Blinding Love Chapter One

"Thank you, you've been a wonderful wonderful audience will see you next year" I heard AJ say, I could only imagine him now bowing only because of the audience wild applause.

I screamed to only because I knew that this was a pivoting moment. After that the show was over I was guessing. I grabbed onto my friend Lura who was standing next to me. "Lura could you please get me my purse" I asked.

Lura handed me my purse and we walked off to where I had no idea all I knew is that there were tons of screaming fans. I heard Lura talking to someone but it was practically muffled. All i caught was "My names Lura Carroll and this is my friend Kate Roberts" then the rest was drowned in the screams of the fans.

I felt us walking up some steps and into a pace where the screams were hard to hear. "Kate, I have a huge surprise for you" Lura said.

her voice practically gave it away. "What?" I asked begining to become excited.

"May I have the pleasure of introducing myself?" A man asked.

I knew who it was immediately and I felt the tears film my eyes. "Aj?" I asked trying to keep myself from crying.

If only at this moment my blindness would vanish just for a moment where I could catch his beautiful face. I knew he was beautiful, even if I had never been able to see a picture of him there was a picture etched in my mind. Dark black hair with flaming red tips sometimes even blonde, almond brown eyes that would melt you with one look. His personality had to be one of the best I thought of. "Are you okay?" Lura asked me from my side.

"Yes, just gosh this is to much of a dream to me thank you Lura" I said feeling one tear spill over my cheek.No believe me this is certainly a dream for me too, your very beautiful did you know that?" AJ asked me. I felt a lump crawl up my throat only because I couldn't give him a yes or no answer to that question at all. "Umm" I said. "Gosh I'm not thinking I'm sorry Kate" AJ said. I felt his hand slowly let go of mine and my heart became sad. "Hey I'm Nick" Nick said sweetly. Nick himself wasn't a bad looking guy from what I was told. "Hey nice to meet you Nick" I said smiling. I felt Nick leave my presences and then another come forward. "I'm Kevin nice to meet you Kate smiled so big. The happiness I felt right now had to be more then any in my life time. "Oh the plesure certainly is mine" I said flirting with him. He laughed. "I'm certain" Kevin said backing away and leting another Backstreetboy come forward. "Hey sweet thing my names Howie but most of the honeys call me D and you my dear can certainly call me D" I laughed and so did the rest of the group and Lura. "Well D your aweful bold" I said while laughing still. "Well for a girl of your such beauty well you should earn the right to call me whatever--" He was about to continue but a last member cut in. This member of course was more then just Brian to me he was Lura's knight in shining armor she had loved Brian all her teenage life now I bet she was ready to pee her pants. I grabbed Luras hand and squezzed it in a nervous happiness. "Shut up D, Hey I'm Brian but you can call me whatever" He said. I could hear the hint of his southern accent and it made me smile. "Well Brian you would be happy to know this girl right next to me has loved you ever since she laid eyes on you" I said boldly. I felt Lura let go of my hand and turn slightly. "Katlyn!!" I heard her squeal. I could only imagine her hands all covering her face at this moment. Brian laughed "Wow I hear that alot but she, she's a beauty Kate" Brian said. I could only tell that Brian was smiling at her because of the tone of his voice. "Well shall we go out to dinner now?" Kevin asked taking my arm and leading me out the door. My head turned to look for AJ but at that instince I had only forgotten thesse eyes certainly wouldn't be able to see him all they would see is the black darkness of blindness. I felt a sorrow creep into my heart. Why should I deserve such a chance when I couldn't see the rewards I was given. Kevin helped me into the car and I felt someone sit next to me. I reached my hand out and felt up this man and around his face and found this one had unusual facial hair. I giggled and so did he. "Umm who's this?" I asked embarrassed by having to ask. "Why it would be me Alexander Mclean at your service" I heard AJ speak and my whole body felt tingly. "Oh sorry no one told me that you had unusual facial hair" I said chuckling. "Oh no I think you would find it quite sexy all the girls do" AJ said proudly. Did you hear that Kate? All the girls think that my mind said to me but I shrugged it off. "So who hooked this all up?" I asked wondering about how Lura had exacley gotten this together. "Well we heard about your condition through some friends of Lura's that are friends of ours and we just had to meet what Lura calls our number one fan" AJ said. I felt so pittied now, They had only met me because of my blindness my damned blindness. I just wanted to go and hide in a closet in the darkness somewhere that I was use to. "Oh" I said plainly. I sat back and held back the tears rimming my eyes. A few minutes later I heard the car stop and AJ get out of the car and his arm touching mine to help me out. I got out and his arm linked with mine as we walked into the restaurant. "This is really nice Kate you should see it" AJ said catching himself afterwards. Yeah that's the problem AJ I can't see it or you . When we reached the tables I told everyone to excuse me only because I knew if I didn't break free now there would be a flood of tears to soon follow. I walked into the restroom using my cane which I was sure was really fabulous looking. I made it to the stall tripping inside. My hands led me to the lid and I put it down sitting carefully on it and crying my eyes out. Why why did I have to be blind this whole diesease had ruined my life. After about 30 minutes I heard the door open and I shut up immediatly to the sound of a firmilar voice. "Kate you really shouldn't make me do this but for a girl of your beauty and personality I can do this" I stood up and wiped my face of its tears and luckly my mom had applied some water proof mascara on for the night. I walked out of the stall and caned my way clumsly to AJ. I blushed a bit when he caught me from falling flat on my face. "Thanks" I mummbled shyly. "Your so welcome" AJ said with his deep but not so deep sexy voice. "Why were you in there for so long were already done eating you are hungry aren't you?" I could tell AJ was only saying this to help me hide my undying sadness to which my eye sight had prevoked. "Ya I am" I said shortly. "Well everyones went back over to our place but I could take you out somewhere if you wanna that is" AJ said. My heart felt a little happy with AJ here I mean a few days earlier I would have never guessed I'd be hanging out with the love of my life Aj Mclean. "Yes totally my stomach is aching" I said giggling. "Okay then lets go" AJ said. We walked outside of the restaurant I could tell we were outside because there were noises of Orlando street life bringing me back to reality. We walked to what I was guessing was his car and he opened the door for me and I carefully got in. After making sure that I was alright he went and hopped in the drivers side. "This is Nadine my BMW she's beautiful Kate she's got a midnight blue color on the outside and a gray leather interior I'm sure that you can feel as we speak" He said sonding like a spokes person. "Wow she does feel nice" I said smiling. He started her up and we were off it was a silent ride and I knew why. "Were here" AJ annouced after parking the car. I heard his door open and shut then mine suddenly open. "Madam" AJ said , I felt his arm touch mine and then help me out. We walked his arm supporting and leading me inside. I heard water rushing from near the sound was so exhilarating. "Where are we AJ ?" I asked not being able to hold it all in anymore. "Well thats my surprise you sit here and I'll be right back with the goods" AJ said. I felt his arm realease from mine and I sat down alone on the ground which felt sandy underneath me. Aj had brought me to my favorite place the ocean. Only because this place had all the means of knowing what was happening the sounds gave it all away. The ocean crashing on the sand and the sand of course below me and the water once you stepped in it you could feel and hear the rest. But seeing only blind people like me miss that one sense. "Hey what were you thinking about" AJ asked from behind me. I turned around and answered him. "Oh nothing" I said. "Oh really" AJ said. "Yeah so whats that yummy smell?" I asked trying to get off the subject. "Oh I bought us a nice Italian pizza you like chesse?" AJ asked. "Yeah its my favorite" I said smiling. "Oh good cuz I wasn't sure just because sometimes people are veggitareans and stuff I mean your never sure" AJ said laughing a nervous laugh. "Well its fine with me as long as it feels this belly of mine" I said sighing. "Here" AJ said handing me a peice. "Thank you for everything AJ" I said after taking a bite of my pizza. "It's been awesome really" AJ said. I felt AJ's hand slowly rest on my leg and him leaning against me a little. "Yeah I bet you have never met a poor helpless little blind girl have you?" I said in a painful tone. "No but it really has taught me alot already" AJ said. "Already?" I asked quizically. "Yeah I want to see more of you, you have alot to teach to people and alot to learn from people" "Well yeah I guess" I replied. "No really if you don't mind me asking how did you become well blind?" He asked. I really didn't want to share this, I never shared it with anyone anymore it was like a hidden secret a hidden past that I never wanted to face again but the truth of the matter was that I felt a sense of trust with AJ so I began to tell him. "Well it was about 3 years ago I was at a party one night and I had been drinking a little to much and I got in my car and proceeded to drive home, I was half way there when I suddenly began to blur out and I hit a car in the other lane sad to say the driver of that car lost his life and I had to live mine here blind, no one will ever know the kinda pain I will live with for the rest of my life,never being able to look and see how beautiful things are only in my memorys do I know what they look like. I will never live a normal life because of that one night when no one told me that I shouldn't drive that way, no one even offered" I said angerly. I felt the tears stinging my cheeks as they fell. AJ came closer hugging me. I let him hold me and hug me as I cried. "Shhh" AJ repeated over and over. "I am to blame for this, I took away another teenagers youth only because of my stupidity AJ now I am forced to live a life in which I know I don't belong" I said. He only held me tighter and rubbed the tears away. "Things happen for a purpose there's nothing you or I can do to stop what happens there's not an accident in mine or your life" AJ told me quietly. "My life is an accident" I said angerly. "Your life is here for some reason you don't know yet but it will become clearer as it goes on" AJ said comforting me once again. I just sat there crying and finally after the tears were all gone again I sat up. "You don't know how it feels seeing darkness all the time never being able to see color or light" I said. "No I don't but I know how it feels to live a life in which I really don't have control I am not who I really am I have to pose and be a certain way for what my job requires" AJ told me. I scooted a lil ways away. "Yes but you don't have to live life depending yourself on someone. I will never be able to marry anyone because this damn blindness demands so much from one person" I said holding my head in my hands and shaking my head. "Why am I even telling you this I barely know you" I said. "Maybe you trust me, you know me, the me you hear on the tv interviews the one who sings the loveful ballads that play on your cd player, that's me , well a part of me" AJ interjected. I smiled a small smile and let my hands fall to my side and my head lay on my knees. "I know that part of you but that's the man on the tv what's the man off screen and off cds like?" I asked turning my head and reaching out to feel for AJ's fuzzy goteed face. "Well I'm, I'm me and the only way your gonna find out more is by spending more time with me so what do you think?" AJ asked. "Well I think it would definately be rewarding" I said smiling. "Yes I could learn and you could learn, it will just be a big learning experiance" AJ said laughing. "Well of course maybe a poor blind girl can show you the way huh?" I asked smiling. "No maybe a beautiful young lady that I already admire can show me the way" AJ said. I felt him slowly take my hand and then his soft lips lay right on them. A spontaneous tingle went down my spine causing me to shiver. "Are you cold Kate?" AJ asked taking his coat off and placing it on me. "Well now that you put it this way yeah I am" I said giggling. "Well then there's my coat" AJ said. "Thanks" "So man it's late" AJ said looking down at his watch. "How late?" I asked. "Well about 1:00:AM late" AJ said. I gasped "Oh crap my moms probabley got the cops out after me!" I yelled standing up to my feet way to fast which resulted in me flopping back down to the ground and looking like a helpless fool. "Oppsie daisy" AJ said reaching down to help me back up. I stood up and grabbed onto his arm for support. "You would be amazed after having being like this for 3 years I'm still a lil wobbly" I said chuckling. "Naw you just aren't trusting yourself that's all" AJ said. "Oh really?" I asked. "Yeah you don't have faith in yourself you don't think your capable of supporting yourself without someone there, but you could and you will, with yours truelys help" AJ said. I could almost imagine his dark complexion smiling at me. "How sweet of you to offer" I said as he walked me back to his car. "Yeah, I see poitental in me and you" AJ told me. "Yeah we never know we might be the best of friends" I said. I of course knew that there had to be something more then that. "Here you go" AJ said opening his car door. I hopped in and got comfortable. I had even forgotten about driving home by the time we had got a little down the road my eyes were closed shut in a peaceful sleep where only there I could see things in color. "Wake up angel" I heard AJ whisper slowly in my ear. my eyes opened and my prayers were only this time that the light would show through like in my dreams but it didn't. "Where do you live?" AJ asked still focused on the road. "What!?" I asked sleeply. "Oh dang umm I live in Kissimee" I said sweetly but still tierd. "Oh really that's where I'm staying right now with my Ma" AJ told me. "Oh what road?" I asked. "Umm Medowbrooke lane" AJ said. "Oh my gosh I live like on that street I never knew your mom lived down there what house is she in?" I asked. "The big brick and white one" AJ said. "Wow I always use to think that house was haunted when I was a litle kid cuz I never saw anyone home" I said. "Well that's because she was busy trying to get me where I am right now" AJ said muffling a laugh. "Oh stupid me" I said. "Naw just a simple misunderstanding my dear" AJ told me. "Well yeah I guess" I said. "So anyways which house?" AJ asked. "Umm the white with green shudders" I said. "Oh that cute little house?" AJ asked. "Yeah that's mine" I said "Cool I use to ride my bikes by here and watch you did you know that?" Aj asked. I could hint a bit of embarrassment in his voice. "Really!?" I asked excitedly. "Yeah you were a cute kid just as much as you are now" AJ said flirting. "Thank you" He pulled up and stopped the car. I heard his door open and close once more and I turned to hear mine opening. He gave me his hand once more for support and out I came. "Thanks for tonight you don't know how greatful I am, I know more worthy fans should have gone but maybe this wasn't an accident" I said smiling. "No this wasn't an accident and I can't think of a more inthusiastic but calm fan" AJ said. "Well thank you, I guess I'll go inside now" I said nervously. I wondered if he was going to kiss me or not. "Goodnight Kate" AJ said wrapping his arms around me in a hug. Please why can't I see now! I shouted from inside. He let go and I went inside my back door. I heard his car zoom off and my mom come walking in from the living room. "Wow I heard about your night Kate, did you have fun?" She asked. "How did you know?" I asked. "Well Lura called me and told me everything before hand it was so hard to keep it so under wraps too" My mother said helping me sit down on the stool at the kitchens bar. "Yes and I spent all night with the man of my dreams mom you don't even know how fabulous he really is no one in the entertainment business could have ever got such an indepth interview as I did tonight" I said sighing hopelessly. "Katyln don't get your hopes to high" My mother warned me. "I'm not mother" I said. lying of course,my heart already knew what was beforehand.

Chapter Two

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