Blinding Love Chapter three

"You ready Kate?" I heard Lura call from the bottom of her apartments spiral stair case.

"Yeah let me get Niki" I said.

"Okay"Lura replied.

"Niki come here girl" I said holding my hands out to feel for her fur.

I finally felt her fur under my finger tips and I grabbed ahold of her leash. "Come on girl you get to meet AJ tonight girl" I said feelings of excitement bubbling up inside of me.I walked down the stairs with the help of Niki and heard Lura Brian and AJ talking.

"Hey you look lovely tonight" AJ exclaimed.

I looked around to hear where the voice came from but of course once again I had ever forgotten the everlasting black that blocked the sunlight from coming in.

"Thanks AJ" I said smiling.

I felt AJ's arms wrap around me in a sweet hug. He smelled of Tommy tonight which totally was so turning me on.

"So where are we planning to go to tonight guys?" I heard Lura ask as I was led outside to AJ's car.

"hmm well that's a surprise" Brian said his southern accent hinting a bit of exitement.

"Sounds good to me" I popped in.

"Yeah me to" Lura said sounding a little afended by mine just jumping in the convo and stoping there flirting frenzy.

"So AJ you take Kate and Niki in your car and I will take this here lovely ladie in mine" Brian said sweetly.

"Alright, right this way Kate" AJ said taking my arm as if Niki weren't enough.

He opened the door and Niki immediatly hopped in the back of his blue beemer and I was guessing had made herself mighty comfy.

"She wastes no time does she?" AJ said adding a laugh at the end.

"Nope, she's a great dog" I said getting in the passengers side.

"I bet she is" AJ said walking around to the other side of the car.

Brian and Lura were already half way down the road by the time I had gotten in the car.

"You slow everything down Kate, why is AJ even wanting to go out with you?" My mind asked me as if to taunt me.

"So how was your day?" AJ asked.

"Well, Lura took me out shopping and we had a pretty good time" I said trying to make it sound better then it was.

"Sure looks like you did some great shopping, your body just fits perfectly in that dress and please don't take that as a sexual gesture, im not like that till later" AJ said laughing again at the end of his sentance.

I laughed too. "No Kate he doesn't do sexual getsures towards blind girls is all"

"Yeah I understand" was all I said.

After that there was just silence AJ reached over and turned the radio on and the song "Can I get a" was on totally had to be AJ's song because he was singing along and dancing while driving. He had to be the craziest guy in the world.

"You like this song?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, it's okay just really sexual" I said.

"Smart one Kate, suggest sex one more time you just met him" My mind scolded me.

"Yeah but these kinda songs just get me hyped up I always listen to this one before concerts and some other things" AJ said.

"That's kewl" I said.

"I'm sorry if I'm boring you Kate I really am an exciting guy just got to get to know me" He said.

"I already know you" I blurted out and then decided that was so stupid to say.

"Yeah you know the Backstreetboys teen idol me but you don't know me me, I'm somewhat of a diffrent person when I'm not in the lime light" AJ said proudly.

"I bet, I'd love to get to know that you" I said sweetly.

"Yup I'd like to get to know the real you too" AJ said sounding as if he knew all my deepest darkest secrets.

"Well ,then we shall and we will" I stated.

"Then it's a done deal" AJ said finishing of to what I had just said.

Before we knew it we were already to the place because AJ had stopped the car and had opened his door and I heard his footsteps coming around to open my door.

"Let's say we forget Brian and Lura tonight lets go out alone get to know each other like we want to not have to worry about anything" AJ said right when he opened the door.

"What?" I asked confussed.

"I brought you to my most favorite place in the world" AJ said smiling.

"Where?" I asked.

"To Kissimee park" AJ said.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because this had to be the first place that I layed eyes on you" AJ said.

"No, really AJ why?" I asked again.

"Do you not trust me Kate?" AJ asked me.

"Why yes I do" I said.

"Well then give me your hand and let me be your guide" AJ said.

I felt his hand slowly brush mine and a feeling of exhilaration ran through me. He led me through the grass the only way I knew this was because I could feel the small green cold blades hitting my bare legs as we walked. I heard something swinging and then AJ helping me sit down on a swing.

"Wanna swing?" AJ asked softly.

"Sure" I said swing back and forth by myself.

"So, do you think you will ever marry?" AJ blurted out.

"Why do you ask that?" I said.

"Well I mean of course you must have tons of worrys and all" AJ said.

"Why because I'm not like other people because of my blindness?" I said offended a little.

"No, I mean yes in a way but I was just wondering is all" He said.

"Well the answer is this, the only way I can get married is if my husband is willing to submit himself totally and fully to me and to helping me with my blindness" I said.

"Well doesn't a husband have to do all those in the first place?" AJ said.

"Yes, but I'm diffrent" I said.

"No not really your just like everyone else you just let people lable you with the blind thing" AJ said.

"You don't understand how it is, I wake up every morning with no hope" I said.

"Well what about this morning?" AJ asked.

"Well, this morning was an abnormal day I mean when is it the day that you wake up to the sound of AJ Mcleans voice singing sweetly in your ears?" I asked becoming a tad bit over exagerated.

"Well not many days but really to me I feel like no one see's me for me, I have to live a life where I'm not really who I am, maybe you can relate?" AJ asked.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"Well I know I've only known you for two days but you my dear your hurting inside, its so obvious Kate" AJ said. I felt his hand slowly take mine and encirle it.

I just was quiet not wanting to discuss this with him.

"You gonna talk to me?" AJ asked.

"Yeah one day" I said.

"Why not now?" AJ asked

. "Cuz you just totally blew my whole life out in front of you" I said.

"Yeah, so you can blow anything off me you want to, I won't hate you, I have secrets too" AJ told me.

"Not like mine" I said.

"Well if you tell me then I can help" He said.

"But there just things you just don't tell someone after knowing them for two days" I said.

"Well you have known me for two and a half years you just haven't met me met me" AJ said laughing.

I laughed a little too.

"Let's get to know each other better alright?" I asked.

"Sure" He said.

"Thanks" I said.

"So yo want some dinner?" AJ asked.

"Yeah what you got?" I asked.

"Umm PBJ and some coke" Aj said giggling.

"Yum" I said licking my lips.

"Hey don't get to freaky over it" AJ said.

I could feel his almond eyes were locked on mine if only I could watch him stare at me so intensly.

"I'm not it's just my favorite" I said.

"Oh well then do I get an extra brownie point for that?" AJ asked.

"Yup sure do" I said laughing then breaking into a smile.

"Goodie" AJ said sounding like a school boy again.

I heard AJ taking out all the food and I slowly got out of my swing and down onto the blanket AJ had set out.

"Here you are" AJ said handing me a sandwhich.

"Thank you" I said.

I took the sandwich and began to take a bite out of it.

"So when do you guys go back out on tour?" I asked.

"Erm in about a month I think, I'm kinda looking forward to it and kinda not" AJ said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well when I'm on tour I don't want to be there, but yet I do it's so confussing I miss being able to be free and to do anything I want you know?" AJ said.

"Naw I don't think I can relate but I can understand" I said.

"Well that's what I'm trying to say" AJ said.

"I know, this is good" I said.

"Really?" AJ asked.

"Yes why?" I asked laughing.

"Well I never thought I was much of a cook" AJ said.

"Well you don't have to do much to make PBJ's" I said.

"True, but that compliment coming from you makes everything better" AJ said.

"Thank you" I replied trying to take another slow bite.

"So, whats your plans for the future?" AJ asked sounding as if he had no idea what to ask me.

"Well I did have alot planned until the accident happened, I can paint I was going to go to a art school in New york but now as you can see that's a gone dream for me" I said. My head dipped lower as to hide the sadness and shyness I felt.

"dang girl you have given alot up haven't you?" AJ asked.

"Yeah to much" I said.

"Have you ever had any eye surgery?" He asked.

"No, my parents don't have the money my dad had a great job when I got hurt but soon after the insurance just wouldn't pay for it and they sued my dads company so they fired him now he works where ever he can find it, I've caused my family so much pain, my mom is afraid that Im getting my heart set on you to much but I tried to tell her you make me happy" I said.

"Don't worry Kate, I'd never take advantage of you I know what you have been through" AJ said.

He reached over and took my hand and rubbed it.

"I know it's just my mothers ideas that's all, I know you wouldn't from what I read your a very nice compassionate funny guy" I said giggling.

"You don't believe everything you read do you?" AJ asked.

"Hmm well yeah most of it, it's the only way that I could imagine you" I said.

"Naw I was joking most of what you read is right unless it's something about me having someones child" AJ said laughing.

"I know that one" I said.

"Well miss smart thing if you would just sit here for one second I'll be right back I have a surprise" AJ said.

I sat there and waited for AJ he returned a few minutes later I heard him place something heavy on the ground.

"Stand up" AJ said.

"Alright" I said standing up. I felt AJ's left arm wrap around my waist and the other take my left hand in his right hand.

"I hope you don't mind" AJ said. I heard sweet soft music immediatly fill the air and it made my heart soar when I heard the first notes of one of my favorite songs.

"You like Brian Adams I take it?" AJ said sweetly. His voice sounded so soft it made me get goose bumps.

"Yes, exspecially this song" I said.

"If you love a woman and tell her that she's really wanted, if you you love a woman and tell her that she's the one" AJ sang.

I just closed my eyes letting all the feelings of this moment sink in.

"She needs somebody to tell her that it's gonna last forever, now tell me have you really really ever loved a woman" I sang harmonizing with AJ's voice.

AJ stopped and just stood there silent.

"Wow, you sing?" He asked.

"Yes I sing" I said.

"That was great sing it over with me" AJ said letting me go and walking back over to the cd player to restart the song.

"Alright" I said.

He came back over but this time we both stood by each other no holding envolved.

"If you love a woman and tell her that she's really wanted, if you love a woman and tell her that she's the one she needs somebody to tell her that it's gonna last forever now tell me have you really really really ever loved a woman" We finished the last line and AJ took me in his arms dipping me down and singing the last note.

"Ever loved a woman" then his lips slowly met mine kissing me softly.

When it was over all I wanted to do was kiss him back but I didn't I just stood there motionless and more freaked out then I had ever been in my life.

"I'm sorry" AJ spoke softly and apoligectically.

"No, it's fine I'm alright" I said.

I was shaking by now so I knew I really wasn't alright, my whole insides were twsited and tangled I had never felt anything like that before.

"Your shaking I knew it was to soon, I'm really sorry I can take you home if you want" AJ said sounding as if he were going crazy too.

"Sure if that's alright with you" I said holding my hand to my forehead.

Niki had been running around and had finally come back to me.

AJ packed everything up and helped me get into his car. The ride was really quiet I still was shaking a little but trying to recover. I hadn't ever been kissed like that before even in my days of partying, all those kisses were from guys that I knew could care less what or how I felt. I had felt something when he had kissed me and frankly it scared the hell outa me.

He finally stoppped and I was guessing this was my stop so I grabbed my purse and opened my door stepping out. Niki followed after me and I just stood there in the doorway.

"AJ, it's nothing you did it's me call me sometime alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course" AJ said.

With that I shut the door and he pulled out in a hurry. I walked up my driveway with Niki leading me. My dad was inside this night and was sighing over his desk.

"Hey, daddy" I said as I walked in.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked.

"I know your sighs" I said lightly laughing.

"Are you okay?" He asked I had guessed he had seen AJ drive off.

"Yeah just a date is all" I said.

"With?" My dad asked.

"Aj" I said.

"Oh AJ who?" my dad asked.

"Daddy, must you know everything" I said laughing.

"Yes I must protect my daughter" He said.

"Well it's AJ Mclean" I said.

"What!? you must be kidding it's that guy from that group you love right?" He asked.

"Yes daddy that's him" I said proudly.

"Well how did that happen?" My dad asked.

I sat down on the couch and explained the whole deal to my dad and afterwards walked up to my room for a shower. Tonight had definately been a night to remember.

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