready for my date with Jacob. I was a little excited of course not like I would be about Nick and I. I sighed looking in the mirror at my reflection. "What are you thinking Diana?" I thought to myself. Really I couldn't answer what my mind had asked.

I turned to the sound of my phone ringing on the side table. "Hello?" I asked cheerfully. "Hey it's me Lizz I'm going to visit my mom and dad just thought you might wanna know where I was and all" Lizz said cheerfully. She seemed to be doing so much better then she had a week ago. Her ex still tried ways to manipulate her but I told her flat out what to do. "Sure that's great have a nice time Lizz when will you be home?" I asked. "Thanks, Next week sometime I'll call you and tell you" Lizz told me. "Great see you later Lizz" I said. "Bye" Lizz replied. I carefully put the phone back on the reciever walking back to my closet to try on more outfits. I finally decided to wear my hawaian pattern dress that I had gotten from Lizz when she had went on vacation. I stared at myself in the mirror going off in a daze. Thinking back to the first night Nick and I had met. It was pure magic wasn't I destined to be with him ? I sat back on my bed just waiting for something to happen and something did Jacob arrived.

I flipped looking at my hair and carefully putting it up. I had such nice skin I really didn't have to wear to much make up. I finally was through and walked down my stairs to meet with his eyes. Jacob I could see approved of my outfit. His smile told me all.We ended up at a Italian restuarant that is hardly even known. Maybe somewhere where the backstreetboys or Nick could come and not be notice. "Hold it up Diana look your on a date with Jacob focus your attention on him not Nick besides Nick's got summer and you can have Jacob" I said to myself sternly in my mind. So I did focus my best attention on Jacob turning to look at him. I had noticed the whole night I really was all he could see. It was flattering but it just wasn't what I want. "Oh shut up!" My mind screamed at me for being selfish. I had to talk before all my thoughts overcame me. "So anyways I'm so sorry I'm just not really that in the mood tonight" I said light heartedly. "Why?" Jacob asked taking another drink of wine. (Note: He's 21 I'm 19) "I don't know busy week babysat for my friend Nick all weekend" I said sighing. "Gosh that must suck....." Jacob said shortly. "I'm sorry I'm not that great of a date Jacob" I said looking down at the table. I felt his hand slowly take mine and I looked back up staring at him straight in the eyes. "No no it's been fine maybe it's only because you have so much on your mind we should get out of here go take a walk at the park or something" Jacob said sweetly. "No maybe it's because your living in a fantasy world with Nick that's never going to happen" Jacob took my hand and we walked back out to his car where he opened the door and helped me in then he got in a we drove to Tampa's kid park were all the swings and play grounds are.

"Awe this is so sweet Jake" I said looking back and smiling at him. "Yeah it's the best spot in the world too" He said smiling back. We walked over to the swings slowly and sat down . For almost a moment I felt like a child again swinging slowly but this time I was here with such a great guy. "Diana what's really wrong just tell me okay no lies I just want to know" Jacob asked me with his head down staring at his feet. "I ...gosh I don't want to tell you this your such an awesome guy Jake I mean perfect for any girl" I said. "Just not you?" Jacob asked turning his head upwards and looking at me. "No for me to I'm just an idiot who's in love with someone who I know I'm never going to have only because I'm like a best friend to him not a lover " I felt a rush of sadness hit me. I felt so bad for Jacob and myself. "So what your saying is that you don't want to get serious with me only because your in love with someone who doesn't love you?" He asked. "Yes exacley ...I'm sorry I really just you know I don't want to lead you on and then just hurt you....It would be aweful " I explained. "Your special Diana and I mean even if I've only known you for a month or so I see it ....How about we just be friends we can go out occasionally but just to hang you know" Jacob said. I could tell how disapointed he was. I only wished I could make myself stop this foolishness in my heart but I knew I couldn't.

"Sure sounds cool" I said trying to make light of the atmosphere. "Cool well maybe we should head home now" Jacob said getting up. I felt even worse now. "Sure" I got up to walking in silence to his car. He took me home and came around and helped me out. I hopped out and he just stood there looking at me. "Well...." I said trying to fumble for something to say. "Well see you sometime?" Jacob asked. 'Yeah of course you know" I said. "Good bye Diana I had a wonderful evening" Jacob took me and gave me a big hug. I wrapped my arms around him hugging him deeply too. I finally let go and turned to my house. He waved and walked back to his car and got in. I could only imagine the disapointment he was feeling,I felt so bad.I walked inside my house and sighed sitting down on the couch and flipping on the tv. There were the guys on MTV with there video 'All I have to give" I smiled. Brian was attractive wasn't he ? I watched Brian intently. Just like he had me a few days earlier. Why hadn't I seen it earlier ? I pondered this all the way up to my room and finally right before I hit the bed I decided the best way to get Nick's attention was to go out with Brian maybe it would make him think.

The next morning I slept in and finally woke up at about 12:00:PM Nick called is why. He wanted me to come over and hang out with him and Summer today he said Brian would come over to keep me company too. I smiled and agreed knowing I really didn't want to. Was this love? Giving up things and doing anything to please that person ? I thought so. I got dressed at about 1:00 in a pair of Tommy jeans and a CK shirt with some Adidas shoes I had just bought a few days earlier. I grabbed my purse and looked at my makeup in the mirror making sure I looked perfect. I did so I went down stairs and told my mom where I was headed and I got in my durango and headed out.

I arrived at his house about 15 minutes later. Brian Nick and Summer were all outside shooting some hoops. I stepped out of my car staring at Nick not noticing that Brians eyes were all over me. "Hey girl!" Nick exclaimed hugging me. "Hey" I said not so excited. "You know Summer right?" Nick asked me.Yeah the girl who stole my man! "Yeah hi again" I said trying to sound excited. I looked over at Brian who gave me a "What a good liar" look. I looked quickly away from him. "Same here Diana" Summer said. She was nice but I just couldn't get over my obbsession with Nicks love to see. "Well hey you wanna play two on two ? "Brian interjected our convo and asked. "Yeah Frick sounds awesome" Nick said taking Summers hand and they walked back to the court. I of course walked to the court alone. I got on the court and we played Brian and I against Summer and Nick. We won of course. After our game we went inside Nicks house for some drinks. "Whoa you guys are such a team" Nick remarked. "Thanks---" Brian stopped in mid sentance. "What?" I asked. "Oh nothing" He replied. Summer and Nick of course were to caught up in there flirty games to even care. "So you guys wanna watch a movie or what?" Brian asked Nick and Summer. "Sure whatever you want" Nick said not even looking at Brian while he talked.

I was so anoyed. "Okay how about ...hmm scream 2?" Brian said looking through the movies. "Yeah great choice" I said. I knew Nick wasn't going to say anything. Brian went to the VCR and popped in scream 2 and he and I went and sat down. Nick and Summer ended up leaving the room, doing God knows what in the next room. "So..." Brian said as we watched the previews. "What?" I asked feircly. "Whoa hold up don't get mad at me " Brian said. I crossed my hands across my chest and frowned. "Just go ahead tell me what I've done wrong what I know I won't get tell me" I said coldly. "Well first of all hanging all over him sure as heck ain't gonna work you got to let him see you on his own and if he never does then it's just not meant to be" Brian said. "Meant to BE!" I screamed. He just sat and stared at me. "Yeah's starting" He said stopping the conversation from going any farther. We watched and it was starting to get a little more scarier. I hated movies like this they made me get really freaked out. So freaked out when the part where they start hacking people up came up I screamed and grabbed Brians arm and hidding my face. He cracked up laughing. "What!" I said letting go of his arm and looking at him glaring. "Your a baby!" He said sticking his toungue out. "Well your a know it all" I said. "Well your a whiny baby who is jealous of everything everyone else has!" He said. We turned facing each other. "Well your your very atract----" I stopped myself and turned my head. What had I done. "WHAT did you say?" He asked me I could hint a tinge of excitment in his voice. "Nothing" I said. I got up and atempted to leave the room. "You like me don't you?" He asked almost sounding as if it were funny. "What do you find that funny!" I asked in a smart tone. "No I don't please don't leave!" He asked coming closer to me. "No I feel like a fool it would be better if I did....Tell Nick bye for me alright!" I turned and walked out the door. Brian didn't come after me he just stood there smiling. I of course felt so confused. Later on that night I was up writting in my journal about the days earlier events. Then the phone rang.

I knew who it was. Nick of course but was I in for a surprise. It turned out to be Brian. "Hello?" I asked quietly. "Hey" He said. "Who's this?" I asked. "Duh it's me Brian can we talk?" He asked. I felt so nervous. "I'm not sure ...I'm really confused plus telling someone you think there atractive isn't the same as saying you really like them" I said. "No but it's a starting point" I sighed. "Yeah I guess....What shall I do I'm hopelessly in love with Nick I don't know what to do" I said. "Oh shut up and tell him" Brian said. I felt a little offended but finally got over it. "What I can't do that he's with Summer" I said. "Well fine then wait for the rest of your life don't let him know....I guarentee that when he marrys someone you won't be the one to say I object to it....You'll live in the misery of knowing that he never knew what he could have" Brian said. I knew he was true I just chose not to believe him. "Yeah I know" I said. "Well then do it go for it call him right now tell him everything and if he doesn't understand then you two were never meant to be in the first place" He said. "Oh so this is all about us being meant to be or not!?" I asked quizically. "Yes it is" "Well I think that's just a fictional word there's no such thing as not being meant for someone you just are put together" I remarked. He sighed and then let out a small laugh. "Well believe what you want to ...Hey I have to go got to call AJ " Brian said. "Okay fine goodnight" I said a bit angry. "Night" With that we hung up and I put up my journal and hit the bed.

Angel Of Mine's main page Chapter 10
